Fluid Flow Problem-Viscous Flow

In summary, the fluid is viscous and will not flow through a small tube. To make it flow, the tube must be increased in size or the viscosity of the fluid must be reduced.
  • #1
I am working on a fluid mechanics problem modeling something I've come into contact with at work.

I have an open to atmosphere reservoir of a fluid with properties as follows

Viscosity= 47000 Cp
Height of fluid column, 3 inches or so. i.e. Neglible

I then have a pressure vessel with air inside of it at

190 Torr = 3.67 psi

If I immerse a plastic tube in the fluid, connect it to the pressure vessel, and open the clamp, I will establish some flow.

Inner Diameter of Tube is .19 in

I have been trying to determine the flow speed and pressure in the flow.

I have been using the equation

[tex] \frac{P_1}{\gamma} + \frac{V_1^2}{2*g} + Z_1= \frac{P_2}{\gamma} + \frac{V_2^2}{2*g} + Z_2 [/tex]

Considering change in height to be negligible (only a few inches), my equation reduces to

[tex] \frac{P_1}{\gamma} + \frac{V_1^2}{2*g} = \frac{P_2}{\gamma} + \frac{V_2^2}{2*g} [/tex]

Taking initial fluid velocity to be zero, as it is coming from the reservoir of fluid, my equation further simplifies to

[tex] \frac{P_1}{\gamma}= \frac{P_2}{\gamma} + \frac{V_2^2}{2*g} [/tex]

Plugging in values, I find my V_2 to be about 399 in/s

This is too high, but it must be due to the incorrect assumption of inviscid flow.

My next step is to add head loss to my equation:

[tex] \frac{P_1}{\gamma} = \frac{P_2}{\gamma} + \frac{V_2^2}{2*g} + H_L [/tex]

To determine this, I first calculate my Reynolds Number using the equation


then Friction Factor using the equation


Using this value I find my Head Loss using the equation

[tex] HL=f\frac{l}{D}\frac{v^2}{2g}[/tex]

My problem is that, after using an assumed initial velocity to begin the iterative process,
my Reynold's Number comes out very low, my Friction Factor very high and my Head Loss astronomical.

For example, for an assumed V1 of 20 in/s
Re= .077
HL=4043058523 in

Plugging into the next iteration of my flow equation, the inside of the eventual square root required for solving for V_2 comes out to be negative, which is just a small problem...

I hope I'm missing something obvious, and after spending many hours just to get to this point, I'd appreciate any ideas/comments/help that any of you could provide.

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Your fluid is so thick, it is probably going to clog such a small tube (ID = 0.19 in). Use a bigger tube or see if the viscosity can be reduced. When highly viscous products like residual fuel oil or asphalt have to be pumped, they must be heated to reduce viscosity sufficiently to allow pumping (residual FO approx. 200 F, asphalt approx. 400 F).
If neither approach is acceptable, you'll probably have to slice your fluid up into chunks and insert it into whatever manually.
  • #3
The problem is not making it work.
It flows quite well in this small tube, due to the high pressure gradient.

I am simply trying to describe the process in a quantifiable way.

I've been looking at the Stokes equation and Hagen–Poiseuille equation this morning.
These seem to be the correct equations for flow with a Reynold's number below 1.
  • #4
If you are running at a low RE bernoullis equation will not be valid as it is only a good approximation for the limit as Re goes to infinity.
  • #5
Aero51 said:
If you are running at a low RE bernoullis equation will not be valid as it is only a good approximation for the limit as Re goes to infinity.

Yes, I've come to realize that.
I was trying to compensate for that problem by incorporating HL from friction, but that was incorrect.

I'm now using the Poiseuille equation:

[tex] \upsilon \pi R^2 = \frac{\pi R^4}{8\eta} (\frac{|\Delta P|}{\Delta x}) [/tex]

Any additional suggestions?
  • #6
I would recommend setting up a full NS equation in the direction of fluid motion and make some simplifying assumptions. I do not have a PC with internet access so I cannot provide an example. The good news is that you know your boundary conditions in the tube and the net pressure gradient, dP/dz.

As another hint, solve the NS 3d polar equation the the z direction. Off the top of my head, you know:

-The flow is constant in time. d()/dt=0
-V_theta = 0 (irrotational)
-Viscosity is only significant in the radial direction
-You have a pressure gradient in 1 direction (dP/dz =/= 0)
-no slip condition at walls
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Related to Fluid Flow Problem-Viscous Flow

What is fluid flow?

Fluid flow refers to the movement of a fluid, such as a liquid or gas, through a given space. This can occur in a variety of contexts, including pipes, channels, or around objects.

What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow?

Laminar flow is characterized by smooth, orderly movement of fluid particles in parallel layers, while turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic and irregular movement. The type of flow is determined by the fluid's velocity and viscosity.

What is the significance of viscosity in fluid flow?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. In viscous flow, there is a stronger interaction between fluid particles, resulting in slower and more orderly movement. Inviscid flow, on the other hand, is characterized by very little resistance and faster, more chaotic movement.

What is the Navier-Stokes equation and how is it used in fluid flow problems?

The Navier-Stokes equation is a set of equations that describe the motion of a fluid in terms of its velocity, pressure, density, and viscosity. It is used in fluid flow problems to mathematically model and predict the behavior of fluids in various scenarios, such as in pipes or around objects.

What are some common applications of viscous flow?

Viscous flow is commonly seen in many everyday situations, such as in the flow of blood through our veins and arteries, the movement of air around an airplane wing, or the flow of water through a faucet. It is also important in industrial processes, such as in the production of oil and gas or in chemical engineering.

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