Flow of Magnetic Charge: A Source in Ampere's Law? - Bob Eisenberg

EisenbergIn summary, according to the conversation, the flow of magnetic charge would not produce a current that would be a source for the curl of B in Ampere's Law. Instead, it would act as a source for the curl of E in Faraday's Law.
  • #1
Bob Eisenberg
If magnetic charge exists, it can flow.

Would the flow of magnetic charge produce a current that would be a source for the curl of B, in Ampere's law?

Ever yours
Bob Eisenberg
Chairman emeritus
Dept of Molecular Biophysics
Rush University Medical Center
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Bob Eisenberg said:
Would the flow of magnetic charge produce a current that would be a source for the curl of B, in Ampere's law?

No. The source for the curl of B in Ampere's Law is the flow of electric charge. By duality, we would expect flowing magnetic charge to act as a source for the curl of E in Faraday's Law, i.e., it would become ##\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{E} = \vec{J}_m - \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}##, where ##\vec{J}_m## is the magnetic current and I have left out constants that depend on the units being used.
  • #3
As ever

FAQ: Flow of Magnetic Charge: A Source in Ampere's Law? - Bob Eisenberg

1. What is Ampere's law?

Ampere's law is a mathematical equation that relates the magnetic field around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop. It is an integral form of Maxwell's equations, which describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

2. What is the flow of magnetic charge?

The flow of magnetic charge, also known as magnetic current, is a hypothetical concept that describes the movement of magnetic monopoles (single, isolated magnetic charges). While electric monopoles (single, isolated electric charges) exist in nature, magnetic monopoles have not been observed. Ampere's law is still useful for explaining the behavior of magnetic fields without the presence of magnetic monopoles.

3. How is magnetic charge related to electric charge?

In Ampere's law, electric current (a flow of electric charge) is used to calculate the magnetic field. This is because charged particles, such as electrons, create both electric and magnetic fields when they move. However, the concepts of electric and magnetic charge are fundamentally different and cannot be directly related.

4. Can magnetic charge flow through a vacuum?

No, magnetic charge cannot flow through a vacuum because it does not exist in nature. While electric charge can flow through a vacuum in the form of electromagnetic radiation, there is no evidence that magnetic charge can do the same.

5. How does Ampere's law apply to real-world situations?

Ampere's law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism and has many practical applications, including in the design of electric motors, generators, and transformers. It is also used in the study of magnetic fields in materials and in the development of magnetic data storage devices.
