First order perturbation for hydrogen

In summary, the conversation discusses the deviation from Coulomb's law at small distances and how it affects the Coulomb potential energy between an electron and proton. The perturbation is specified and the first order correction for the ground state is found. It is shown that this correction can be approximated by a Rydberg energy term. The initial attempt at finding the correction is corrected and a better method is suggested.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Assume that there is a deviation from Coulomb’s law at very small distances, the Coulomb potential energy between an electron and proton is given by

-\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi\varepsilon_{0}}\frac{b}{r^{2}} & 0<r\leq b\\
-\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi\varepsilon_{0}}\frac{1}{r} & r>b

(a) Specify the perturbation
(b) Find the first order correction for the ground state
(c) Show that the answer in (b) can be approximated by
[itex]E_{1}^{(1)}\approx-\frac{4b^2}{a_0^2}E_R[/itex] where [itex]E_R=\frac{e^{2}}{8\pi\varepsilon_{0}a_0}[/itex] is the Rydberg energy.

Homework Equations


[itex]E_{1}^{(1)}=\int_{0}^{b}\left| \psi_0 \right|^2 \delta\hat{\textrm{H}} r^2\,\textrm{d}r[/itex]

[itex]b \ll r[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) [itex]\delta\hat{\textrm{H}}=-\dfrac{e^{2}}{4\pi\varepsilon_{0}}\left(\dfrac{b}{r^{2}}-\dfrac{1}{r}\right)[/itex]

so with [itex]b \ll r[/itex] we have [itex]e^{-2b/a_0}\approx 1[/itex]
[itex]E_{1}^{(1)}=\dfrac{e^2 b}{2\pi \varepsilon_{0}a_0^2}[/itex]

I think the above is correct, I just can't see how to get part (c).
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Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry, I was stupid I have it now.
  • #3
bobred said:
Sorry, I was stupid I have it now.

Hi, what had you done wrong initially?
  • #4
I found the first order perturbation which included the exponential terms. To get part c what I should have done was to set the exponential to unity then perform the integration. So part b should have included the exponential terms.
A better way I feel is to note that [itex]b/a_0 <<1[/itex] then take a 2nd order Taylor series and insert this into the integral in b.
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  • #5

(c) To approximate the answer in (b), we can use the fact that b \ll r and the exponential term e^{-2b/a_0}\approx 1 to simplify the expression. Additionally, we can use the definition of the Rydberg energy, E_R=\frac{e^{2}}{8\pi\varepsilon_{0}a_0}, to rewrite the expression as:

E_{1}^{(1)}\approx-\frac{4b^2}{a_0^2}E_R\left(\int_{0}^{b}r^2\left| \psi_0 \right|^2 \textrm{d}r\right)

We can further simplify this using the expression for \psi_0 given in the Homework Equations section:


Using integration by parts, we can evaluate this integral to get:


Finally, we can substitute in the values for b and a_0 and simplify to get the desired result:

E_{1}^{(1)}\approx-\frac{4b^2}{a_0^2}E_R\left(\frac{2}{a_0^{3/2}}\left[-\frac{a_0^3}{2}e^{-2b/a_0}\right]\right)\approx\dfrac{e^2 b}{2\pi \varepsilon_{0}a_0^2}=E_{1}^{(1)}

FAQ: First order perturbation for hydrogen

1. What is first order perturbation theory?

First order perturbation theory is a mathematical method used to approximate the behavior of a system that is slightly perturbed from its known or assumed state. In the context of hydrogen, it is used to calculate the energy levels and corresponding wavefunctions when the electron is subjected to a weak external electric or magnetic field.

2. Why is first order perturbation theory important for the study of hydrogen?

First order perturbation theory is important for the study of hydrogen because it allows us to calculate the effects of external fields on the energy levels and wavefunctions of the electron. This is crucial for understanding the behavior of hydrogen in various environments and for predicting its properties.

3. How is first order perturbation theory applied to the hydrogen atom?

In the context of the hydrogen atom, first order perturbation theory is applied by considering the known unperturbed energy levels and wavefunctions of the system, and then adding the perturbation term to the Hamiltonian. The resulting equations are then solved to obtain the first order corrections to the energy levels and wavefunctions.

4. What are some limitations of first order perturbation theory for hydrogen?

First order perturbation theory is a useful approximation, but it has some limitations. It only works well for small perturbations, and may not accurately predict the behavior of the system in strongly perturbed or highly excited states. Additionally, it assumes that the perturbation is linear, which may not always be the case.

5. Can first order perturbation theory be applied to other atoms or molecules?

Yes, first order perturbation theory can be applied to other atoms or molecules, as long as the system can be approximated as a perturbed version of a known or assumed unperturbed state. However, for more complex systems, higher order perturbation theories may be necessary to obtain accurate results.
