Finite square well ##\psi(x)## solution for ##-a < x < a##

In summary, Griffith's section on the Finite Square Well discusses the wave function, ##\psi(x)##, and its relation to the time-dependent wave function, ##\Psi(x,t)##. The author concludes that the terms that are infinite as x approaches infinity are not physical and should not be considered part of the solution. However, the sine term in the region 0 < x < a is not mentioned in the final solution. The author explains that this is because, although the full solution involves both sine and cosine terms, it is sufficient to study just one of the two in order to understand the physics of the situation.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello, in Griffith's section on the Finite Square Well, ##\psi(x)## (what is the name of this anyway?, I know ##\Psi(x,t)## is called the wave function but how do I call just ##\psi(x)##?)


The solution is

For x < a and x > a, the terms that are infinite as x approaches infinity are said to be not physical, so the author concludes that they are not part of the solution, however that should not be the case here.

Then he clumps all the solutions together

But what happened to the sine term in the region 0 < x < a??


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  • #2
##\Psi(x,t)## is a time-depemdent wave function, ##\psi(x)## is a time-independent wave function / stationary state.

Since the Schroedinger equation is linear, if you have a solution of the type ##\psi(x) = \phi_1(x) + \phi_2(x)##, you can study the two ##\phi_i(x)## separately, and then recombine the results. It is true that the full, general, solution is the one with sine and cosine, but to understand the physics it's enough to work out the rest of the calculations just for one of the two, which simplifies the math. If you try to redo the calculations with the sine, you will see that Eq.[2.154] will become ##k = - l \cot(la)## , ...

FAQ: Finite square well ##\psi(x)## solution for ##-a < x < a##

What is a finite square well potential?

A finite square well potential is a type of potential energy function commonly used in quantum mechanics to model a confined particle in a specific region of space. It is defined as a potential that is constant within a finite region and zero outside of that region.

What is the solution for the wavefunction in a finite square well potential?

The solution for the wavefunction in a finite square well potential, also known as the Schrödinger equation, is given by a combination of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. The specific form of the wavefunction depends on the energy of the particle within the well.

What are the boundary conditions for the wavefunction in a finite square well potential?

The boundary conditions for the wavefunction in a finite square well potential are that it must be continuous and differentiable at all points within the well. Additionally, the wavefunction must approach zero as it approaches the boundaries of the well.

How does the width of the well affect the energy levels of the particle?

The width of the well has a direct effect on the energy levels of the particle. As the width decreases, the energy levels become more closely spaced and the energy of the particle increases. Conversely, as the width increases, the energy levels become more widely spaced and the energy of the particle decreases.

What is the significance of the finite square well potential in quantum mechanics?

The finite square well potential is a useful model for understanding the behavior of a confined particle in quantum mechanics. It allows for the calculation of energy levels and probabilities of particle behavior, and can be used to study various phenomena such as tunneling and bound states.

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