Flywheel Diameter: Calculating Capacity for Energy Storage

In summary, the conversation discusses the increase in energy storage capacity when weight is moved from the center of a flywheel towards the outer edge or when a larger diameter wheel is used. The formula for calculating the moment of inertia for a solid disc is provided, and it is explained that energy stored is dependent on the angular velocity of the wheel. The conversation also mentions that for non-disc-like flywheels, the moment of inertia can be found geometrically.
  • #1
Hey all,

I realize that when weight is moved from the center of a flywheel toward the outer edge (or a larger diameter wheel is used), the capacity for energy storage increases. But I have no idea how to calculate how much that increase actually is, or whether the increase remains constant (proportionately) between the two as RPMs increase.

Anyone have a formula handy for this? Hopefully with enough footnotes for a "non-engineer" who doesn't know many standardized formula abbreviations...

Thanks, moo
moo (moo') adj. Of no practical importance; irrelevant, such as a moo point (i.e. a cow's opinion).
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  • #3
Sure, a common problem.

For a solid disc:

I = mk^2 = (mr^2) / 2 = (p*pi**b*r^4) / 2

Where I is the moment of inertia of your wheel, m its mass, p the material's density, b the disc's thickness, r its radius, and k the radius of gyration.

k = r / (sqrt 2)

Now, energy stored:

E = (Iw^2)/2

Where w is the angular velocity of your wheel, (2*pi*N) where N is the number of revolutions per second.

Sorry about the lack of fancy text, write it out on paper!

For non-disc-like flywheels, you will easily be able to find I geometrically; if you struggle give us a shout or have a quick look in a mechanics book.

You following?
  • #4
Thanks guys, that should do the trick. :wink:

moo (moo') adj. Of no practical importance; irrelevant, such as a moo point (i.e. a cow's opinion).

FAQ: Flywheel Diameter: Calculating Capacity for Energy Storage

1. What is a flywheel?

A flywheel is a mechanical device that stores rotational energy in the form of kinetic energy. It consists of a spinning disk or wheel connected to a shaft, and is used to store energy and maintain a constant rotational speed.

2. How does a flywheel store energy?

A flywheel stores energy by rotating at a high speed, increasing its kinetic energy. The energy is stored in the rotational motion of the flywheel, and can be released when needed by slowing down the rotation.

3. What is the purpose of calculating flywheel diameter?

The diameter of a flywheel is directly related to its energy storage capacity. By calculating the diameter, we can determine how much energy can be stored in the flywheel and how long it can be used before needing to be recharged.

4. How is flywheel diameter calculated?

Flywheel diameter is calculated using the formula D = (2 * E)/((π * ω^2) * ρ), where D is the diameter, E is the desired energy storage capacity, ω is the angular velocity of the flywheel, and ρ is the density of the flywheel material. This formula takes into account the relationship between energy storage and rotational speed.

5. What are the applications of flywheel energy storage?

Flywheel energy storage has various applications, such as providing backup power for critical systems, reducing peak power demands in the electrical grid, and storing renewable energy. It can also be used in vehicles to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.
