Force, mass, acceleration (three problems)

In summary, the conversation discusses various physics problems involving weight, mass, forces, acceleration, and velocity. The first problem involves calculating an object's weight in Newtons and its mass in kilograms. The second problem involves determining the other constant force acting on a 2.80-kg object based on its displacement and time. The third problem involves finding the direction of acceleration, the mass of the object, its final speed after 10.0 seconds, and its velocity components after 10.0 seconds, using given forces and acceleration. The conversation also includes discussions on calculating acceleration and velocity, and using trigonometry to solve for angles.
  • #1
A woman weighs 120 lb. Determine (a) her weight in Newtons (N) and (b) her mass in kilograms (kg).

My book tells me that 1 N is about .25 of a pound. So, that makes her weight 480 N. F = ma, I know that, but I'm not exactly sure how to get accleration, unless I'm assuming it's on Earth at -9.8 m/s^2.

Another problem:

Besides its weight, a 2.80-kg object is subjected to one other constant force. The object starts from rest and in 1.20 s experiences a displacement of (4.20i - 3.30j) m, where the direction of j is the upward vertical direction. Determine the other force.

What I do not get is that the value of j being upward if it has a negative sign, but, well. :S I know that I can perhaps get the velocity by dividing the components by 1.20, or taking the square root of the components squared and addd together (the magnitude) and then divide that value by 1.20, but again, that's just the velocity. Taking its derivative would be Okay, so then, would the force be zero? If F = (2.80)(0)?

Yet another problem:

Three forces acting on an object are given by F1 = (-2.00i + 2.00j)N, F2 = (5.00i - 3.00j) N, and F3 = (-45.0i) N. Thge object experiences an acceleration of magnitude 3.75m/s^2. (a) What is the direction of the acceleration? (b) What is the mass of the object? (c) If the object is initially at rest, what is its speed after 10.0s? (d) What are the velocity components of the object after 10.0s?

Fx = -42
Fy = -1

(a) I'm not sure if this method is correct, however, for getting an angle using only the forces, when the problem asks for an angle from the acceleration:

tan[angle] = (-1/-42) = 1.364, about.

(b) With a = 3.75 and the net force as [-42, -1], the mass is about 11.2 kg.

(c) v[final] = v[inital] + at = 0 + (3.75)(10) = 37.5 m/s.

(d) If my angle is correct, I'm hoping to use trig to finish this portion of the problem:

v[x] = 37.5cos1.364
v[y] = 37.5sin1.364

I'm just wondering, for the last problem above, if my train of thought was correct.

Thank you!
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  • #2
Yes, weight implies that it is the acceleration due to gravity.

The velocity is not simply dist/time because it is not constant (the objects started at rest). You will have to figure out the different accelerations for the different components.

Looks good.
  • #3


I would like to provide some clarification and corrections to the problems mentioned above.

Firstly, your calculation for the woman's weight in Newtons is incorrect. The conversion factor for pounds to Newtons is 4.45, not 0.25. Therefore, her weight in Newtons would be 534 N, not 480 N.

Secondly, in the problem with the 2.80-kg object, the displacement vector given is in meters, not seconds. Therefore, you cannot divide the components by 1.20 to get velocity. However, you are correct in using the equation v = d/t to find the velocity. In order to find the other force acting on the object, you would need to use the formula F = ma and solve for the force.

In the last problem, your calculation for the mass is incorrect. The net force should be (-42, 1) N, not (-42, -1) N. This will change your calculation for the mass to be approximately 11.2 kg, not 11.3 kg.

Additionally, for the last part of the problem, you cannot use trigonometry to find the velocity components. Instead, you would need to use the equations v = v0 + at and d = v0t + 1/2at^2 to find the velocity components after 10.0 seconds.

I hope this helps clarify the problems. Remember to always double check your conversion factors and units to ensure accurate calculations. Good luck!

Related to Force, mass, acceleration (three problems)

1. What is force?

Force is a quantity that describes the interaction between two objects. It can be described as a push or pull that causes an object to accelerate or change its motion.

2. How is force measured?

Force is measured in units called newtons (N). One newton is equal to the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram by one meter per second squared.

3. What is the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to accelerate it at a certain rate, and the greater the acceleration, the more force is needed to move an object with a certain mass.

4. How does force affect an object's motion?

When an unbalanced force is applied to an object, it will accelerate in the direction of the force. The size of the acceleration will depend on the magnitude of the force and the mass of the object.

5. What are some real-life examples of force, mass, and acceleration?

Examples of force, mass, and acceleration can be seen in everyday situations such as throwing a ball, driving a car, or pushing a shopping cart. In all of these cases, a force is applied to an object, causing it to accelerate or change its motion.

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