Fluid Mechanic Dynamic Similarity Question

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Reynolds numbers and its application in fluid mechanics. Specifically, it addresses the question of finding the speed of a ship prototype when subjected to wave resistance only, given the towing force and speed of a 1/25 scale model. The conversation also mentions the limitations of using Reynolds numbers in scaling wave resistance for ships.
  • #1
1. Hi All
I had a quiz in my fluid mechanics class with the question

A ship model scale 1/25 is towed through seawater at a speed of 1m/s. A force of 2N is required to tow the model.
Find the speed of the ship if the prototype is subjected to wave resistance only.

2. REm=REp

3. My attempt was comparing the two Reynolds numbers and solving for the velocity
my professor marked me wrong and said "Cannot match the RE numbers"

Any guidance is appreciated
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  • #2
Wave resistance doesn't scale too well by Reynolds Number.

For ships, Re = ρ V L / μ

Since both the model and the full sized vessel are presumed to operate in seawater, ρ and μ cannot change. To use the same Re for the full size ship as the model implies that V*L remains the same. However, the scale factor requires that L(ship) = 25*L(model), which then requires V(ship) = V(model)/25 to maintain the same product V*L for both the model and the ship.

The wavemaking resistance of a ship to that of a model is based on other factors than having the same Re. Actual vessels operate at much higher Re than can be simulated with models.

FAQ: Fluid Mechanic Dynamic Similarity Question

1. What is fluid mechanic dynamic similarity?

Fluid mechanic dynamic similarity refers to the similarity between two fluid systems in terms of their flow behavior. It is based on the principle of the Reynolds number, which is a dimensionless quantity used to determine if two flows are similar.

2. Why is dynamic similarity important in fluid mechanics?

Dynamic similarity is important because it allows for the study of fluid flow in one system to be applied to another system with similar characteristics. This saves time and resources in research and development, as well as in engineering applications.

3. How is dynamic similarity achieved?

Dynamic similarity is achieved by ensuring that the Reynolds number of the two fluid systems are equal. This can be done by adjusting the relevant parameters such as velocity, density, viscosity, and length scale.

4. What are the limitations of dynamic similarity in fluid mechanics?

While dynamic similarity is a useful tool, it is not always applicable. It assumes that all relevant parameters can be scaled and that the flow is turbulent. In some cases, this may not be true, and the results may not be representative of the actual fluid behavior.

5. Can dynamic similarity be used in all types of fluid flows?

No, dynamic similarity is most commonly used in turbulent flows. It may not be applicable in laminar flow, where the behavior of the fluid is highly dependent on the physical properties of the fluid and the geometry of the system.

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