Fluids Problem - Atmospheric Tank Pressure Vent

In summary: Assuming that Bernoulli is valid, then the pressure inside the tank would rise until the mass of air added was equal to the mass of air flowing out of the vent. At that point, the pressure would stay at that level since the amount of air which could flow in is limited by the size of the vent.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Theres a atmospheric tank with a goose neck vent on the top and also an inlet pipe [a diameter 2 inch schedule 40] on the top. There is a compressed air line [from a 50 psi compressor] going into the inlet. The pressure inside the tank should not be above 2 psi. Size the diameter of the goose neck vent.

P = 50 psi
Dinner = 2.07 inches
ρ = 4.32 lb/ft^3

Goose Neck Vent:
P = 2 psi
Dinner = ?

Homework Equations

0.5ρV2 + P = 0.5ρV2 + P
Q = V*A [volumetric flow rate]
V*A = V*A [in = out]

The Attempt at a Solution

I assumed I could use bernoullis to find the V out from the compressed air line. [Pinside = 50, Poutside = 0 [atmsophere], Vin = 0, Vout=?]
I got a Velocity of 68.31300511 ft/s

From that and the cross sectional area of the 2.07in pipe I got a Q of 95.79056195 CFM.

Next I moved onto the tank. I substituted
VinAin/Aout = Vout into Bernoulli's and Solved for Aout.
Aout = sqrt( Q2 / (Vin2 - 2*ΔP/ρ)

Problem is I ended up getting the same cross sectional area as the inlet. I'm not sure where I went wrong. Perhaps incompressible flow? I appreciate any help.
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  • #2
What's wrong with having an inlet and a vent with the same area?
  • #3
Nothing. But that doesn't satisfy the problem statement or make sense with my numbers.

if Qin = Qout
VA in = VA out
and therefore Vin = Vout

if this is true, according to Bernoulli's there would be no pressure change. My Pin and Pout are different. they need to be according to the problem statement. The ΔP should equal the 2 psi, if I'm not mistaken?
  • #4
If you are trying to maintain less than 2 psi pressure differential above atmospheric, then it seems your chosen method of solution is somewhat simplified.

I think you are ignoring the change in pressure inside the tank as air is added from the 50 psi source. It seems that there should be an additional relation such that:

net mass of air added to the tank = mass of air flowing in - mass of air flowing out of the vent

The net mass of air added must be less than the amount of air which would produce a rise of 2 psi inside the tank above atmospheric. The vent would be sized to allow enough air to flow out so there would not be a buildup of additional air in the tank.

When the air starts to flow from the 50 psi source, compressibility must be checked before assuming that Bernoulli applies.
  • #5

I would first like to commend you on your thorough and detailed approach to solving this problem. It is clear that you have a strong understanding of Bernoulli's equation and its applications.

However, I would like to point out that in this scenario, the flow is not incompressible. The compressed air from the inlet will expand as it enters the tank, resulting in a change in density and velocity. Therefore, Bernoulli's equation may not accurately represent the flow in this system.

In order to accurately determine the required diameter of the goose neck vent, I would suggest using the ideal gas law to calculate the density of the air inside the tank at 2 psi. This can then be used to calculate the required mass flow rate of air through the vent. From there, you can determine the required cross-sectional area of the vent using the equation Q = VA.

Additionally, it is important to consider the effect of friction and other losses in the system, which may require a larger vent diameter to compensate for. I would suggest using a flow rate slightly higher than the calculated value to ensure that the pressure inside the tank does not exceed 2 psi.

Overall, I believe your approach is on the right track, but taking into account the compressibility of the air and potential losses in the system will lead to a more accurate and reliable solution.

FAQ: Fluids Problem - Atmospheric Tank Pressure Vent

1. What is an atmospheric tank pressure vent?

An atmospheric tank pressure vent is a mechanism used to regulate the pressure inside a tank that contains a fluid. It allows excess pressure to be released from the tank to prevent damage or rupture.

2. How does a pressure vent work?

A pressure vent typically consists of a valve or opening that is designed to open when the pressure inside the tank reaches a certain level. This allows the excess pressure to escape, reducing the pressure inside the tank.

3. Why is it important to have a pressure vent for atmospheric tanks?

Atmospheric tanks are designed to hold fluids at or near atmospheric pressure. However, there are various factors such as temperature changes or fluid evaporation that can cause pressure to build up inside the tank. Without a pressure vent, this can lead to potential hazards such as tank rupture or explosion.

4. How do you determine the appropriate pressure vent for a specific atmospheric tank?

The appropriate pressure vent for a specific atmospheric tank depends on several factors such as the type of fluid being stored, the size of the tank, and the maximum pressure it can withstand. It is important to consult with a professional engineer or refer to industry standards to determine the appropriate pressure vent for your specific tank.

5. Are there any maintenance requirements for atmospheric tank pressure vents?

Yes, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain atmospheric tank pressure vents to ensure they are functioning properly. This may include cleaning, lubricating, and replacing any worn or damaged parts. It is also important to periodically test the pressure vent to ensure it is opening at the correct pressure level.
