Calculating Flux through a Sphere using Cylindrical Coordinates

In summary: I think I understand the concept a bit better now. In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving the calculation of flux using cylindrical coordinates. The speaker is unsure of how to approach the problem and is seeking clarification on the use of non-optimal coordinates. They provide their attempt at a solution and receive guidance on using the dot (or inner) product to calculate flux. The conversation concludes with the speaker successfully completing the problem and gaining a better understanding of the concept.
  • #1
I was told it might be better to post this here.

Homework Statement

The trick to this problem is the E field is in cylindrical coordinates.

Homework Equations

##\int E \cdot dA##

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried converting the E field into spherical coords and I can find the flux that way but it is a complicated answer. The problem suggests keeping the field in cylindrical and doing the integral of the circle in cylindrical instead of spherical. I'm sort of lost on how I would do that. Would I have the limits of s be 0→R and z -R→R and ##\phi## the same as hat it would normally be?

I doubt it is that simple but since I've never tried to use non-optimal coordinates for an object I'm not entirely sure how I would go about this.

Also, this is the work I've done:

For example

##s=rsin(\theta)## and ##\hat{s}=sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta}##
so ##E=(rsin(\theta))^2(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta})##
##\int E \cdot dA=E4\pi r^2=4\pi r^2(rsin(\theta))^2(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta})##

The next step it asks me to calculate the divergence of E and then graph it on the sz plane.

I can do this with the original equation but I now have answers in two different coordinate systems. Which I suppose sounds fair since they did gave me two also.

##∇\cdot E=\frac{1}{s}\frac{∂}{∂s}(sE_s)##

Finally, it asks that I now do the integral ##\int (∇\cdot E) dV## to show that the two methods are equivalent. At first glance I would say they are not. So I probably made a mistake somewhere.
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  • #2
bowlbase said:
so ##E=(rsin(\theta))^2(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta})##
##\int E \cdot dA=E4\pi r^2=4\pi r^2(rsin(\theta))^2(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta})##

Now supposing you got E right you need [itex] d{\bf A} = r^2 \sin \theta d \theta d\phi \widehat{r}[/itex],
and that product is the inner product.
  • #3

##\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\pi}r^2sin^2(\theta)(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos( \theta)\hat{\theta})r^2sin(\theta)d\theta d\phi##
=##2\pi r^4\int_0^{\pi}sin^4(\theta)\hat{r}+sin^2(\theta)cos(\theta)\hat{\theta}##

second integral is zero. first integral evaluates to ##\frac{3\pi}{8}##

so finally the flux is: ##\frac{3}{4}\pi^2r^4##

edit:corrected power on sine
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  • #4
I'm not sure what you are doing.

[itex] {\bf E}=(rsin(\theta))^2(sin(\theta)\hat{r}+cos(\theta)\hat{\theta}) [/itex]
[itex] d{\bf A} = r^2 \sin \theta d \theta d\phi \widehat{r}[/itex],
tell you
[itex] {\bf E} \cdot d{\bf A} = r^4 sin^4(\theta) d\theta d\phi [/itex].
  • #5
I did ##sin^4(\theta)## but put 3 up there instead. What we have then is the same since the theta component goes to zero in the integral.
  • #6
that's what I'm worried about. the right answer for the wrong reason. do you see what's different
between what I'm saying and what you are?
  • #7
I see that you are only doing the ##\hat{r}## direction but I don't know why you would ignore the ##\hat{\theta}##.
  • #8
bowlbase said:
I see that you are only doing the ##\hat{r}## direction but I don't know why you would ignore the ##\hat{\theta}##.

Because as qbert has been trying to tell you, ##{\bf E} \cdot d{\bf A}## isn't a vector. It's a scalar. It's the inner product of the vector ##{\bf E}## and the vector ##d{\bf A}##.
  • #9
There is no [itex]\widehat{\theta}[/itex] direction, it is wiped out when you take the inner product in [itex] {\bf E} \cdot d{\bf A}[/itex], and that is my point. You have to do the inner product when you're doing flux integrals.
It's only the piece of electric field which pierces the surface element which contributes to flux.
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  • #10
I'm trying to figure out what you guys mean by inner product. I haven't heard this term before.
  • #11
bowlbase said:
I'm trying to figure out what you guys mean by inner product. I haven't heard this term before.

Your relevant equation has a dot in it that means 'dot product', same thing as 'inner product'. Do you know what dot product means? Also sometimes called scalar product. It's an operation between two vectors that give you a scalar (i.e. a number).
  • #12
I know dot product. I've just never heard it called inner product. However, I don't understand, physically, why we would ignore one direction of the field. It's one thing to say if the direction of the field is only in ##\hat{r}## then that is all fine and understandable (if I did the integral in cylindrical coordinates this would work wonderfully). But, if I had 3 components to the field direction would I still ignore the other two in favor of r? I know they are all perpendicular but I don't grasp why they go away physically.
  • #13
bowlbase said:
I know dot product. I've just never heard it called inner product. However, I don't understand, physically, why we would ignore one direction of the field. It's one thing to say if the direction of the field is only in ##\hat{r}## then that is all fine and understandable (if I did the integral in cylindrical coordinates this would work wonderfully). But, if I had 3 components to the field direction would I still ignore the other two in favor of r?

The point is that ##\hat r \cdot \hat \theta=0##. That's why you can ignore it. dA only has an ##\hat r##. Physically the intuition is that the ##\hat \theta## component of the field isn't going into or out of the sphere, it's only going around. It doesn't matter for flux.
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  • #14
I get it, sort of. I understand the math but when I think of flux I think of everything, no matter direction, going through a surface. I want to count all of it, not just what is perpendicular to the surface.

I've finished the problem and it matches perfectly with the divergence of E and Gauss's theorem. Thanks a lot for the help guys!
  • #15
bowlbase said:
I get it, sort of. I understand the math but when I think of flux I think of everything, no matter direction, going through a surface. I want to count all of it, not just what is perpendicular to the surface.

I've finished the problem and it matches perfectly with the divergence of E and Gauss's theorem. Thanks a lot for the help guys!

Great! You can count all of it, but the part of the field that's parallel to the surface is not going to contribute to the flux. Only the perpendicular part will. That's what the 'dot product' part says. Keep thinking about it.

FAQ: Calculating Flux through a Sphere using Cylindrical Coordinates

1. What is flux through a sphere?

The flux through a sphere is a measure of the amount of energy or particles passing through the surface of a sphere. It is represented by the symbol Φ and is measured in units of energy per unit area per unit time, such as joules per square meter per second.

2. How is flux through a sphere calculated?

The flux through a sphere can be calculated using the formula Φ = E · A · cosθ, where E is the magnitude of the electric field, A is the area of the sphere, and θ is the angle between the electric field and the normal vector of the surface of the sphere.

3. What factors affect the flux through a sphere?

The flux through a sphere is affected by the magnitude and direction of the electric field, the area of the sphere, and the orientation of the sphere with respect to the electric field. Additionally, the presence of other charges or objects in the surrounding space can also affect the flux.

4. How is flux through a sphere related to Gauss's Law?

Gauss's Law states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided by the permittivity of free space. Therefore, the flux through a sphere can be calculated by finding the net charge enclosed by the sphere and dividing it by the permittivity of free space.

5. Can the flux through a sphere be negative?

Yes, the flux through a sphere can be negative if the electric field is directed in the opposite direction of the normal vector of the surface of the sphere. This means that the energy or particles are leaving the surface of the sphere instead of entering it.
