Fixing LaTeX: Tips for Writing In-Line Code

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter Pengwuino
  • Start date
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In summary: I'll try disabling it in my personal copy of MathJax.In summary, the author is having problems with MathJax and Opera not working together and suggests disabling the plugin.
  • #1
Gold Member
WAAAAAAH How do I fix latex?

When I want to write out tex code in-line with my normal writing, it does stuff like this

blah blah blah [tex]{3\epsilon^3}\over{\pi}[/tex] more blah blah blah

whereas before it use to be continuous, now it creates a separate row for the tex code. Why come? FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT. :) *hugs*
Physics news on
  • #2
I will fetch Greg for you.
  • #3
Greg is going to slap me with a fish and tell me I should have been paying attention to the rumblings about changing to some uncool new latex code. BOOOOOO.
  • #4
I will fetch SammyS for you, he knows what to do!
  • #5
This is in a new line: [tex]a = x^2[/tex].

This should be inline [itex]a = x^2[/itex].
  • #6
Borek said:
This is in a new line: [tex]a = x^2[/tex].

This should be inline [itex]a = x^2[/itex] - or at least I think that was the idea behind.

ohh, so the tex changes to itex?
  • #7
Yes, but I just found another bug - noparse tags are ignored by MathJax.
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  • #8
Thank goodness, i took this the wrong way and thought Pengwuino had bust her cat woman. suit.
  • #9
wolram said:
Thank goodness, i took this the wrong way and thought Pengwuino had bust her cat woman. suit.

I thought he broke a different latex product :blushing:
  • #10
lisab said:
I thought he broke a different latex product :blushing:

  • #11
Pengwuino said:
ohh, so the tex changes to itex?
Just FYI, we've had itex from the very beginning. :-p
  • #12
Borek said:
Yes, but I just found another bug - noparse tags are ignored by MathJax.

It's not a bug. Just that MathJax and Vbulletin aren't in communication.
  • #13
Greg Bernhardt said:
It's not a bug. Just that MathJax and Vbulletin aren't in communication.

It doesn't work as expected. Here, in Poland, we call it a bug :-p
  • #14
Borek said:
It doesn't work as expected. Here, in Poland, we call it a bug :-p

Maybe your expectations were wrong. :-p
  • #15
TylerH said:
Maybe your expectations were wrong. :-p

That's how it worked up to now, that makes my expectations realistic, doesn't it?

Which - as I just realized - means there is a chance some of my earlier posts in which I explained to people how to use LaTeX can be now wrong

Edit, Greg: problems with MathJax servers and Opera are back. Or perhaps they never really disappeared.
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  • #16
Borek said:
That's how it worked up to now, that makes my expectations realistic, doesn't it?

chroot's plugin extended into the bbcode, mathjax is completely seperate
  • #17
Borek said:
It doesn't work as expected. Here, in Poland, we call it a bug :-p

Ah yes, some others call it "features".
  • #18
  • #20
Yes, the newest one.
  • #21
A feature is a bug that has been documented.

So you can never fix a feature, otherwise the documentation would be wrong :rolleyes:
  • #22
We must retain the bug for backwards compatibility?
  • #23
Hurkyl said:
We must retain the bug for backwards compatibility?
  • #24
I broke latex only once, and spent the next 2 months dreading the possibility of a paternity suit. Luckily, the target avoided the approach of my soldiers.
  • #25
Hurkyl said:
We must retain the bug for backwards compatibility?

But that's what have been broken!
  • #26
Borek said:
This is in a new line: [tex]a = x^2[/tex].

This should be inline [itex]a = x^2[/itex].

**** ! Thanks

Related to Fixing LaTeX: Tips for Writing In-Line Code

1. How can I fix errors in my LaTeX code?

The first step in fixing errors in your LaTeX code is to carefully read the error message that appears when you compile your document. This message will often provide specific information about where the error is located in your code. You can also try using an online LaTeX error checker to help identify and fix any issues.

2. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing in-line code in LaTeX?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing in-line code in LaTeX include forgetting to include necessary packages, using incorrect syntax, and not properly closing brackets or parentheses. It is also important to use consistent formatting and spacing in your code to avoid errors.

3. How can I make my in-line code more readable and organized?

One way to make your in-line code more readable and organized is to use descriptive variable names and comments to explain what each section of code is doing. You can also break up longer lines of code into multiple lines for easier viewing.

4. Can I use math symbols and equations in my in-line code?

Yes, you can use math symbols and equations in your in-line code by using the appropriate LaTeX syntax. For example, you can use the \frac command to create fractions or the \sqrt command to add square roots.

5. How can I improve the efficiency of my in-line code in LaTeX?

To improve the efficiency of your in-line code in LaTeX, you can use shortcuts and predefined commands whenever possible. You can also use packages such as amsmath to access additional mathematical symbols and functions. Additionally, it is helpful to practice and familiarize yourself with commonly used commands to speed up your coding process.

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