First time poster - Hard limit proof

In summary: So the entire right side of the inequality would be 0 and the left side would be L. Therefore, L≤aM/bM≤L. Therefore, aM/bM→L as M→∞.In summary, using limit theorems and the fact that bn is increasing and approaching positive infinity, it can be proven that the limit of the sequence an/bn is equal to the real number L.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose an and bn are sequences where bn is increasing and approaching positive infinity. Assume that lim n->∞ [ ( an+1 - an ) / ( bn+1 - bn) ]= L, where L is a real number. Prove that lim n->∞ [ an / bn ] = L.

Homework Equations

Limit theorems

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried making an argument with the basis that both sequences have the same number of terms, so L is the limit of (an+1)/(bn+1) and thus also (an/bn)
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  • #2
kenb1993 said:

Homework Statement

Suppose an and bn are sequences where bn is increasing and approaching positive infinity. Assume that lim n->∞ [ ( an+1 - an ) / ( bn+1 - bn) ]= L, where L is a real number. Prove that lim n->∞ [ an / bn ] = L.
Given [itex]\epsilon > 0[/itex], we can find [itex]N \in \mathbb{N}[/itex] such that
[tex](L - \epsilon)(b_{n+1} - b_n) \leq a_{n+1}-a_n \leq (L + \epsilon)(b_{n+1} - b_n)[/tex]
for all [itex]n \geq N[/itex]. This is true by definition of the limit and by the fact that [itex]b_{n+1} > b_n[/itex].

Big hint: now try summing this inequality starting at [itex]n = N[/itex] up to some arbitrary value, say [itex]n = M[/itex]. Can you conclude anything as [itex]M \rightarrow \infty[/itex]?
  • #3
So starting at a certain value N in the sequence, when you take the infinite sum of the inequality an and an+1 would tend to positive infinity along with bn+1 but I can't tie an argument together to actually prove the result.
  • #4
kenb1993 said:

Homework Statement

Suppose an and bn are sequences where bn is increasing and approaching positive infinity. Assume that lim n->∞ [ ( an+1 - an ) / ( bn+1 - bn) ]= L, where L is a real number. Prove that lim n->∞ [ an / bn ] = L.

Homework Equations

Limit theorems

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried making an argument with the basis that both sequences have the same number of terms, so L is the limit of (an+1)/(bn+1) and thus also (an/bn)
That doesn't make any sense. Both sequences are infinite. That don't have a "number of terms". It is however, true that the limits of the two sequences you mention are the same but that really doesn't matter. The sequence (an+1- an)/(bn+1- bn[/b]) is NOT (an+1/bn+1)- (an/bn).
  • #5
kenb1993 said:
So starting at a certain value N in the sequence, when you take the infinite sum of the inequality an and an+1 would tend to positive infinity along with bn+1 but I can't tie an argument together to actually prove the result.
Try writing out explicitly what you get if you sum the inequality in my previous post from [itex]n = N[/itex] to [itex]n = M-1[/itex]. Notice that all three terms will "telescope." What is the result? Write it out in detail.
  • #6
After manipulation were left with (L−ϵ)(1-bN/bM) + aN/bM≤aM/bM≤(L+ϵ)(1-bN/bM) + aN/bM.

Then would bN/bM converge to zero and we are done?
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  • #7
kenb1993 said:
After manipulation were left with (L−ϵ)(1-bN/bM) + aN/bM≤aM/bM≤(L+ϵ)(1-bN/bM) + aN/bM.

Then would bN/bM converge to zero and we are done?

Well, you need both [itex]b_N/b_M[/itex] and [itex]a_N/b_M[/itex] to converge to zero as [itex]M \rightarrow \infty[/itex]. Do they?
  • #8
I think that's safe to assume without proof since bn is increasing. Thank for your help.
  • #9
kenb1993 said:
I think that's safe to assume without proof since bn is increasing. Thank for your help.

It's not because [itex]b_n[/itex] is increasing. It's because [itex]b_n[/itex] is diverging to positive infinity (a fact you haven't used yet). Therefore [itex]1/b_n[/itex] is converging to...?
  • #10
Zero haha. Thanks. xn

Related to First time poster - Hard limit proof

1. What is a hard limit in scientific research?

A hard limit in scientific research refers to a boundary or threshold beyond which a phenomenon or variable cannot be measured or observed. It is a point at which a certain behavior or characteristic is no longer possible or sustainable.

2. How is a hard limit determined?

A hard limit is determined through rigorous experimentation and data analysis. Scientists conduct experiments and gather data to observe the behavior or characteristic of interest. Once a pattern or trend is identified, a hard limit can be estimated or calculated based on the data.

3. What is the purpose of identifying hard limits in scientific research?

The purpose of identifying hard limits in scientific research is to better understand the boundaries and limitations of a particular phenomenon or variable. It allows scientists to determine the maximum or minimum values that can be measured or observed, and can provide insights into the underlying mechanisms or factors that contribute to these limits.

4. Can hard limits change over time?

Yes, hard limits can change over time. As technology advances and new research is conducted, scientists may discover new ways to measure or observe a phenomenon, which can lead to a change in the previously determined hard limit. Additionally, environmental factors and other external forces can also impact hard limits.

5. How are hard limits used in scientific studies?

Hard limits are used in scientific studies to help define the scope and parameters of the research. They can also be used to validate the results of a study and provide context for the findings. In some cases, hard limits can also be used to set standards or guidelines for certain behaviors or characteristics.

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