Flow line vs equipotential line

I think I follow it.In summary, the concept of a flow line is defined as a line along which water particles travel from upstream to downstream in a permeable medium. However, in some cases, such as when there is an obstruction in the medium, a flow net may be used to represent the flow of water. In this scenario, the flow line (represented by the line fg) is a horizontal line due to the perpendicular equipotential lines at the impervious boundary. This flow line represents the path of a water particle from near f to near g, as it is constrained to travel horizontally in this particular case. The flow is in the direction of decreasing potential, which explains why the water moves from the left to the
  • #1

Homework Statement

It's stated in the notes that line fg is the flow line . Why is it so ?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think it's wrong . The flow line is defined as a line along which the water paticle travel from upstream to downstream in the permeable medium .

However , in my textbook , it's stated that the water can move only thru the flow net , not in one direction only . So , how could the line fg be the flow line ? How could water flow thru line fg ( horizontally in one direction only) ? [/B]


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  • #2
This isn't my usual area, but I think I follow it.

The solid curves represent flow lines, and as you look deeper below the wall the roughly-circular curves become of greater radius. In the limit, at the fartherest depth, the radius is going to be one of roughly infinite radius, i.e., a straight line.

If you trace the path of a particle of water starting near f (i.e., just above the impervious layer), it will travel directly across to g, hence tracing out its flow line. It can't go deeper (the layer under it is impervious), and it won't rise higher (that would mean going against the flow of water coming from the upper regions), so it is constrained to traveling horizontally from near f over to near g.

A flow net is the 3-D concept they introduce for cases where a 2-D approximation is inadequate. Imagine a permeable medium containing a huge buried basalt boulder—flow around this obstruction will be directed left/right as well as up/down—in a complicated 3-D pattern. There will still be flowlines, but now they'll be in a complicated 3 dimensional non-intersecting pattern.
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  • #3
The equipotential lines are perpendicular to the impervious boundary at ##\overline{fg}##, so they point straight up. The flow is always the the direction of decreasing potential. In this case, that would mean the flow is in the horizontal direction at the boundary.
  • #4
NFuller said:
The equipotential lines are perpendicular to the impervious boundary at ##\overline{fg}##, so they point straight up. The flow is always the the direction of decreasing potential. In this case, that would mean the flow is in the horizontal direction at the boundary.
Why ? Why when the flow is horizontal , the potential is decreasing ?
  • #5
tzx9633 said:
Why ? Why when the flow is horizontal , the potential is decreasing ?
That's why the water moves, it's going from a higher potential to a lower. To the left of the wall the pressure from the dam water overhead is greater, forcing water to migrate to where there's less pressure, from the left to the right.
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  • #6
NascentOxygen said:
it will travel directly across to g, hence tracing out its flow line. It can't go deeper (the layer under it is impervious), and it won't rise higher
thanks for the point

FAQ: Flow line vs equipotential line

What is the difference between flow lines and equipotential lines?

Flow lines are imaginary lines that represent the direction of flow of a fluid, while equipotential lines are lines that connect points of equal potential.

How are flow lines and equipotential lines related?

Flow lines and equipotential lines are related in that they both describe the behavior of fluids. Flow lines show the direction of flow, while equipotential lines show areas of equal potential.

Why are flow lines and equipotential lines important in fluid mechanics?

Flow lines and equipotential lines are important in fluid mechanics because they help us understand the movement and behavior of fluids. By analyzing the patterns of these lines, we can make predictions and calculations about fluid flow.

Can flow lines and equipotential lines intersect?

No, flow lines and equipotential lines cannot intersect. This is because at the point of intersection, there would be conflicting information about the direction of flow and the potential, which is not possible in a real fluid system.

How are flow lines and equipotential lines used in practical applications?

Flow lines and equipotential lines are used in practical applications such as designing pipelines, analyzing weather patterns, and understanding the flow of air around objects in aerodynamics. They also play a role in groundwater flow and electrical systems.

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