Finite Reflection Groups in Two Dimensions - R2

In summary, the author is discussing the concept of left pointwise fixedity. This means that a given subspace, L, is fixed pointwise by the transformation T.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am seeking to understand reflection groups and am reading Grove and Benson: Finite Reflection Groups

On page 6 (see attachment - pages 5 -6 Grove and Benson) we find the following statement:

"It is easy to verify (Exercise 2.1) that the vector [itex] x_1 = (cos \ \theta /2, sin \ \theta /2 ) [/itex] is an eigenvector having eigenvalue 1 for T, so that the line
[itex] L = \{ \lambda x_1 : \lambda \in \mathbb{R} \} [/itex] is left pointwise fixed by T."

I am struggling to se why it follows that L above is left pointwise fixed by T (whatever that means exactly).

Can someone please help - I am hoping to be able to formally and explicitly justify the statement.

The preamble to the above statement is given in the attachment, including the definition of T

Notes (see attachment)

1. T belongs to the group of all orthogonal transformations, [itex] O ( \mathbb{R} ) [/itex].

2. Det T = -1

For other details see attachment



  • Grove and Benson - Finite Reflection Groups -Pages 5 -6.pdf
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  • #2
Math Amateur said:
I am seeking to understand reflection groups and am reading Grove and Benson: Finite Reflection Groups

On page 6 (see attachment - pages 5 -6 Grove and Benson) we find the following statement:

"It is easy to verify (Exercise 2.1) that the vector [itex] x_1 = (cos \ \theta /2, sin \ \theta /2 ) [/itex] is an eigenvector having eigenvalue 1 for T, so that the line
[itex] L = \{ \lambda x_1 : \lambda \in \mathbb{R} \} [/itex] is left pointwise fixed by T."

I am struggling to se why it follows that L above is left pointwise fixed by T (whatever that means exactly).

Can someone please help - I am hoping to be able to formally and explicitly justify the statement.

The preamble to the above statement is given in the attachment, including the definition of T

Notes (see attachment)

1. T belongs to the group of all orthogonal transformations, [itex] O ( \mathbb{R} ) [/itex].

2. Det T = -1

For other details see attachment


"[itex]\,x_1[/itex] is an eigenvector of [itex]\,T[/itex] with eigenvalue [itex]\,1\,\,[/itex]" means [itex]\,Tx_1=x_1[/itex]

To leave a subspace L fixed pointwise means [itex]\,\,Tv=v\,,\,\,\forall v\in L[/itex]

Can you now apply the above to see the statement in that book is trivial?

  • #3
Thanks for the help - thinking that over

What is meant by (or what is the significance of) 'left' pointwise fixed

  • #4
Math Amateur said:
Thanks for the help - thinking that over

What is meant by (or what is the significance of) 'left' pointwise fixed


In this case "left" is the past participle of "leave", and NOT the left of "side", as opposite to "right"...:P)

  • #5
Oh ... right ... completely misunderstood the text :-(



FAQ: Finite Reflection Groups in Two Dimensions - R2

1. What are finite reflection groups in two dimensions (R2)?

Finite reflection groups in two dimensions, or R2, refer to a mathematical concept in which a finite group of geometric transformations are used to generate a set of symmetries in a two-dimensional space. These transformations include reflections, rotations, and translations.

2. How are finite reflection groups in R2 used in science?

Finite reflection groups in R2 are used in various scientific fields such as crystallography, physics, and materials science. They are especially useful in studying the symmetries of crystals and the behavior of particles in two-dimensional systems.

3. What are some examples of finite reflection groups in R2?

Some common examples of finite reflection groups in R2 include the dihedral groups, the cyclic groups, and the symmetry groups of regular polygons. These groups have applications in geometry, physics, and chemistry.

4. How do we classify finite reflection groups in R2?

Finite reflection groups in R2 can be classified into three main categories: cyclic groups, dihedral groups, and non-crystallographic groups. These groups are distinguished by their different symmetries and geometric properties.

5. What is the significance of finite reflection groups in R2 in real-world applications?

Finite reflection groups in R2 have numerous real-world applications, including crystallography, computer graphics, and pattern recognition. They provide a useful framework for studying symmetries and transformations in two-dimensional systems, which have practical implications in many fields of science and technology.
