Flaw in the integral form of faradays law with large loops

In summary: So there will be no instantaneous response.In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of the instantaneous response of a larger loop surrounding a smaller loop to changes in the magnetic field in the smaller loop, based on Faraday's law. The experts explain that this is not possible due to the finite speed of electromagnetic waves and the need to use the full time-dependent Maxwell equations. They also discuss the relationship between Maxwell's equations and relativity, clarifying that there is no contradiction between the two.
  • #1
The situation is as such. you have a magnetic passing through a loop(loop 1)of wire as some time t, say you also have a larger loop of say one light year in radius surrounding loop 1, call this loop 2. at some time t the magnetic field is shut off. when this happens would loop 2 instantaneously respond via Faraday's law? The integral form of Faraday's law makes no distinction about the radius of the loop?

Is this possible? what am I missing, these type of paradoxical statements come up with relativity but Maxwell's equations are generally paradox friend and play well with relativity.
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  • #2
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  • #3
hmmm. I see, could you help me understand why this isn't simply connected? I don't see anything peculiar about the space so that it isn't simply connected, but I'm not exactly sure.
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  • #4
ThomGunn said:
when this happens would loop 2 instantaneously respond via Faraday's law?
Faradays law applies, in its integral form, for both loop 1 and loop 2 at all times. Faradays law would not predict an instantaneous change in the EMF for loop 2. For any set of fields which is a solution to Maxwells equations the change in flux will never happen superluminally.
  • #5
Maxwell's equations are not paradoxical at all and they are perfectly in accordance with relativity. That's how relativity was discovered: The Maxwell equations, although known to be very successful in discribing electromagnetic phenomena, where not Galilei invariant. Many physicists (including Voigt, FitzGerald, Lorentz, and Poincare) thought one had to introduce a preferred frame of reference (called the "ether rest frame") to accommodate this. The more they thought about it, the more complicated the material named ether became, and finally it was Einstein's fresh point of view that one has to adapt the space-time description to the invariance group of the Maxwell Equations, now called Poincare symmetry (invariance of the natural laws under proper orthochronous Lorentz transformations and space-time translations).

The usual treatment of macroscopic electrodynamics is, however, mostly plagued by tacitly making non-relativistic approximations to the treatment of matter and thus the consitutive equations. This is a pity, because it makes a lot of unnecessary trouble with interesting phenomena like the homopolar generator and energy-momentum bilance, leading to complicated explanations with "hidden momenta" and all that. If one treats everything relativistically, no such oddities are necessary.

Another source of confusion is that many textbooks state the Maxwell equations in integral form making (again often tacitly) special assumptions. Particularly Faraday's Law is plagued from these sins. When dealing with time dependent surfaces and its boudaries, one has to include the magnetic force in the electromotive force, and everything is fine. It's very nicely explained in the Wikipedia:


The most simple form, is naturally the differential (local) form of the equations, because classical Maxwell theory is the paradigmatic example of a relativistical (classical) field theory.

Now to your problem: When dealing with this problem, you have to solve first the problem of the electromagnetic fields produced by the time-dependent current in the larger loop. Here you have to use the full time-dependent Maxwell equations since you are dealing with a situation where the relevant parts of the setup are much larger than the typical wavelengths of the produced em. waves. The electromagnetic fields cannot propagator faster than the speed of light in vacuo, and thus the front of the signal reaches the smaller loop only after the time this em. wave needs to reach it (i.e., one year in your example). So as long as you use the full Maxwell equations there cannot be any contradiction with relativity!
  • #6
First of all the magnetic field cannot be shut off instanteneously, cause it has to be a continuous function of time(since we know it is differientiable with respect to time). Also the wave that is produced by shutting it down will NOT contribute to the total magnetic flux of the outer loop, until its front hits the outer loop.

Related to Flaw in the integral form of faradays law with large loops

1. What is the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law with large loops?

The main flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law with large loops is that it does not take into account the changing orientation of the loop with respect to the magnetic field. This can lead to incorrect calculations of the induced electromotive force (EMF).

2. How does the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law affect calculations?

The flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law can result in overestimating or underestimating the induced EMF, depending on the orientation of the loop. This can lead to inaccurate predictions and interpretations in electromagnetism.

3. Can the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law be fixed?

Yes, the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law can be fixed by using the differential form of the law, which takes into account the changing orientation of the loop. This form involves using partial derivatives to accurately calculate the induced EMF.

4. How does the differential form of Faraday's law differ from the integral form?

The differential form of Faraday's law takes into account the changing orientation of the loop with respect to the magnetic field, while the integral form does not. The differential form also uses partial derivatives instead of integration, making it more accurate for calculating the induced EMF.

5. Why is it important to address the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law?

Addressing the flaw in the integral form of Faraday's law is important because it ensures more accurate calculations and interpretations in electromagnetism. It also allows for a deeper understanding of the relationship between magnetic fields and induced EMF, which is crucial in many scientific and technological applications.

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