First course in String THeory/Problem

In summary, the speaker is a graduate student studying physics and is frustrated that the string theory course they were expecting to take is not being offered. They have decided to self-study using Zwiebach's book, but are in need of solutions to the problems. They are seeking advice on where to find solutions, such as reaching out to professors or forming a study group, and are encouraged to keep seeking help and guidance in their self-study.
  • #1
First course in String THeory/Problem!

Hello I am new member. I am graduate student at the university of Athens(Greece) in the department of physics. I have a really big problem. ThIis semester normaly the department was going to offer a string course based on Zwiebach's book(I assume you know it). Unfortanately this course did not become reallity. So I decide alone to study. My problem is that I need the solutions of the problems as I have to know for sure that I am correct. Do you know where I can find them in the net? The campridge do not offers them

Thanks anyone
Physics news on
  • #2
who will help me

Hello and welcome to the forum! I understand your frustration with the string theory course not being offered this semester. I can tell you that self-studying a complex topic like string theory can be challenging, but also rewarding.

I am familiar with Zwiebach's book and it is a great resource for learning string theory. However, as you mentioned, it does not come with solutions to the problems. I suggest reaching out to your professors or other graduate students in the department to see if anyone has access to the solutions. It is also helpful to form a study group with other students who are also self-studying string theory. This way, you can discuss and compare solutions to the problems.

Another option is to search online for forums or discussion boards where other students or experts in string theory may have posted solutions to the problems. You can also try contacting the publisher of Zwiebach's book to see if they have any resources available for problem solutions.

I wish you the best of luck in your self-study of string theory. It is a fascinating and complex topic, but with dedication and determination, I am sure you will succeed. Keep asking questions and seeking help when needed, and don't be afraid to reach out to other physicists for guidance. Happy studying!
  • #3
who will help

Hello, it's great to hear that you are interested in studying String Theory. It's unfortunate that the course at your university did not come to fruition, but don't let that discourage you from learning on your own.

As for finding solutions to problems in Zwiebach's book, I suggest reaching out to other students or professors who have also studied String Theory. You can also try searching online forums or academic websites for resources. Additionally, you may want to consider joining a study group or taking an online course that offers solutions to problems.

Remember, it's important to not just rely on solutions but to also try to solve the problems on your own. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of the material. Best of luck in your studies!

Related to First course in String THeory/Problem

1. What is String Theory?

String Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions. It proposes that particles are not point-like objects, but rather tiny strings that vibrate at different frequencies. These vibrations give rise to the different types of particles and their properties.

2. What is the significance of String Theory?

String Theory has the potential to unify the two major theories in physics: General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. It also offers a potential solution to the long-standing problem of combining gravity with the other three fundamental forces. Additionally, it provides a framework for understanding the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

3. How is String Theory different from other theories?

Unlike other theories, String Theory proposes that the universe is made up of one-dimensional strings rather than point-like particles. It also incorporates the concept of extra dimensions, beyond the four dimensions of space and time that we experience. These extra dimensions are believed to be curled up and undetectable at our scale.

4. What are the challenges and criticisms of String Theory?

One of the main criticisms of String Theory is that it is currently impossible to test experimentally, making it more of a mathematical construct than a concrete theory. There are also various versions of String Theory, each with its own set of equations and predictions, leading to a lack of consensus among physicists. Additionally, the theory requires the existence of extra dimensions, which have not been observed or proven to exist.

5. How does String Theory impact our understanding of the universe?

String Theory offers a potential framework for understanding the fundamental laws of the universe and how all the forces and particles fit together. It also provides a possible explanation for the existence of gravity and the other fundamental forces. However, its untestable nature and lack of experimental evidence make it a controversial theory in the scientific community.

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