First law of thermodynamics applied to a submarine

In summary, the conversation discusses the first law of thermodynamics and its application to a submarine containing air at a temperature and pressure of 15°C and 0.1MPa. The question is to find the average temperature of the air after one hour of diving, taking into account the heat flow from the cold seawater and dissipative work from the machines. The conversation also discusses the calculation of density, mass, and total energy, as well as the use of the first law to find the final temperature. The solution involves using the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure to calculate the temperature increase, which is around 10K.
  • #1
First law of thermodynamics


I hope someone can help me with the following question:

A submarine conatins 1000m^3 of air and has a temperature and pressure of 15°C and 0.1MPa respectively. Due to the cold seawater a heatflow of 60 MJ/h occurs. The machines on the otherhand adds disspiative Work of 21 kW to the system. The specific heat capacity of air is c(p,air) = 1.005 kJ/Kg*K.

what average Temperature will the air have after one hour of diving?

T1=288.15K => T2=?

Firstly i found the density and mass of the gas:

R(air)= 286.9 J/K*Kg => density= P/T*R(air)=1.209 Kg/m^3 => m= V*density= 1209.63 Kg

Secondly i found the total Energy:

Q/h=Wdiss - Q/h = 15600 KJ/h

Then i used the first law:

dW=0 because V=constant


Q=mcp(T2-T1)= m(R(air)-cv)*(T2-T1)= 288.19K ... which can't possibly be right because that is essentially my T1 temerature. So what did I do wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance ^^.
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  • #2
R(air) = Cp - Cv
=> Cp=R(air)+Cv

so, Q=m(R(air)+Cv)(T2-T1)
  • #3
The specific heat at constant pressure is given in the problem.
If you assume a constant-volume process, you can calculate cv=cp-R.
Either way the temperature increase is of the order of 10K (around 14K if you consider constant volume).
Review your last step.

FAQ: First law of thermodynamics applied to a submarine

What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?

The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In other words, the total energy of a closed system remains constant.

How does the First Law of Thermodynamics apply to a submarine?

In a submarine, the First Law of Thermodynamics applies to the energy balance within the vessel. The energy input from the submarine's engines is used to power various systems and processes, such as propulsion, lighting, and life support. The energy output is in the form of heat and work, which must be carefully managed to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for the crew.

What are some examples of the First Law of Thermodynamics in a submarine?

Some examples of the First Law of Thermodynamics in a submarine include the conversion of chemical energy from fuel into mechanical energy to power the submarine's engines, the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy to power various systems, and the conversion of electrical energy into heat to regulate the temperature inside the submarine.

How does the First Law of Thermodynamics affect the performance of a submarine?

The First Law of Thermodynamics plays a crucial role in determining the performance of a submarine. This law dictates how energy is used and managed within the vessel, impacting its speed, maneuverability, and overall efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to carefully monitor and control the energy balance in a submarine to optimize its performance.

What are the challenges of applying the First Law of Thermodynamics to a submarine?

One of the main challenges of applying the First Law of Thermodynamics to a submarine is managing the heat generated by the various systems and processes. Excessive heat can lead to equipment failure and pose a threat to the safety of the crew. Therefore, submarines must have efficient cooling systems in place to regulate the temperature and maintain a safe operating environment.
