Force exterted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a homogeneous magnetic field in a solenoid and how it affects the force felt by a ferromagnetic projectile. It is noted that the magnetic field is not truly homogeneous in a solenoid with finite length and spacing between turns. The equation for determining the force exerted on a ferromagnetic object by a magnetic field is given, along with a source for further information. The conversation is then closed due to the discussion of a potentially dangerous activity.
  • #1

I'm building a coilgun and I'm confused. I understand that within a solenoid, the magnetic field is homogeneous. I've also read that a ferromagnetic projectile in a coilgun is sucked to the center of the coil. If the magnetic field is the same everywhere through the coil, what is special about the center of the coil? What is it that determines the force felt by the ferromagnetic projectile?

Physics news on
  • #2
The magnetic field is not homogeneous in a solenoid with finite length and spacing between the turns.
  • #3
Hm, so in an ideal solenoid (of infinite length and with no spacing between the coils), a ferromagnetic object would feel no force, correct?

So I probably want to keep my coil length pretty short in order to avoid wasting energy creating a relatively homogeneous (and therefore relatively worthless) magnetic field, huh...

That makes some sense. Thanks! I'm still wondering: what exactly determines the force that is exerted on a ferromagnetic object by a magnetic field? Is there a simple formula that answers that question?
  • #4
The formula is the following:
\vec{F} = \int_{V}{d\mathbf{x}' \, \left(\vec{M}(\mathbf{x}') \cdot \nabla' \right) \vec{B}(\mathbf{x}')}
  • #5
Can you quote a source for this equation please?
It would be good to have the terms defined for those needing help and guidance.
  • #7
We do not discuss dangerous activities here on the PF. Thread closed.

FAQ: Force exterted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field

1. What is a ferromagnetic object?

A ferromagnetic object is a material that has a strong attraction towards a magnetic field and can be magnetized. Examples of ferromagnetic materials include iron, nickel, cobalt, and some alloys.

2. How does a magnetic field exert force on a ferromagnetic object?

A magnetic field exerts force on a ferromagnetic object through the interaction between the magnetic field and the magnetic domains within the material. When a ferromagnetic object is placed in a magnetic field, the magnetic domains align with the field, causing a net force to be exerted on the object.

3. What factors affect the force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field?

The force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field depends on the strength of the magnetic field, the magnetic properties of the object, and the orientation of the object with respect to the magnetic field.

4. How can the force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field be calculated?

The force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field can be calculated using the equation F = B∙m∙cosθ, where F is the force, B is the strength of the magnetic field, m is the magnetic moment of the object, and θ is the angle between the direction of the field and the orientation of the object.

5. What are some real-world applications of the force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field?

The force exerted on a ferromagnetic object in a magnetic field is utilized in various technologies, such as magnetic levitation trains, speakers, and electric motors. It is also essential in medical imaging techniques like MRI machines and in magnetic separation processes in industries such as mining and recycling.
