Force and Energy of a Magnet: How Much is Needed to Bring Two Pieces Together?

In summary, the conversation discusses a system with a magnet and two pieces that need to be brought together using magnetic induction. The dimensions and data of the system are provided, and the force and energy needed to bring the pieces together are calculated using the equations for magnetic energy and force. The conversation also discusses the role of the magnetization characteristics diagram in determining the magnetic energy in the core and the airgap.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If we have a system that is shown in the picture, the upper piece is magnet, and if we know the following data:
S = 1cm2 which is area of material, S0 = 1.2cm2 which is the area of fissure. To bring these tow pieces of this system magnetic induction in the fissure should be B0= 1.6 T. Dimensions of this magnetic circuit are: l1 = 15cm, l2 = 10cm, l0 = 1mm. Determine the force needed to bring together these two parts, and magnetic energy "wasted" to establish magnetic field right before bringing these two parts together.

Homework Equations

## w_m = \frac{1}{2}BH \\ F_m = - \frac{dW_m}{dx} ##

The Attempt at a Solution

density of magnetic energy is ##w_m = \frac{1}{2}BH## volume of both pieces of material together v=(l1+l2)S density of magnetic energy in fissures ##w_{m_0} = \frac{1}{2}B_0H_0## ,
volume of fissures ##v_0 = 2xS## (x instead of l0 because it changes when there two parts are getting closer, and force has only x component, which is the vertical one in this case). when the lower part in moving volume of fissure, magnetic energy of fissure and magnetic energy of part with material change, only the volume of part with material remains the same. But, if we say that flux is constant then, the only thing that affects the change of energy is the volume of the fissure.

## dW_m = B_0H_0Sdx \\ F_m = - \frac{dW_m}{dx} \\ F_m = 2SB_0H_0 ##

Since i have B0 i can easily determine H0 which would mean that i solved this without using the magnetization characteristics diagram. Am i doing something wrong?

Picture of magnet

Magnetic characteristics of material diagram.
Physics news on
  • #2
cdummie said:
Since i have B0 i can easily determine H0 which would mean that i solved this without using the magnetization characteristics diagram.
Yes, you can do that. But how come, that S ≠ S0 ?

Contrary, you cannot solve this part of the problem, without using the characteristics:
cdummie said:
. . . and magnetic energy "wasted" to establish magnetic field right before bringing these two parts together.
  • #3
Hesch said:
Yes, you can do that. But how come, that S ≠ S0 ?
It's just a mistake in the text of the example, but i wanted it to remain the as it is, maybe it makes no sense, but it won't affect the procedure of solving.
Hesch said:
Contrary, you cannot solve this part of the problem, without using the characteristics:
Why i can't? I mean the only thing that affects the change of energy is change of volume of fissure. Which means that i don't need H or B, i need only H0 and B0 along with S and dx. I assume i made mistake somewhere, i'd like to know where.
  • #4
cdummie said:
I mean the only thing that affects the change of energy is change of volume of fissure.
No, when you change the energy in the fissure, you must change the energy in the core as well. Bcore ≈ Bfissure.

μcore is not constant, but = dB/dH, which can be determined from the magnetic characteristic.

Some magnetic energy is also "wasted" in the core.
  • #5
Read the question again:
cdummie said:
Determine the magnetic energy "wasted" to establish magnetic field right before bringing these two parts together.
There is no change of volume right before bringing these two parts together. The only wasted energy is due to magnetizing the airgap and the core.
  • #6
Hesch said:
No, when you change the energy in the fissure, you must change the energy in the core as well. Bcore ≈ Bfissure.

μcore is not constant, but = dB/dH, which can be determined from the magnetic characteristic.

Some magnetic energy is also "wasted" in the core.
What is dWm equal to then? is it: ## dW_m = \frac{1}{2}BHS(l_1 + l_2) + B_0H_0Sdx ## ?
  • #7
The magnetic energy density in the core

emag = ½BH = ( the area under the characteristic from H=0 to H=2000 ), because μ = dB/dH is varying in the interval.
Had μ been constant, the area would have been ½BH ( area of a triangle ).

Hope you can see it, I'm unable to explain it in english.
  • #8
Hesch said:
The magnetic energy density in the core

emag = ½BH = ( the area under the characteristic from H=0 to H=2000 ), because μ = dB/dH is varying in the interval.
Had μ been constant, the area would have been ½BH ( area of a triangle ).

Hope you can see it, I'm unable to explain it in english.
I don't quite understand this, does it means that i can use 1\2BH or not? What happens to the Wm(magnetic energy)? About that triangle you mentioned, i don't see any triangles when H is from 0 to 2000, i can see it when H goes from 0 to 500. But, how can i determine the value of H for which I'm finding density of energy. I mean if i use Amphere's law i have H(l1+l2) + Bl00 = NI but i don't have N and i don't have I either, what i am supposed to do?
  • #9
See the attached.

As for the airgap, you calculate emag as the /////-area in the upper figure. emag = ½*B0*H0 [J/m3] (area of triangle)

As for the core, you calculate emag as the /////-area in the lower figure ( not a triangle ).


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  • #10
Hesch said:
See the attached.

As for the airgap, you calculate emag as the /////-area in the upper figure. emag = ½*B0*H0 [J/m3] (area of triangle)

As for the core, you calculate emag as the /////-area in the lower figure ( not a triangle ).

I think i understand that part now. After this i actually need to calculate the energy in the core using the diagram, i will try that it should work. Thanks.

FAQ: Force and Energy of a Magnet: How Much is Needed to Bring Two Pieces Together?

1. What is the force exerted by a magnet?

The force exerted by a magnet is called magnetic force. It is the force that attracts or repels other magnets or magnetic materials.

2. How does the strength of a magnet affect its force?

The strength of a magnet directly affects its force. The stronger the magnet, the greater the force it can exert on other magnets or magnetic materials.

3. What is the relationship between force and distance in a magnetic field?

The force between two magnets or a magnet and a magnetic material decreases as the distance between them increases. This relationship follows an inverse square law, meaning that the force decreases exponentially as the distance increases.

4. Can a magnet lose its force over time?

Yes, a magnet can lose its force over time due to factors such as exposure to heat, strong magnetic fields, or physical damage. This process is known as demagnetization.

5. How is energy involved in the interaction between magnets?

The force between two magnets or a magnet and a magnetic material involves the transfer of energy. When two magnets attract or repel each other, energy is transferred from one to the other. This energy transfer is what allows the magnets to exert a force on each other.
