Football Throw - Could be Relative Motion?

In summary, the problem involves a quarterback throwing a pass to a running receiver. The receiver starts 20 meters in front of the quarterback and runs away at a speed of 6.0 m/s. The quarterback throws the 500 g football at a 40 degree angle and the receiver catches it without having to alter his speed. The question asks for the speed at which the quarterback threw the ball. The solution involves using the equations for time of flight and range, and setting up two equations and two unknowns to solve for the velocity of the ball. Through some algebraic manipulation, the answer is found to be approximately 29.2 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Quarterback Fred is going to throw a pass to tight end Doug. Doug is 20 m in front of Fred and running straight away at 6.0 m/s when Fred throws the 500 g football at a 40 angle. Doug catches the ball without having to alter his speed and runs for the game-winning pass.

How fast did Fred throw the ball?

Homework Equations

Perhaps kinematics equations?

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been working on this one for about an hour and still can't seem to solve it. I've tried using the usual big three kinematics equations substiting all over the place, but I've missed the problem 4 times so far as I can't get the correct answer. I am guessing the 500g football doesn't matter in this problem?

Any ideas on this? Is it relative motion? I am completely stumped.
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  • #2
Here is my best idea so far...

Using this kinematic equation: tex]s_f = s_i + v_i + \frac{1}{2} at^2[/tex]

For Fred the thrower solving for y-axis since I can use acceleration.

[tex]s_f = v_b sin\alpha + \frac{1}{2} at^2[/tex]

Then for Doug the runner, using the same axis and equation.

[tex]s_f = s_i + v_i t[/tex]

In order to catch both final positions have to be equal, so...

[tex]s_i + v_i t = v_b sin\alpha + \frac{1}{2} at^2[/tex]

Then I tried plugging in all of the values and got the wrong answer. :confused:

Oh...I still end up with two unknowns. That's why I can't go any farther. Do I sub in something else to get rid of either the velocity or the time?
  • #3
Ok next up since I have two variables.

Still using the ball thrower, I used another kinematic equation subbing it in for the t.

[tex]v_f = v_i +at[/tex]

[tex]t= \frac{-v_b sin\alpha}{a}[/tex]

Ended up with 70 something m/s. No way. :smile:
  • #4
erok81 said:

Homework Statement

Quarterback Fred is going to throw a pass to tight end Doug. Doug is 20 m in front of Fred and running straight away at 6.0 m/s when Fred throws the 500 g football at a 40 angle. Doug catches the ball without having to alter his speed and runs for the game-winning pass.

Homework Equations

Perhaps kinematics equations?

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been working on this one for about an hour and still can't seem to solve it. I've tried using the usual big three kinematics equations substiting all over the place, but I've missed the problem 4 times so far as I can't get the correct answer. I am guessing the 500g football doesn't matter in this problem?

Any ideas on this? Is it relative motion? I am completely stumped.
It is not clear what the question is. Are you trying to find the speed at which the ball is thrown?

What you need are two expressions for time of flight.

Express time of flight in terms of range and horizontal speed of the ball. Also express it in terms of the range and the speed of the runner. See if you can solve it from that. AM
  • #5
Oh...maybe I should include that. :wink:

Here is the question, you are right. How fast did Fred throw the ball?

Am I on the right track using those kinematic equations? I think I just might be messing up the algebra somewhere.

Actually, I think I'll give it another try with the x-axis like you mentioned, instead of the y like I was.
  • #6
erok81 said:
Oh...maybe I should include that. :wink:

Here is the question, you are right. How fast did Fred throw the ball?

Am I on the right track using those kinematic equations? I think I just might be messing up the algebra somewhere.

Actually, I think I'll give it another try with the x-axis like you mentioned, instead of the y like I was.

The ball has to catch up to the player, which means it has to cover 20 m more than the player does during the time of flight.

Write out the expression for that time as I have suggested.

The range is given by:

[tex]R = v_{ball}^2\sin(2\theta)/g[/tex]

That should give enough to solve for R and v_ball

  • #7
Since this is projectile motion find the horizontal component first.. ignore the angle, mass and vertical for now. Try to use 2 formulas and combine em'

Then use trig to find the v1
  • #8
Ok...I still don't get it, sorry.

I've been trying to solve it horizontal, vertical, and even a combo of both.

No matter what I try I either end up with huge numbers or two variables. Looking at that range formula I don't know R or v and can't figure out what to sub into get one variable. :confused:
  • #9
erok81 said:
Ok...I still don't get it, sorry.

I've been trying to solve it horizontal, vertical, and even a combo of both.

No matter what I try I either end up with huge numbers or two variables. Looking at that range formula I don't know R or v and can't figure out what to sub into get one variable. :confused:
You have not tried writing out the expression for time of flight.

[tex]t = d/v = R/v_{ball}\cos\theta = (R-20)/v_{player}[/tex]

This is the expression for range, R:

[tex]R = v_{ball}^2\sin(2\theta)/g[/tex]

You have two unknowns: v_ball and R. you have two equations. See if you can do the algebra to work it out.

  • #10
It's not from lack of trying, that's for sure. This is about three hours I've spent on this so far. :smile:

Sorry for the complete ignorance on the subject, we didn't cover this what-so-ever in class so I am trying to learn as I go.
  • #11
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I tried until about midnight last night and made some stupid error I didn't realize until the moment I went to bed - good ol' cancelling terms around +/- signs in a fraction. So first thing this morning I tried again...and got it! What a relief.

Without you guys helping me, I would never have gotten it.

This was trick; both of you were hinting on it, but I didn't pick it up.

[tex]t = d/v = R/v_{ball}\cos\theta = (R-20)/v_{player}[/tex]

Some of the tricks to solve these things...

Thanks again!

Our professor said related rates weren't that important and completely skipped the subject. So this topic was definitely neglected.

FAQ: Football Throw - Could be Relative Motion?

1. What is relative motion in football throwing?

Relative motion in football throwing refers to the movement of the ball relative to the thrower's body or the field. It takes into account the velocity and direction of both the thrower and the ball to determine the final trajectory and distance of the throw.

2. How does relative motion affect a football throw?

Relative motion can greatly impact a football throw. The velocity and direction of the thrower's body can affect the velocity and direction of the ball, and the direction of the wind and the texture of the football can also influence the motion of the ball. Understanding and accounting for relative motion can help a thrower make more accurate and powerful throws.

3. What factors contribute to relative motion in football throwing?

There are several factors that contribute to relative motion in football throwing. These can include the velocity and direction of the thrower's body, the velocity and direction of the ball, the wind speed and direction, and the texture and weight of the football. The angle at which the ball is released and the release point can also affect relative motion.

4. How can a quarterback use relative motion to their advantage?

A quarterback can use their understanding of relative motion to make more accurate and effective throws. By taking into account the factors that contribute to relative motion, they can adjust their throw to compensate for wind or other factors and make more precise throws. They can also use relative motion to throw the ball at an optimal angle and release point for maximum distance and accuracy.

5. How is relative motion different from absolute motion in football throwing?

Relative motion and absolute motion are different concepts in football throwing. Relative motion takes into account the movement of the ball relative to the thrower's body or the field, while absolute motion refers to the movement of the ball in a fixed reference frame. Relative motion is more relevant to the thrower, as it can help them make adjustments and improve their throws, while absolute motion is more useful for analyzing the overall trajectory and distance of the throw.

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