Fish Pond Population Growth: Is a Constant?

In summary, the equation is representative of the population growth of fish in a fish pond. if you had written it in 'latex', I could have copied it.
  • #1
Chaotic Boredom
Alright, my teacher the sadist gave us an assignment over the holidays, and so far, everyone in my class has gotten all but this.
The equation is representative of the population growth of fish in a fish pond.

p= m / 1+ae to the -kt

p is the intial population, m the carrying capacity of the pond, t is time, k is a constant of 0.9, and nobody knows what a is. The question is basically, is a a constant, or what? I'm not worried about solving everthing, just whether a is a constant, or whatever, I think a is the number of additional fish every year, but I'm not sure. If it's any help, I've found the carrying capacity to be 53869 fish, and the intial population is 1000.
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  • #2
so its p=[(m)/(1+ae)]^-kt ? 1000 = [(53869)/(1+ae)]^-.9t

Can you copy the enitre problem?

what is e supposed to represent?
  • #3
Chaotic Boredom said:
Alright, my teacher the sadist gave us an assignment over the holidays, and so far, everyone in my class has gotten all but this.
The equation is representative of the population growth of fish in a fish pond.

p= m / 1+ae to the -kt

p is the intial population, m the carrying capacity of the pond, t is time, k is a constant of 0.9, and nobody knows what a is. The question is basically, is a a constant, or what? I'm not worried about solving everthing, just whether a is a constant, or whatever, I think a is the number of additional fish every year, but I'm not sure. If it's any help, I've found the carrying capacity to be 53869 fish, and the intial population is 1000.

I'm sorry,i didn't get your formula right.I would have liked u had written it using 'latex'.

If it is something like that:
[tex] p=\frac{m}{1+a\exp(-kt)} [/tex]
,then 'a' cannot be number of fish,because it needs to be adimensional.'k' has the dimension of time^{-1} and 'p' and 'm' have the meaning of number of fish,therefore adimensional.


PS.Please state the question in initial form.And try to put the equation,if not in 'tex',then in words.E.g.the eq.i wrote would be:"p" is:fraction line,at the numerator "m",at the denominator 1 plus exponential of minus 'kt'.Everybody would understand that.On normal basis...
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  • #4
Apologies for not being clear enough yesterday, and not getting back until now. e is a constant on our calculators, stated as 2.718281828, and the problem is in the attachment, if I did it right.

The question:
(a) Given you stock the pond with 1000 fish initially, determine the value of a.
(b) How many years will it take for your pond to reach its carrying capacity?

The problem being, if a is a constant, what do we look at as the fresult of the population?


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  • #5
Chaotic Boredom said:
Apologies for not being clear enough yesterday, and not getting back until now. e is a constant on our calculators, stated as 2.718281828, and the problem is in the attachment, if I did it right.

The question:
(a) Given you stock the pond with 1000 fish initially, determine the value of a.
(b) How many years will it take for your pond to reach its carrying capacity?

The problem being, if a is a constant, what do we look at as the fresult of the population?

Would you mind telling us HOW, given only the information you gave (and the url you give do3es not have ANY problem, just a formula), you found that m= 53869? Assuming that you are given p= m / (1+ae-kt), there were 1000 fish "initially" and, if we assume that t is the time, in years, since the pond was initially stocked (you should have told us what "t" meant- just saying "t is time" isn't enough), then "initially", t= 0 p(0)= m/(1+a) = 53869 /(1+a)= 1000. Can you solve that for a?

As t gets larger and larger, e-kt approaches 0 so, yes, as t goes to infinity, p approaches m in the limit. Strictly speaking, p is never equal to m but, since p has to be an integer (it is the number of fish in the pond), for what value of t will p= m- 0.5= 53868.5?
That is, solve 53869/(1+ ae-.9t)= 53868.5 for t, using the value of a you got above.
  • #6
t is time in years, sorry, and I solved a for the first part to be 52.869, and from what your saying, p doesn't stay the initial population, it changes as soon as t is greater than 0, therefore, I solve for t, with p equal to 52868.5 aaaand I'm just restating everything you just said, but in some way, that means I understand it. As for finding m, that was a whole other section of the assignment itself, involving estimation, trig, and a very skewed diagram. Regardless, thanks for the help.

Related to Fish Pond Population Growth: Is a Constant?

1. How does the population of fish in a pond grow over time?

The population of fish in a pond can grow in a variety of ways, depending on factors such as availability of resources, competition, and predation. In a constant environment, the population will likely grow at a steady rate until it reaches carrying capacity, at which point the growth will level off.

2. What is carrying capacity and how does it relate to fish pond population growth?

Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of organisms that a particular environment can sustain over a long period of time. In the context of fish pond population growth, this means the maximum number of fish that the pond can support without exceeding its resources or damaging the ecosystem.

3. Can a fish pond population maintain a constant size over time?

In theory, yes, a fish pond population can maintain a constant size over time. This would require a balance between birth and death rates, as well as a steady availability of resources. However, in reality, there are often fluctuations in population size due to various environmental factors.

4. How do scientists study fish pond population growth?

Scientists study fish pond population growth by conducting field surveys, collecting data on fish populations and their environment, and using mathematical models and statistical analysis to understand the patterns and trends in population growth.

5. What impact can human activity have on fish pond population growth?

Human activity can have a significant impact on fish pond population growth. Pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction can all disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and affect the growth and survival of fish populations. It is important for humans to be mindful of their actions and strive to maintain a healthy balance in fish pond ecosystems.

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