Fluid mechanics artificial heart

In summary, the student is trying to find bibliography on the subject of fluid dynamics in artificial hearts. He is moderately familiar with the subject and is looking for sources of data.
  • #1

I'm a biomedical engineer student and I'm working on a project about the fluid dynamics in artificial hearts.

What I want is to compare the fluid dynamics in real hearts and artificial ones, have a general idea on what problems can arise when trying to produce an artificial heart, in therms of fluid dynamics.

The only problem is that I been having a hard time trying to find some bibliography on the subject.

Can somebody help me with this one? I sure appreciate it.
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  • #2
Well for starters i assume you are very confident in your abilities in fluid mechanics and got your tensor calculus learned (we didnt get it in ME undergrad). I did some work on blood flow through capillaries kinda still on it and the first books i got recommended were:

"Applied biofluid mechanics" by Lee Waite ... i think it ll give you a lot to start with

"Biomechanical systems: Techniques and applications" Vol III and IV are very good they are backed up by research and each chapter has a TON of bibliography that you can see but be aware that there's some mistakes but you should be able to see them.

I don't remember all the books i used if i do i will post more but i also just used the biomechanical systems book and read the bibliography at the end of each chapter searching for what i wanted, i think those 3 will give you a good start.
  • #3
Well, I must say, I thank you very much.

I'll start by grabbing a read on those books and keep searchinf for some more bibliography.

Take care.

  • #4
BBMauro said:

I'm a biomedical engineer student and I'm working on a project about the fluid dynamics in artificial hearts.

What I want is to compare the fluid dynamics in real hearts and artificial ones, have a general idea on what problems can arise when trying to produce an artificial heart, in therms of fluid dynamics.

The only problem is that I been having a hard time trying to find some bibliography on the subject.

Can somebody help me with this one? I sure appreciate it.

I am slightly familiar with the field- mostly in the context of the flow field around cardiac valves. It's hard to get data (for obvious reasons), but there is some literature out there. I'll poke around and see what I find- look for MRI studies.


  • #5

I am glad to hear that you are working on a project about fluid dynamics in artificial hearts. This is an important and challenging area of research in the field of biomedical engineering. In terms of comparing the fluid dynamics in real hearts and artificial ones, it is important to consider the differences in structure and function between the two. Real hearts have complex structures and dynamic pumping mechanisms, while artificial hearts are typically simpler in design and rely on mechanical pumps. This can lead to differences in fluid flow patterns and potential problems such as blood clotting or damage to surrounding tissues.

In terms of finding bibliography on this subject, I would recommend checking out academic journals and conferences in the field of biomedical engineering, as well as consulting with experts in the field. Additionally, there may be textbooks or online resources specifically focused on fluid mechanics in artificial hearts that could be helpful in your research. Best of luck with your project!

FAQ: Fluid mechanics artificial heart

What is fluid mechanics and how does it relate to artificial hearts?

Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids, such as blood, flow and behave in different situations. It is crucial in the design and function of artificial hearts, which rely on fluid dynamics to mimic the pumping action of a real heart.

How do artificial hearts use fluid mechanics to pump blood?

Artificial hearts use a combination of pumps, valves, and chambers to simulate the natural flow of blood through the heart. The pumps create pressure gradients that push the blood through the valves and into the chambers, mimicking the heart's pumping action.

What challenges do scientists face when designing artificial hearts using fluid mechanics?

One of the main challenges is creating a smooth and consistent flow of blood while avoiding turbulent flow, which can lead to damage or clotting. Additionally, artificial hearts must be able to adapt to changes in blood pressure and flow rates, which requires precise control of the fluid mechanics.

How do scientists test and improve the fluid mechanics of artificial hearts?

Scientists use a variety of techniques, such as computer simulations and physical models, to analyze and optimize the fluid mechanics of artificial hearts. They also conduct experiments on mock circulatory systems or animal models to evaluate the performance of different designs.

What are the potential benefits of using fluid mechanics in artificial hearts?

By incorporating fluid mechanics into artificial hearts, scientists hope to create more efficient and durable devices that can improve the quality of life for patients with heart failure. This technology also has the potential to reduce the need for donor hearts and improve the success rate of heart transplant surgeries.

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