First-order time-dependent perturbation theory on a Hydrogen atom

The final result is that the integral of |R_{nl}|^2 r^2 drfrom 0 to infinity is equal to (n-l-1)!/((n+l)! r_0^3), where r_0 is the Bohr radius.In summary, the conversation discusses the selection rules for electric dipole transitions, the importance of using them to avoid unnecessary calculations, and how the final angular momentum quantum number must be l=1 for a nonzero transition amplitude. The use of first-order time-dependent perturbation theory is also mentioned, along with the formula for calculating the transition probability. The total transition probability is then obtained through a summation of all excited states using the formula for radial wavefunction for
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Homework Statement

A Hydrogen atom is initially in its ground state and then subject to a pulsed electric field [tex]E(t)=E_{0}\delta(t)[/tex] along the [tex]z[/tex] direction. We neglect all fine-structure and hyperfine-structure corrections.

Homework Equations

1. It is important to use selection rules to avoid unnecessary calculations of many zero transition matrix elements. According to the selection rule associated with electric dipole transitions, what is the final angular momentum quantum number [tex]l[/tex] in order to have a nonzero transition amplitude?

2. For an excited state [tex]|nlm>[/tex], its angular part [tex]Y^{m}_{l}(\theta,\phi)[/tex] will contain a term [tex]exp(im\phi)[/tex]. Based on this observation, show that the transition probability from the ground state to a final state would be zero if the quantum number [tex]m[/tex] of the final state is not zero.

3. Calculate the transition probability to an arbitrary excited state using the first-order time-dependent perturbation theory. You don't need to evaluate the matrix elements of the dipole operator explicitly.

4. Can you calculate the total transition probability (that is, the sum of transition proba-
bilities to all excited states)? Note that here we cannot use Fermi's golden rule because
the final states are a collection of discrete states.

The Attempt at a Solution

1. Selection rules: [tex]\Delta l=1[/tex] ---> [tex]l=1[/tex]

2. [tex]m=0[/tex]

3. Transition probability from first order time-dependent perturbation theory:

where [tex]\psi_{m}=\psi_{1}=\psi_{100}[/tex]
[tex]\hat{V}(t)=-q\overline{r}\cdot E_{0}\delta(t)\widehat{z}[/tex]

Then I have


4. Total transition probability
[tex]P_{total}=\sum^{\infty}_{n=2}P_{n<-1}=(\frac{E_{0}}{hbar})^{2}\sum^{\infty}_{n=2}|\vec{d_{n1}}\cdot \hat{z}|^{2}[/tex]

where [tex]\vec{d_{n1}}\cdot \hat{z}=q<n10|z|100>[/tex]

After this, I have to use the formula of radial wavefunction for Hydrogen atom
set [tex]l=1[/tex], and get the function of n, then plug into the formula for total transition probability which is a summation of n.

The problem is, that I can't find the formula of [tex]R_{nl}[/tex] for n=n and [tex]l=1[/tex].
Can anyone show me how to continue my derivation?

Many thanks!
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  • #2
In your expression


you have the generalized Laguerre polynomials, which can be computed from

[tex] L^p_q(x) = \frac{ x^{-p} e^x}{q! } \frac{d^q}{dx^q}(e^{-x} x^{p+q}).[/tex]

There are more relations that you can probably find in your textbook or at

FAQ: First-order time-dependent perturbation theory on a Hydrogen atom

1. What is first-order time-dependent perturbation theory?

First-order time-dependent perturbation theory is a method used in quantum mechanics to calculate the effects of a small perturbation on a system that is in a known state. In the case of a Hydrogen atom, it is used to calculate the changes in energy levels due to an external perturbation.

2. How does first-order time-dependent perturbation theory work?

In this theory, the Hamiltonian of the system is divided into two parts - the unperturbed Hamiltonian, which describes the system without any external influence, and the perturbation Hamiltonian, which describes the external influence. The first-order correction to the energy levels is then calculated by considering the perturbation as a small change to the unperturbed energy levels.

3. What is the significance of first-order time-dependent perturbation theory in the study of Hydrogen atoms?

First-order time-dependent perturbation theory is a powerful tool in studying the effects of external perturbations on Hydrogen atoms. It allows us to calculate the changes in energy levels and transition probabilities, which are important in understanding the behavior of atoms in different environments.

4. What are some examples of external perturbations that can be studied using first-order time-dependent perturbation theory?

Some examples of external perturbations that can be studied using this theory include the interaction of the atom with an electromagnetic field, a change in the potential due to an external charge, or the presence of an external magnetic field.

5. How accurate is first-order time-dependent perturbation theory in predicting the behavior of Hydrogen atoms?

First-order time-dependent perturbation theory provides a good approximation for the behavior of Hydrogen atoms in most cases. However, it becomes less accurate for larger perturbations or when higher-order corrections need to be considered.
