Finite Universe: Viewing All Timelines of the Universe

  • Thread starter Vivek des
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In summary: You are saying the same thing over again. It is still wrong, and as banderSnatch pointed out, such unsupportable personal speculation is against the forum rules.
  • #1
Vivek des
Say i move far away from the whole universe (Finite universe-assumed) Is it possible for me to look into all timeline of universe? Where the time (4th dimension)will just be a spatial dimension? Help me with a finite universe idea ..
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  • #2
Vivek des said:
Say i move far away from the whole universe (Finite universe-assumed) Is it possible for me to look into all timeline of universe? Where the time (4th dimension)will just be a spatial dimension? Help me with a finite universe idea ..
There is no "outside of the universe" regardless of whether it is infinite or finite so your question has no answer.
  • #3
The whole universe which we assume everything is must lie somewhere in a vast space.Where only nothingness remains which might not belong to our definition of universe. Why can't i just call it as an infinite space in which we (the universe) is finite?
  • #4
Vivek des said:
The whole universe which we assume everything is must lie somewhere in a vast space.Where only nothingness remains which might not belong to our definition of universe. Why can't i just call it as an infinite space in which we (the universe) is finite?
You are mistaken. The universe is everything there is. Period.
  • #5
phinds said:
You are mistaken. The universe is everything there is. Period.
I do get that.. I am not sure if I am right but my assumption is ..whats if Big Bang just produced only finite matter and anti matter. So(covering the fact that matter and anti matter amount should balance) the Big Bang itself had to happen somewhere in emptiness..(That's the reason why we expect matter and anti matter to balance each other).. This region of "Space" not sure if u should say space.. But the medium must have a volume bigger than the volume of matter and anti matter combined ..(classically to hold them) ..Then the matter expands as an after effect of Big Bang by expand we mean it should expand some where in this medium.. So again assuming finite matter in universe there got to be a outside as well.. (Just a hypothesis) help me :)
  • #6
@Vivek des, that is not how mainstream cosmology describes the universe. Since you're misusing the terms, we can explain to you what is meant by the Big Bang, the metric expansion of space, what assumptions are used and what are the theoretical foundations of the theory, but we can't discuss personal speculation. That's the forum rules, and they're enforced rather strictly.
  • #7
Okay :) thanks for help
  • #8
Vivek des said:
I do get that.. I am not sure if I am right but my assumption is ..whats if Big Bang just produced only finite matter and anti matter. So(covering the fact that matter and anti matter amount should balance) the Big Bang itself had to happen somewhere in emptiness..(That's the reason why we expect matter and anti matter to balance each other).. This region of "Space" not sure if u should say space.. But the medium must have a volume bigger than the volume of matter and anti matter combined ..(classically to hold them) ..Then the matter expands as an after effect of Big Bang by expand we mean it should expand some where in this medium.. So again assuming finite matter in universe there got to be a outside as well.. (Just a hypothesis) help me :)
You are saying the same thing over again. It is still wrong, and as bandersnatch pointed out, such unsupportable personal speculation is against the forum rules.

FAQ: Finite Universe: Viewing All Timelines of the Universe

What is a finite universe?

A finite universe is one that has a limited size or extent, meaning it has a beginning and an end. This is in contrast to an infinite universe, which has no boundaries or endpoints.

What is meant by "viewing all timelines" of the universe?

Viewing all timelines of the universe refers to the concept of being able to observe and understand the past, present, and future of the universe. This includes all possible paths and events that have occurred or will occur within the finite universe.

How is it possible to view all timelines of the universe?

This is a hypothetical concept in science and is currently not possible with our current technology and understanding. However, it is believed that with advanced technology and theories such as quantum mechanics and string theory, it may one day be possible to view and understand all timelines of the universe.

What implications does a finite universe have on the concept of time?

A finite universe suggests that time has a beginning and an end, which challenges the traditional idea of time as a linear and infinite concept. It also raises questions about the nature of time and its relationship to space within the universe.

Are there any scientific theories or evidence to support the idea of a finite universe and viewing all timelines?

There are various theories and models, such as the Big Bang Theory and the concept of multiverses, that suggest the universe has a finite size and that there may be multiple timelines or universes. However, there is currently no concrete evidence to support these ideas, and it remains a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

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