For those who want proof of god's existence

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of belief in God and the human need for security and comfort. The speaker argues that the complex design of the universe and human bodies points towards the existence of a higher being. They also mention the psychological need for a parental figure and the role of religion in providing comfort. They end by acknowledging that this topic may not be suitable for the forum and sharing a trivia about the meaning of "bye."
  • #1
1st i am very glad to know that a very big number of peapople are really interested in this forum. i congratulate bcz ur treads are pretty impressive and i am enjoying my time. i am terribly sorry i couldn't be here before now i was very busy.
about the subject now: for those who want proof of god's existence i ask them to give me the material so i can proove his existence. We do not have any material, siensce itself isn't prooved yet but there is something we are missing ryt here which is this unbeleivable morphology of the universe, the planets, the environment and most important our bodies. the fidings are paiting a new portrait of siensce and of GOD.
so here we have got two choices :
1- to believe in god and feel secure(human need) bcz thourgh centuries humanity needed someone to secure them that's y they started to pray 4 the sun, the planets...
even though we refuse to accept but the truth is that we are big babies, as babies needs someone to leed them and protect them we do so.
2- not to believe in god and alone, now how matter we are strong we can't control everything including DEATH which is the most tragedic event which can happen in someone's life.
well i am looking forward to hear your opinion on what i said and again i am very happy to join u :smile: byebye. (btw for those who don't believe in god do not say bye cz it means bless the pope) :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2
So your proposition then is supposed to be a psychological one? The psychological need for a parental sort of comfort?

Just a heads up but be prepared for the possibility of brusk comment to this and that it may be locked or deleted depending. The posts in here are supposed to be non-theological in nature and there is a preferance that they be well worded and the subject well defined.
And thank you for the tidbit of trivia, I did not know that.
  • #3

First of all, I would like to say that I am glad you have joined this forum and are enjoying your time here. It's always great to have open and respectful discussions about important topics like the existence of God.

In regards to your statement about proof of God's existence, I understand that you are asking for material evidence. However, I believe that faith and belief in God goes beyond tangible proof. As you mentioned, science itself is not fully proven yet, but that doesn't stop us from believing in its principles and theories.

Furthermore, I agree with you that the complexity and beauty of the universe, our bodies, and the environment can be seen as evidence of a higher power. However, it is ultimately up to each individual to interpret and believe in this evidence.

I also appreciate your two choices for those who want proof of God's existence. However, I believe that there is a third option - to question and explore our beliefs and faith. Blindly accepting something without questioning it can lead to a shallow understanding and belief. But by constantly seeking knowledge and understanding, we can strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with God.

In conclusion, I respect your belief in God and the reasons behind it. But for those who do not believe, it is important to have an open mind and engage in respectful discussions to understand different perspectives. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I look forward to more discussions with you.

FAQ: For those who want proof of god's existence

1. How can we prove the existence of a higher power or god?

There is no universally accepted scientific proof of a higher power or god. This is because the concept of a higher power or god is often based on faith and personal beliefs, rather than empirical evidence. However, there are many philosophical and theological arguments that attempt to provide evidence for the existence of a higher power or god.

2. Can scientific methods be used to prove the existence of god?

Science is a systematic and empirical approach to understanding the natural world. It relies on observable and measurable evidence to support theories and explanations. The existence of a higher power or god falls outside the realm of scientific inquiry, as it cannot be objectively observed or tested. Therefore, scientific methods cannot be used to prove the existence of god.

3. Are there any scientific findings or discoveries that support the existence of god?

While there are no concrete scientific proofs of god's existence, some people may view certain scientific discoveries or phenomena as evidence for a higher power. For example, the complexity and order in the universe, the fine-tuning of physical constants, and the origin of life may be seen as indications of an intelligent designer. However, these are subjective interpretations and not considered scientific evidence.

4. Can faith or personal experiences be considered proof of god's existence?

For many people, faith and personal experiences are strong indicators of the existence of god. However, these are subjective and personal beliefs, and cannot be used as empirical evidence to prove the existence of a higher power. Additionally, what one person may consider a spiritual experience, another may attribute to natural causes.

5. Is it possible to prove the non-existence of god?

It is impossible to prove the non-existence of god or any higher power. As with proving the existence of god, this falls outside the realm of scientific inquiry. The absence of evidence for a higher power or god does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, as it is a matter of personal beliefs and faith.
