Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett

  • Thread starter blue2script
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In summary, the conversation discusses the multiplett of \pi^+, \pi^0, and \pi^- particles which all have an Isospin of 1 and I_z values of -1, 0, and 1. They are composed of a quark and an antiquark in different combinations, forming a two-dimensional irreducible representation of SU(2). The discussion also touches on the use of hypercharge and the confusion on the use of plus or minus signs in representing the states. The conclusion is that either sign is correct as long as it is used consistently.
  • #1

I hear an elementary particle course and I wonder about one question: There is the multiplett of [tex]\pi^+, \pi^0, \pi^-[/tex]. It is said that all have Isospin 1 and [tex]I_z = -1,0,1[/tex]. So far so good. So these particles are to form a two-dimensional irreducible representation of SU(2). They are composed of a quark and an antiquark in the form:

[tex]\pi^+ : u\bar d[/tex]
[tex]\pi^0 : u\bar u - d\bar d[/tex]
[tex]\pi^- : d\bar u[/tex]

So, this should be the I = 1 part of [tex]\frac{1}{2}\otimes\frac{1}{2} = 0\oplus 1[/tex]. But on p. 26 my Maggiore says that these states are given as above but with a plus sign! The one with the minus sign is said to be the scalar representation.

So where is the mistake if there is any? I also can't see why the state with a minus should be a scalar representation. Hope somebody can help me out of confusion.



PS: By the way, maybe someone can also explain me the deeper meaning and use of the hypercharge. Up to now for me its only a definition used in representing multipletts in Young diagrams...
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  • #2
That sign can be ambiguous. It depends on how the dbar and ubar are related by isospin.
The ispin lowering operator on dbar can give plus or minus ubar. You have to use one sign consistently, which makes comparing different books tricky.
I recall that the minus sign is used when G parity is introduced. Otherwise, it doesn't matter, as long as you are consistent. I think the minus sign is more common.
  • #3
blue2script said:

I hear an elementary particle course and I wonder about one question: There is the multiplett of [tex]\pi^+, \pi^0, \pi^-[/tex]. It is said that all have Isospin 1 and [tex]I_z = -1,0,1[/tex]. So far so good. So these particles are to form a two-dimensional irreducible representation of SU(2). They are composed of a quark and an antiquark in the form:

[tex]\pi^+ : u\bar d[/tex]
[tex]\pi^0 : u\bar u - d\bar d[/tex]
[tex]\pi^- : d\bar u[/tex]

It is the 3-dimensinal representation. It is carried either by an isovector

[tex][3] = \left( \pi_{1}, \pi_{2}, \pi_{3} \right)[/tex]

or by the traceless hermitian martix

[tex]\left( \begin{array}{rr} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\pi^{0} & \pi^{+} \\ \pi^{-} & -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \pi^{0} \end{array} \right)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{2}\otimes\frac{1}{2} = 0\oplus 1[/tex].

This means

[tex]| T =1/2 \rangle \ \otimes \ | T = 1/2 \rangle = | T = 1 , T_{3} = 1,0,-1 \rangle \oplus | T = 0 ,T_{3} = 0 \rangle [/tex]

i.e., SU(2)-doublet X SU(2)-doublet = Triplet + singlet

or (in dimension)

[tex][2] \otimes [2] = [3] \oplus [1][/tex]

Let us write this in terms of quarks matrices. We take the fundamental doublets to be a column of quarks

[tex][2] = \left( \begin{array}{c} u \\ d \end{array} \right)[/tex]

and a row of antiquarks (conjugate doublet)

[tex][2] = \left( \bar{u} \ \bar{d} \right)[/tex]


[tex][2] \otimes [2] = \left( \begin{array}{rr} u \bar{u} & u \bar{d} \\ d \bar{u} & d \bar{d} \end{array} \right)[/tex]

Next, we write the RHS as

\left( \begin{array}{cc} ( u \bar{u} - d \bar{d})/2 & d \bar{u} \\ u \bar{d} & (d \bar{d} - u \bar{u})/2 \end{array} \right) + \frac{1}{2} (u \bar{u} + d \bar{d}) \left( \begin{array}{rr} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right)

The 1st matrix is traceless and hermitian, therefore we can identify it with the 3-dimentional representation martix [3] (written above), i.e.,

[tex]| \pi^{+} \rangle = | T=1,T_{3}=1 \rangle = u \bar{d}[/tex]
[tex]| \pi^{-} \rangle = | T=1,T_{3}=-1 \rangle = d \bar{u}[/tex]
[tex]| \pi^{0} \rangle = | T=1,T_{3}=0 \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (u \bar{u} - d \bar{d})[/tex]

The 2nd matrix is the 1-dimensional invariant representation (i.e., singlet)

[tex][1] = \frac{1}{2} (u \bar{u} + d \bar{d}) I = | T=0,T_{3}=0 \rangle [/tex]

So, your Maggiore got his signs wrong.

PS: By the way, maybe someone can also explain me the deeper meaning and use of the hypercharge. Up to now for me its only a definition used in representing multipletts in Young diagrams..

In general, the average charge of an iso-multiplet is given by half of the hypercharge. It is better understood with in flavour SU(3). Tell me first, how much you know about SU(3)?


  • #4
It's a good rule of thumb that the singlet state is totally symmetric, and in this case that would be [tex](u\overline{u} + d\overline{d})[/tex]. The [tex]\pi^0[/tex] is part of a triplet, so it has the opposite sign: [tex](u\overline{u} - d\overline{d})[/tex]
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
It's a good rule of thumb that the singlet state is totally symmetric, and in this case that would be [tex](u\overline{u} + d\overline{d})[/tex]. The [tex]\pi^0[/tex] is part of a triplet, so it has the opposite sign: [tex](u\overline{u} - d\overline{d})[/tex]
That is backwards.
It is generally not the case for Clebsch-Gordon coefficients.
It is not true for spin or I spin in adding u and d quarks.
The state with the minus sign for d-dbar is symmetric, but the
minus sign comes in from sign ambiguities in the raising and lowering operators. The + sign is the usual C-G convention, but the minus sign is often used for pions to get G parity straight.
Either sign is correct, if used consistently.

FAQ: Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett

1. What is Flavour-SU(2)?

Flavour-SU(2) is a mathematical model used to describe the symmetries of particles with different flavors, such as quarks and leptons. It is based on the SU(2) group of special unitary matrices and is a fundamental concept in the Standard Model of particle physics.

2. How does Flavour-SU(2) relate to Pion-Multiplett?

Pion-Multiplett is a specific representation of Flavour-SU(2) that describes the symmetries of pion particles. It is a multiplet, meaning it includes multiple particles with different quantum numbers that are related by symmetries.

3. What is the significance of Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett in particle physics?

Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett is significant because it helps to explain the behavior and interactions of pion particles, which are important in understanding the strong nuclear force. It also provides a framework for understanding the symmetries and properties of other particles in the Standard Model.

4. Can Flavour-SU(2) be applied to other particles besides pions?

Yes, Flavour-SU(2) can be applied to other particles with different flavors, such as quarks and leptons. It can also be extended to include other types of symmetries, such as isospin and strangeness, to describe a wider range of particles.

5. How does Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett relate to experimental data?

Experimental data, such as particle scattering and decay measurements, have confirmed the predictions of Flavour-SU(2) for Pion-Multiplett. This provides strong evidence for the validity of the model and its ability to accurately describe the behavior of pion particles.

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