Force Conversions - horinzontal vs vertical

In summary, the force on a vertical wire with a hanging mass is equal to the mass multiplied by 9.81N, and for a static wall, the force is also equal to the mass multiplied by 9.81N. However, if the wall is moving, the force is equal to the mass multiplied by the acceleration in the direction of movement. The misconception is that there is no "effective" acceleration in the first scenario, but in reality, the net force is zero.
  • #1
Michael B
Hi guys

Just seeking some clarification here as my prof has been very vague.

Say we have a mass hanging off a vertical wire - the force upon that wire will be by F =MA, (m x9.81)N. I understand this.

But say we had a wall upon which we put a static horinzontal load/force of 10kg of "push", would that in Newtons still be (10) x (9.81)N?

Ie is the kg to N conversion still the same for horinzontal loads?

2nd Q:
And say we then moved the wall aganist the direction - ie if the force is in the x direction and we move the wall in the -x direction is the only force then F=MA where a is the accleration of the wall.

Im slightly confused as if the wall was static - we would have an 'effective' accleration of 9.81m/s^2 (assuming i am correct above ) wheras say we move the wall in at 3.6m/s^2 we would actually have less force than if we only consided it static ( 9.81 > 3.6 etc)

Much appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
In the first question, the system is static, so the force on the wall is equal to the force of gravity on the mass. There is a pull on the wall from the acceleration of the mass of m*g, but the staying power of the wall (friction, if you will) is balancing this out, so the net force on the wall is zero, that's why there is no acceleration.

In the second question, you are accelerating the wall at a. The hanging mass would also accelerate upward at a. There is a net force of Ma, where M is the mass of the entire wall + mass system.

Your misconception is that there is no "effective" acceleration in the first part. There is a force from the hanging mass of (m * 9.81)N, but there is no net force, so there is no acceleration. In the second part, there is acceleration and therefore a net force of Ma. The same force from the weight of the mass is acting on the wall, but now there is extra force pulling the wall in the -x direction, therefore, acceleration.

FAQ: Force Conversions - horinzontal vs vertical

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical force?

Horizontal force is a force that acts parallel to the ground or a surface, while vertical force is a force that acts perpendicular to the ground or a surface.

How do you convert horizontal force to vertical force?

To convert horizontal force to vertical force, you can use trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent. The magnitude of the vertical force can be found by multiplying the horizontal force by the sine of the angle between the two forces.

What is the formula for calculating force conversions?

The formula for calculating force conversions is Fv = Fh x sin θ, where Fv is the vertical force, Fh is the horizontal force, and θ is the angle between the two forces.

Can you have a horizontal and vertical force acting on an object at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to have both a horizontal and vertical force acting on an object at the same time. This is known as a diagonal force.

Why is it important to understand force conversions?

Understanding force conversions is important because forces are often applied in different directions and it is necessary to know how to convert them to accurately analyze and predict the motion of objects. This is especially important in fields such as physics, engineering, and mechanics.
