Flow of gases through a capillary

In summary, the conversation discusses the flow of water vapor and argon gas through a capillary. It is mentioned that the water vapor flow rate must be below a certain level in order to prevent condensation on the capillary walls. The use of a phase diagram for water is suggested to determine the appropriate flow rate, and it is noted that the presence of argon should not affect the results.
  • #1
You have a capillary with a stream of water vapor flowing through. Inside the capillary argon gas is also flowing (in the same direction) with a flow rate of 3 L/min. How high of a flow rate can the water vapor have before it starts condensing on the walls? Flow is laminar and the system is at atmospheric pressure.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You need to check a phase diagram for water. It shows the transitions between the various phases at the various pressures and temperatures. I do not think the presence of argon would change this since it is a noble gas. For instance : http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/water_phase_diagram.html

FAQ: Flow of gases through a capillary

What is the flow of gases through a capillary?

The flow of gases through a capillary refers to the movement of gases through a narrow tube or channel, known as a capillary. This process is driven by differences in pressure, temperature, and concentration, and is an important concept in fields such as fluid mechanics and gas dynamics.

How does the flow of gases through a capillary differ from other types of flow?

The flow of gases through a capillary is unique because it occurs within a small, confined space. This results in a more laminar flow, meaning the gas molecules move in parallel layers with minimal mixing. Additionally, the flow is highly influenced by surface tension and the size and shape of the capillary.

What factors affect the flow of gases through a capillary?

The flow of gases through a capillary is influenced by several factors, including the gas properties (such as density and viscosity), the size and shape of the capillary, the pressure difference between the two ends of the capillary, and the presence of any obstacles or irregularities within the capillary.

How is the flow rate of gases through a capillary calculated?

The flow rate of gases through a capillary can be calculated using the Hagen-Poiseuille equation, which takes into account the gas properties, capillary dimensions, and pressure difference. This equation can also be modified to account for other factors such as temperature and surface tension.

What are some applications of the flow of gases through a capillary?

The flow of gases through a capillary has numerous practical applications, including in medical devices such as blood flow monitoring and gas chromatography, as well as in industrial processes such as gas separation and filtration. It is also an important concept in understanding the movement of gases in the atmosphere and in the design of ventilation systems.
