Flow rate of water from thin tubes under high g-force

In summary, the conversation is about the drainage rate of water in a suction roll used in the paper industry. The roll has a rotating perforated steel cylinder with a stationary vacuum box that pulls water into the holes as the paper web passes over it. The water is then thrown out due to centrifugal force. The question is how long it takes for the water to drain from the holes once the vacuum stops and atmospheric air enters. An order of magnitude estimate is given using the formula S=ut+0.5at^2, with a=50*9.8 and S=0.03m.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I was wondering if you could help me with something. I work in the paper industry with what is called a suction roll. The roll has a rotating perforated steel cylinder with a stationary vacuum box on the inside and as the wet paper web travels over the surface of the roll, the vacuum pulls water into the holes. The vacuum box is approx. 45 degrees wide, so the holes fill up when over the suction zone, but right after the zone centrifugal force causes the water to be thrown out of the holes (and away from the process). I am interested in the drainage rate/speed of the water coming out of the holes are no longer under vacuum. This process is very fast, with average surface speeds of approx. 50 mph, and g-forces acting on the holes typically around 50 g. So you basically have water being pulled into the holes, and then thrown out again, within milliseconds. Assuming the typical hole has a diameter of 5 mm and it gets filled to a depth of 30 mm, how long will it take to drain the hole the moment the vacuum stops, centrifugal force takes over, and atmospheric air is allowed to stream in from the bottom side?

Thanks in advance!

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  • #2
Have a look at the water flying out of the suction roll (breast roll) into the downcomer. The direction of travel will be tangent to the breast roll surface at the trailing suction box edge. Once the water passes over the trailing lip of the vacuum box, the water will travel in a straight line as the breast roll curves down and away.
  • #3
If you just want an order of magnitude estimate try...

S = ut + 0.5at^2

Solve for t

Related to Flow rate of water from thin tubes under high g-force

1. What is the relationship between the flow rate of water and the diameter of thin tubes under high g-force?

The flow rate of water through a thin tube under high g-force is directly proportional to the diameter of the tube. This means that as the diameter of the tube increases, the flow rate of water also increases. This can be explained by the fact that a larger diameter tube has a larger cross-sectional area, allowing more water to pass through at a faster rate.

2. How does the viscosity of water affect the flow rate through thin tubes under high g-force?

The viscosity of water has a significant impact on the flow rate through thin tubes under high g-force. As the viscosity of water increases, the resistance to flow also increases, resulting in a decrease in flow rate. This is because the water molecules become more tightly packed, making it harder for them to move through the tube. Therefore, a lower viscosity liquid, such as water, will have a higher flow rate compared to a higher viscosity liquid, like honey, under the same conditions.

3. Does the length of the thin tube affect the flow rate of water under high g-force?

Yes, the length of the thin tube does have an impact on the flow rate of water under high g-force. Generally, a longer tube will result in a lower flow rate compared to a shorter tube. This is because the longer distance that the water has to travel will increase the frictional resistance, slowing down the flow. However, the effect of length on flow rate may be negligible for very short or very long tubes, as other factors such as diameter and viscosity may have a greater impact.

4. How does the angle of the tube affect the flow rate of water under high g-force?

The angle of the tube can also affect the flow rate of water under high g-force. In general, a steeper angle will result in a higher flow rate compared to a shallower angle. This is because the steeper angle allows for a greater gravitational force to act on the water, helping to pull it through the tube at a faster rate. However, the effect of angle may be negligible for very small or very large angles, as other factors may have a greater impact on flow rate.

5. What are some practical applications of studying the flow rate of water from thin tubes under high g-force?

Understanding the flow rate of water from thin tubes under high g-force is important in various fields, including aerospace engineering, medicine, and industrial processes. For example, in aerospace engineering, this knowledge can be used to design more efficient systems for fuel and coolant flow in rockets and jets. In medicine, it can help in the development of medical devices such as catheters and IVs. In industrial processes, it can aid in the design and optimization of pipelines and pumps for the transportation of liquids. Additionally, studying the flow rate of water under high g-force can also provide insight into the behavior of other fluids in similar conditions.

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