Flying cars from string theory ?

In summary, the article discusses a possible reason why a 8 year old child prodigy is attending college. It seems that his father is speaking on his behalf because the child doesn't communicate well with adults.
  • #1
Flying cars from string theory ? :)

This is the link to the short story from" .

My comment: LOL ! But the kid seems to have potential...
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  • #2
The kid sounds like he has potential for needing long-term therapy. From your second link:
The Korea Herald seems have a more comprehensive article, but it’s subscription only. However, piecing the story together from the blogosphere (plus finding a cached copy) begins to reveal a more sinister angle to this child wonder. (Go Technorati!)

Song Yoo-geun apparently impressed professors with his understanding of the Schrödinger equation, but wait, what’s this?

The interview was conducted mainly with the senior Song since Yoo-geun is lacking in his ability to communicate with adults.

Hmm, a child prodigy who needs his father to communicate on his behalf sounds awfully fishy to me.

The first one commented on the same thing, that his father was speaking on his behalf because the child doesn't communicate well with adults.

Poor kid. :frown: This sounds a lot like the story there was about a supposed child prodigy (I think she was 5 or so) who produced paintings (made almost believable because it was the variety of paintings that are lots of paint splashed on canvas). Her parents would never let anyone see her painting though. Finally, one of those TV news magazine type shows convinced them to set up a video camera in their home to tape her painting since they claimed she wouldn't paint if people were watching. Contrary to the parents' claims that she would just sit down with paints for hours and not stop, the tape showed her parents spending an awful lot of time trying to urge her to paint, pointing to the canvas as if to give her instruction of where paint goes, etc. The final product looked little different than an average child's finger painting. A psychologist watching the tape said she showed very age-appropriate behavior and skills, but nothing that would indicate she had the passion or focus or exceptional skill that a prodigy would require. The overall conclusion was that her parents (likely her father) were doing the paintings for her (or at the least, finishing them for her to make them look professional).

I just think it's so sad for parents to use their child like that. Their own competitiveness is so out of control that they'll scar their child for life over bragging rights.
  • #3
Yeah, you may be right. He probably has some talent, but god knows what kind of parents he has (for real). He "doesn't communicate well with adults" and they send him to college ?

I didn't know about this other story, its said somebody does this to a kid. If a kid is really smart they claim he/she is, he will probably proove it later in lafe himself. What good could this publicity do to a 8 year old ? If he doesn't do so good they expect him, they'll probably think he is a failure (and the truth is, they are, not him).

Related to Flying cars from string theory ?

1. How can string theory lead to the development of flying cars?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to unify all known fundamental forces and particles in the universe. This includes gravity, which is crucial for creating a vehicle that can fly. By understanding the underlying principles of string theory, scientists may be able to develop new technologies, such as anti-gravity, that could make flying cars a reality.

2. Will flying cars be powered by strings?

No, flying cars will not be powered by actual strings. String theory is a theoretical concept and does not involve physical strings. The term "string" refers to the fundamental building blocks of the universe, which are thought to be tiny, vibrating strings of energy.

3. How will flying cars based on string theory be different from traditional airplanes?

Flying cars based on string theory would likely have some key differences from traditional airplanes. One major difference could be the ability to navigate through higher dimensions, such as the 11 dimensions proposed by string theory. This could potentially allow for faster and more efficient travel.

4. When can we expect to see flying cars based on string theory?

It is difficult to predict when flying cars based on string theory will become a reality. String theory is still a highly theoretical concept and the technology needed to make it a reality is still in the early stages. It may take several decades or even centuries before flying cars based on string theory are feasible.

5. What are some potential challenges in creating flying cars based on string theory?

One major challenge in creating flying cars based on string theory is the development of anti-gravity technology. This would require a deep understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe, which is still a work in progress. Additionally, there may be ethical and safety concerns that need to be addressed before flying cars based on string theory can become a reality.

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