Fluid flow: larger diameter vs. smaller diameter

In summary, the principle behind drinking using a straw is to vacate the straw and thus pull the fluid up using the negative pressure differential (essentially, the atmosphere is pressing the fluid up). A wider straw would mean more volume to vacate.Perhaps I wasn't clear. I understand how a straw works. My question is will fluid flow encounter moreenergy losses in a small diameter pipe or in a larger diameter pipe. The typical answer normally givenis: for the same flowrate a larger diameter pipe will be more efficient (less energy losses) due to the smaller velocity resulting from the larger cross sectional area.
  • #1
Hello everybody,

It is normally said that fluid flow in a larger diameter pipe is easier (less energy losses) than in a smaller
diameter pipe. This indeed appears to be true in relatively high flowrate applications however, I'm struggling to
understand why drinking from a normal straw (small diameter) is much easier than drinking from say a 1"
diameter pipe (large diameter). The only explanation I could come up with is that even though fluid through a
smaller pipe will have higher velocity (given the same flowrate) in comparison to a larger pipe however, it will
also be exposed to less area and thus, lower losses due to friction. Conversely, as flowrate increases the flow
through the smaller pipe will become turbulent earlier than the larger pipe due to the higher velocity and thus
more energy losses will result whilst the larger diameter pipe will maintain a laminar flow for higher flowrates. I
don't know whether I'm right and I would appreciate it if someone could sheds some light on this. I hope my
question is clear.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
The principle behind drinking using a straw is to vacate the straw and thus pull the fluid up using the negative pressure differential (essentially, the atmosphere is pressing the fluid up). A wider straw would mean more volume to vacate.
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  • #3
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I understand how a straw works. My question is will fluid flow encounter more
energy losses in a small diameter pipe or in a larger diameter pipe. The typical answer normally given
is: for the same flowrate a larger diameter pipe will be more efficient (less energy losses) due to the
smaller velocity resulting from the larger cross sectional area.

This is as I said the typical answer which is indeed true when you have a significant flowrate. But, in
many application you see smaller diameter pipes favored. For instance a car intake manifold may
employ a variable geometry design where the intake runner used at lower rpm (and hence lower flowrate)
will be smaller and the larger runner will be retained for higher rpm (higher flowrate). Even old carburetored
engine will normally use a multi barrel design where the low rpm barrels will be of a smaller size. Also, the
example I cited in my opening post which I think is also related to my question, which is it is easier to drink
using a straw instead of a 1" diameter pipe. In another word, given the same vacuum you can develop in your
mouth, a smaller diameter pipe will result in lower energy losses (you can drink more easily using the straw).

why at low flow rate the typical answer (larger diameter = less energy losses) appears to not hold
even though, the velocity will still be lower in the larger diameter pipe and hence, the head losses
will be lower.

As I already said above can someone explain to me why at lower flowrates smaller diameter pipes
appear to be more efficient.

The only explanation I could come up with (which I don't know if it's right or wrong or I'm simply conflating
things together) is that at smaller flowrates the smaller diameter pipe will be more efficient due to
the smaller area (wall area) and hence less friction. And even though the velocity at the smaller diameter pipe
will be higher however, it is still very low at low flowrates and head losses due to velocity will be negligible.
However, if flowrate increases the losses due to velocity will become more significant and thus the larger diameter
pipe will be more efficient (due to the lower velocity given the same flowrate).

I hope I was clear enough this time.
  • #4
12Element said:
In another word, given the same vacuum you can develop in your
mouth, a smaller diameter pipe will result in lower energy losses (you can drink more easily using the straw).
To drink through a one inch pipe, you must use your lungs to suck the air out of the pipe, then close the opening to your trachea and suck up a mouthful of water with your mouth. Nobody likes to suck with their lungs and time the closing of the trachea properly. Inhaling water by accident is a learning experience. One then swallows the water, using the tongue to form a boundary between low pressure water at the lips and normal pressure water going down the gullet. It is somewhat easier to do this without a one inch pipe in your mouth. In addition, one inch diameter pieces of pipe are clumsier than straws and take more room in the drawer.

Have you ever tried to drink through one of those cheap coffee stirrers? Large diameter is easier up to a point.

Edit: It's also harder to slurp up a 12 ounce tumbler of milk when it takes 8 ounces just to fill the straw.

Related to Fluid flow: larger diameter vs. smaller diameter

1. What is the difference between fluid flow in a larger diameter and smaller diameter?

The main difference between fluid flow in a larger diameter and smaller diameter is the velocity of the fluid. In a larger diameter, the fluid has a larger cross-sectional area to flow through, so the velocity is lower. In a smaller diameter, the fluid has a smaller cross-sectional area, resulting in a higher velocity.

2. How does the diameter affect the pressure of fluid flow?

The diameter of a pipe or channel can affect the pressure of fluid flow. In a larger diameter, the pressure of the fluid is more evenly distributed, resulting in a lower pressure. In a smaller diameter, the pressure is more concentrated, resulting in a higher pressure.

3. Is fluid flow more efficient in a larger or smaller diameter?

It depends on the specific situation. In some cases, a larger diameter may be more efficient because it allows for a higher volume of fluid to flow through at a lower velocity. However, in other cases, a smaller diameter may be more efficient because it requires less energy to maintain the higher velocity of the fluid.

4. How does the viscosity of the fluid affect the flow in different diameter pipes?

The viscosity of a fluid refers to its resistance to flow. In general, a more viscous fluid will flow slower in both larger and smaller diameter pipes compared to a less viscous fluid. However, in a smaller diameter pipe, the effects of viscosity may be more noticeable as the fluid has less space to flow through.

5. Can changing the diameter of a pipe affect the flow rate of a fluid?

Yes, changing the diameter of a pipe can significantly affect the flow rate of a fluid. As mentioned earlier, a larger diameter allows for a higher volume of fluid to flow through, resulting in a higher flow rate. On the other hand, a smaller diameter limits the space for fluid to flow through, resulting in a lower flow rate.
