First order electroweak correction to the g-2 magnetic moment

In summary, the electron has a g-2 momentum that is slightly off by a small amount, but it is still in the correct range. Theory vs. experiment is a continuing struggle, but progress is being made.
  • #1
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Basic question for a theoretical physicist regarding perturbation theory calculations.
We know that we need to go to 5th order in perturbation theory to match 10 decimals of g-2 for electron, theory vs. experiment. But let us not assume QED is pure and independent, but it's a lower energy limit of GSW (not Green-Schwartz-Witten from superstrings) electroweak theory. Has anyone theoretically computed a 1st (2nd or whatever) order correction to the g-2 momentum of the electron? How many one loops would be required? Which decimal of g-2 only from QED would it affect?

P.S. I hope this is not a dumb question (like there is some conservation law prohibiting the 3 Ws to appear in the possible tree-level or loop FDs). While studying physics ages ago it just did not pop up in my mind.
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  • #2
The weak contribution is significantly smaller and contributes less than a part per billion iirc. The hadronic contribution is larger and taken into account as well.

I also believe GWS theory is typically written with Weinberg’s W in the middle although you sometimes see GSW also …
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  • #3
Yes, I know the order of publishing. So you say one per billion. Is that an SI billion (10^-12), or an American billion (10^-9) and a fraction out of what, to be precise? Of course, a proper article reference would help (also for QCD).
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  • #6
muon g-2 has been the question of interest.
  • #7
mathman said:
muon g-2 has been the question of interest.
OP writes:
dextercioby said:
We know that we need to go to 5th order in perturbation theory to match 10 decimals of g-2 for electron, theory vs. experiment.
dextercioby said:
Has anyone theoretically computed a 1st (2nd or whatever) order correction to the g-2 momentum of the electron?
My emphasis.
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  • #8
For the electron g-2 even the leading order of weak diagrams is tiny (~5% of the overall uncertainty, see the paper Orodruin linked).
For the muon the weak diagrams need to be considered: ##a=153.6 \pm 1.0 \cdot 10^{-11}## from two-loop calculations in this 2016 presentation, that's ~3 times the total theory uncertainty. It's still a well-known quantity.
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  • #9
My exact numbers below are outdated, but the starting point is that the state of the art theoretical prediction as of 2017 from the Standard Model of particle physics regarding the value of muon g-2 in units of 10-11 is:

QED 116 584 718.95 ± 0.08
HVP 6 850.6 ± 43 (part of the QCD component)
HLbL 105 ± 26 (part of the QCD component)
EW 153.6 ± 1.0

Total SM 116 591 828 ± 49

As a practical matter, the QED and EW parts of the calculation could be much less precise than they are now and still make now material impact on the overall SM calculation of muon g-2, because these errors are dwarfed by the QCD uncertainties. The QED part could be about 100 times less precise and still make little difference in the overall uncertainty (since components of the uncertainty are added in quadrature to the extent that they are uncorrelated). And, the weak force part could be about 10 times less precise.

Which decimal of g-2 only from QED would it affect?

It isn't a QED only calculation although the QCD and weak force effects for electron g-2 are very small and the errors are equally tiny, so the potential uncertainty from the other parts of the calculation aren't that important.

Electron g-2 is reviewed, for example, here and here. In this case, most of the uncertainty comes from the experimental determination of the electromagnetic force coupling constant since the weak force and QCD contributions are much smaller relative to the total result than in the muon and tau cases (basically and non-rigorously because there is less mass-energy available in the system studied to leverage into virtual particles with non-negligible impacts on the overall result).

In step with the progress of measurement, the theory of ae, expressed as a power series in α, has been pushed to the fifth power of α. Including small contributions from hadronic effects and weak interaction effect and using the best non-QED value of α: α-1 = 137.035999049(90), one finds ae (theory) = 1159652181.72 (77) ×10-12. The uncertainty is about 0.66 ppb, where 1 ppb =10-9 . The intrinsic uncertainty of theory itself is less than 0.1 ppb . The overall uncertainty comes mostly from the uncertainty of non-QED α mentioned above, which is about 0.66 ppb .


Since the predicted value and the experimental value match (in part, because QCD contributions with great uncertainty are so much less important), we know that we don't need the corrections from BSM theories yet, and any BSM theory that has an effect before the 10th significant digit is very likely wrong.

I haven't, in a very quick and dirty search, been able to locate papers quantifying electron g-2 value modifications expected from various beyond the Standard Model modifications of QED or the Standard Model more generally. I'm sure that they are out there for some particular theories although not necessarily the specific one mentioned in the opening question.
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FAQ: First order electroweak correction to the g-2 magnetic moment

1. What is the g-2 magnetic moment?

The g-2 magnetic moment is a property of a particle that describes its interaction with magnetic fields. It is related to the particle's spin and charge, and is measured by the ratio of its magnetic dipole moment to its angular momentum.

2. What is a first order electroweak correction?

A first order electroweak correction is a term in the mathematical expression for the g-2 magnetic moment that takes into account the effects of both the electromagnetic and weak interactions. It is the first term in a series of corrections that account for the complex interactions between particles in the Standard Model of particle physics.

3. Why is the first order electroweak correction to the g-2 magnetic moment important?

The first order electroweak correction is important because it provides a more accurate prediction for the g-2 magnetic moment of a particle. Without this correction, the calculated value would be significantly different from the experimentally observed value, which could lead to discrepancies in our understanding of fundamental particles and their interactions.

4. How is the first order electroweak correction calculated?

The first order electroweak correction is calculated using a combination of theoretical calculations and experimental data. The theoretical calculations involve complex mathematical equations that take into account the various interactions between particles in the Standard Model. These calculations are then compared to experimental data from particle colliders to determine the most accurate value for the correction.

5. What are the implications of the first order electroweak correction to the g-2 magnetic moment?

The implications of the first order electroweak correction are significant for our understanding of the Standard Model and the fundamental particles that make up our universe. If the calculated and experimentally observed values for the g-2 magnetic moment do not match, it could indicate the presence of new particles or interactions that are not accounted for in the current model. This could lead to new discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the building blocks of matter.

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