Force and Motion rod tension problem

In summary, a box of ant aunts and a box of ant uncles slide down an inclined plane attached by a massless rod. The angle of incline is 30° and the coefficient of kinetic friction for the aunt box is 0.226 while the uncle box is 0.113. The task is to compute the tension in the rod and the magnitude of the common acceleration, and to consider how the answers would differ if the uncles trailed the aunts. To solve this problem, the forces acting on each box must be identified, and a free body diagram must be drawn for each. Then, Newton's 2nd law can be applied to find the tension in the rod. The type of connection between the two blocks
  • #1

Homework Statement

A box of ant aunts (m1 = 1.65kg ) and a box of ant uncles (m2 = 3.30 kg) slide down an inclined plane while attached by a massless rod parallel to the plane. The angle of incline θ = 30°. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the aunt box and the incline is μ1 = 0.226; that between the uncle box and the incline is μ2 = 0.113.

m1 is above m2 on the incline.

Compute: a)The tension in the rod
b)The magnitude of the common acceleration of the two boxes

Bonus: How would the the answers to a) and b) differ if the uncles trailed the aunts?

Homework Equations

F = ma

Fn = mgcosθ

Fp = mgsinθ

Ff = μFn

The Attempt at a Solution

F = idk...


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  • #2
What forces act on each box? Apply ƩF = ma.
  • #3
Could you be any more vague..

This is what I don't understand: How to I add up the tension vectors to get a resultant tension in the rod?
  • #4
You have to find the acceleration of the system to find the tension. Now, the only reason there would be any tension is if the boxes have different coefficients of friction because otherwise, they would accelerate at the same pace down the ramp without help from a cord. It would be like dropping two masses connected by a string off a cliff. They'd both accelerate at the same rate and there wouldn't be tension in the string. So first you have to find the force acting parallel to the hill for each block individually. That includes adding the force down the hill and the friction acting against it for each block. Once you have the accelerations for both blocks (how they would accelerate without the rope there), you can find the net force for each one. You subtract the first force from the second, you get the tension.
  • #5
KingKai said:
Could you be any more vague..
LOL... Did you even try to do what I suggested? Attack this like you would any other dynamics problem: You identify the forces acting on each box. Draw a free body diagram for each. Then apply Newton's 2nd law.
This is what I don't understand: How to I add up the tension vectors to get a resultant tension in the rod?
You don't add up any tension vectors. The tension that the rod exerts on each box is one of the forces that will appear in your free body diagrams. Using Newton's 2nd law, you'll solve for that tension.
  • #6
Does it matter whether it is a rod between the two blocks or a string? This is what is tripping me up because with a string the masses can close together due the ability of a string to have slack, but with a rod the masses are held at a constant distance apart, is the difference in connection material of the two blocks negligible?

- KingKai
  • #7
For this problem it doesn't matter what the connection between the two blocks is because the upper block has a higher coefficient of friction than the lower one. This means it will be more resistant to the motion down the slope than the lower block will be. Therefore, the higher block would not slide into the lower one and the lower one only pulls on the higher one. No pushing force is necessary in this problem. Hope this makes sense.
  • #8
KingKai said:
Does it matter whether it is a rod between the two blocks or a string? This is what is tripping me up because with a string the masses can close together due the ability of a string to have slack, but with a rod the masses are held at a constant distance apart, is the difference in connection material of the two blocks negligible?
It's actually simpler with a rod, since that guarantees that the two boxes will have the same acceleration.

FAQ: Force and Motion rod tension problem

1. What is a "Force and Motion rod tension problem"?

A "Force and Motion rod tension problem" is a physics problem that involves determining the tension in a rod or string caused by a force or forces acting on it.

2. How do you solve a "Force and Motion rod tension problem"?

To solve a "Force and Motion rod tension problem", you must first identify all the forces acting on the rod, including any external forces and the weight of the rod itself. Then, you can use equations such as Newton's second law and the equations for calculating tension in a string to determine the tension in the rod.

3. What factors affect the tension in a rod or string?

The tension in a rod or string is affected by the forces acting on it, the length and density of the rod or string, and the angle at which the force is applied.

4. How does tension in a rod or string affect its motion?

The tension in a rod or string can affect its motion by either accelerating or decelerating it, depending on the direction of the force causing the tension. If the force is in the same direction as the motion, tension can increase the speed of the object. If the force is in the opposite direction as the motion, tension can decrease the speed of the object.

5. Can tension in a rod or string ever be greater than the applied force?

No, the tension in a rod or string can never be greater than the applied force. According to Newton's third law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that the tension in the rod or string can never exceed the force applied to it.
