Fluid Flow: Water Pipe with Vertical Pipes

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving a water pipe with varying diameters and two attached vertical pipes. The questions focus on the water level in the vertical pipes, the velocity of the water as it exits the pipe, and the height difference between the two vertical pipes. The solution involves using Bernoulli's equation and the equation for pressure in a fluid column to determine the answers. The final answer for the height difference between the vertical pipes is 3.0 m.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a water pipe that tapers down from a diameter dA= 5.0 cm at
end A to a diameter dB = 2.5 cm at end B. At each end a vertical pipe that is open to the air at the
top is attached to the pipe as shown in the Figure. (Not to scale, the pipes are much taller than
shown.) Assume that water flows through the pipe at high enough pressure that the vertical pipes
1 and 2 are partially filled with water. You may take g=10 m/s2http://uploadnow.org/image/328813-physics.jpeg

(a) In which pipe will the water level be higher or will it be at the same height in both pipes?
Explain. Does this depend on the direction of the water flow?

(b) If the water enters the pipe at point A with a velocity vA=2.0 m/s, what is its velocity when it
exits at point B?

(c) If the water enters the pipe at point A with a velocity vA=2.0 m/s, what is the height
difference between the levels in the two vertical pipes? If the difference is not zero, please
indicate which pipe has the higher level.

Homework Equations

Bernoulli's Equation

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) My answer is that because end A will have higher pressure than end B due to Bernoulli's principle and the equation above, the water level in column 1 will be higher than column 2.
I'm just not entirely sure that it's correct.

(b) A1v1=A2v2
vA=2.0 m/s
rA=0.025 m
rB=0.0125 m

vB=πrA2 * vA / (πrB2)
= 8.0 m/s

(c) This is the answer I'm most uncertain about.
From Bernoulli's equation, I derived
(yA2-yA1)=h1=[(Po-P1) - (1/2)*ρvA2]/(ρg)
(yB2-yB1)=h2=[(Po-P2) - (1/2)*ρvB2]/(ρg)

P0 = atmospheric pressure above water in vertical pipe
P1 = pressure right below vertical pipe #1
P1 = pressure right below vertical pipe #2
Δy = difference in height between A and B

I then found the difference in height between the two openings, A and B, to be 0.4625,
and, still assuming that column #1 has a higher water level, subtracted h2 from h1:

h1-h2 = [[(Po-P2 - ρg(0.4625)) - (1/2)*ρvA2] - [(Po-P2) - (1/2)*ρvB2]] / (ρg)

=[[- ρg(0.4625) - (1/2)*ρvA2] - [-(1/2)*ρvB2]] / (ρg)

=[(1/2)*vB2 - (1/2)*vA2 - g(0.4625)] / gPlugging in

I get Δh=2.5375 m

As I said, I'm very uncertain about the way I approached this last part, so help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • #2
I think part (c) is a little off. You should get a nice clean expression for the column height difference.

Try writing Bernoulli's equation: Pa + (1/2)ρva^2 = Pb + (1/2)ρvb^2

Solve for Pa - Pb and note this is equal to ρg(h1 - h2).
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  • #3
edgepflow: Could you explain how Pb-Pa=ρg(h1 - h2)?
Solving for Pb-Pa in Bernoulli's equation, I get

I'm not sure how this ties to the height of the water in the columns. To me it seems to only relate the velocities, pressures, and heights of the two ends, A and B.
  • #4
JohanM said:
edgepflow: Could you explain how Pb-Pa=ρg(h1 - h2)?
Solving for Pb-Pa in Bernoulli's equation, I get

I'm not sure how this ties to the height of the water in the columns. To me it seems to only relate the velocities, pressures, and heights of the two ends, A and B.
The expression Pa-Pb=ρg(h1 - h2) is basically the same as P=ρgh you listed in Relevant Equations. It relates static pressure difference in a fluid column (Pa - Pb) to the height difference of the fluid column (h1 - h2). So the value of Pb - Pa is the pressure differerence due to the velocity difference. And now you can find h1 - h2.
  • #5
edgepflow: Thanks! It's so much clearer now, I appreciate your quick response.

(1/2)ρ(vB2-vA2) = ρg(h1-h2)
Δh=3.0 m

EDIT: I'm assuming my answers to (a) and (b) are correct since you didn't comment on them. Is that right?

FAQ: Fluid Flow: Water Pipe with Vertical Pipes

1. What is fluid flow?

Fluid flow refers to the movement of a liquid or gas through a pipe or channel. In the case of a water pipe with vertical pipes, fluid flow refers to the movement of water through the pipes due to gravity.

2. How does the height of vertical pipes affect fluid flow?

The height of vertical pipes can affect fluid flow by creating a difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the pipes. This pressure difference, known as head pressure, can influence the speed and direction of the fluid flow.

3. What factors can affect fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes?

Some factors that can affect fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes include the diameter of the pipes, the viscosity of the fluid, the roughness of the pipe walls, and the presence of any obstructions or bends in the pipe.

4. How can fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes be measured?

Fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes can be measured using various methods, such as flow meters, pressure gauges, or by calculating the volume of water passing through a certain point in a given amount of time.

5. What are some applications of studying fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes?

Studying fluid flow in a water pipe with vertical pipes can have various practical applications, such as designing efficient plumbing systems, optimizing irrigation systems, and understanding the behavior of fluids in different environments, such as in industries or natural systems.
