Fluid Mechanics (Shear Stress)

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of shear stress on a moving plate covered in oil, with a parabolic and linear velocity profile. The correct answer for shear stress is u*v.o/(2d) for a parabolic profile and u*v.o/d for a linear profile. The solution involves determining the correct velocity profile, v(y), and using the formula t=u*(dv)/(dy) to calculate the shear stress at the moving plate, v(d).
  • #1
1. Question
A large plate moves with speed (v.o) over a stationary plate on a layer of oil of thickness (d) and viscosity (u). If the velocity profile is that of a parabola, with the oil at the plates having the same velocity as the plates, what is the shear stress on the moving plate from the oil? If a linear profile is assumed, what is the shear stress on the moving plate? (Answers: u*v.o/(2d) and u*v.o/d)

Homework Equations

t: shear stress

The Attempt at a Solution

So I have the answer, but I cannot figure out the solution. If the velocity changes parabolically, then you have the equation v=md^2+c. dv=2md. So when d=0, v=0 and t=u*(2md-0)/(d-0). This is my solution, but obviously is not correct with the above answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Parabolically can either mean [tex]v = a y^2 + b[/tex] or [tex]v = a \sqrt{y} + b[/tex], where a and c are constants to be determined. Think carefully about which is the correct profile.

Furthermore, avoid expressing v immediately as a function where y = d. The velocity profile is [tex]v(y)[/tex]. The velocity at the moving plate is [tex]v(d)[/tex]. You will make mistakes with your derivatives otherwise.
  • #3

Dear student,

Thank you for your question. In order to solve this problem, we need to use the Navier-Stokes equation for fluid flow, which states that the shear stress (t) is equal to the product of the fluid's dynamic viscosity (u) and the velocity gradient (dv/dy).

In this case, we are dealing with a two-dimensional flow, where the velocity (v) is dependent on the distance from the stationary plate (y). Since the velocity profile is given as a parabola, we can assume that the velocity gradient (dv/dy) is constant and equal to 2v.o/d, where v.o is the velocity of the moving plate and d is the thickness of the oil layer.

Using the Navier-Stokes equation, we can write:

t=u*(dv/dy) = u*(2v.o/d)

Therefore, the shear stress on the moving plate from the oil is equal to u*v.o/d.

If we assume a linear velocity profile instead, we can use the equation v=md+c, where m is the velocity gradient and c is a constant. In this case, we can solve for m by using the boundary condition that the velocity at the stationary plate is equal to v.o:

v.o = m*0+c
c = v.o

Now, using the same Navier-Stokes equation, we get:

t=u*(dv/dy) = u*m

Since we know that m=v.o/d (from the linear velocity profile equation), we can substitute this value into the equation above and get:


I hope this helps you understand the solution better. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

FAQ: Fluid Mechanics (Shear Stress)

1. What is shear stress in fluid mechanics?

Shear stress in fluid mechanics refers to the force that acts parallel to the surface of a fluid, causing it to deform or flow. It is a result of the viscosity of the fluid and the velocity gradient within the fluid.

2. How is shear stress measured?

Shear stress is typically measured using a device called a rheometer, which applies a controlled amount of force to a fluid and measures the resulting deformation. The unit of measurement for shear stress is typically pascals (Pa) or newtons per square meter (N/m2).

3. What factors affect shear stress in a fluid?

The viscosity of the fluid, the velocity gradient within the fluid, and the type of fluid (Newtonian or non-Newtonian) are all factors that can affect shear stress. Other factors such as temperature and pressure can also have an impact.

4. How does shear stress impact fluid flow?

Shear stress plays a crucial role in determining the flow behavior of a fluid. In laminar flow, where the fluid particles move in parallel layers, shear stress is directly proportional to the velocity gradient and can cause the fluid to flow. In turbulent flow, where the fluid particles move chaotically, shear stress is responsible for mixing and dissipating energy within the fluid.

5. How is shear stress used in real-world applications?

Shear stress is an important concept in many engineering and scientific fields. It is used in the design of pipelines, pumps, and other fluid systems to ensure that the materials can withstand the stresses placed on them. In medicine, shear stress is used to understand blood flow and the impact on blood vessels. It is also relevant in fields such as geology, meteorology, and materials science.
