Force of Constraint for Particle in a Paraboloid

In summary, the force of constraint in a frictionless paraboloid defined by r^2 = az is proportional to (1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2}. This is found by using the Euler-Lagrange equations with the Lagrange multiplier, lambda, and the constraint equation. The total force is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squared components of F. By factoring out the a from the square root, (1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2} is obtained.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle is sliding inside a frictionless paraboloid defined by [itex]r^2 = az[/itex] with no gravity. We must show that the force of constraint is proportional to [itex](1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2}[/itex]

Homework Equations

[itex]f(r,z) = r^2-az = 0[/itex]
[itex]F_r = \lambda \frac{\partial f}{\partial r}[/itex] (and similarly for [itex]F_z[/itex])

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex]F_r = \lambda \frac{\partial f}{\partial r} = 2r\lambda[/itex] and [itex]F_z = \lambda \frac{\partial f}{\partial z} = -a\lambda[/itex] and hence the total force of constraint is [itex]F = \sqrt{F_r^2+F_z^2} = (4r^2+a^2)^{1/2}\lambda[/itex].

So you can factor out the a from the square root and get [itex](1+4r^2/a^2)^{1/2} a \lambda[/itex] but the exponent is supposed to be -3/2, not 1/2. What am I missing? Am I supposed to find a factor of [itex](1+4r^2/a^2)^{-2}[/itex] in the [itex]\lambda[/itex] somewhere? How would I go about doing that?
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  • #2
Hello izzhov,
You calculated the module of F. Perhaps the force of constrain is proportional to [itex](1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2}[/itex] since [itex]\hat{F}=\frac{\vec{F}}{|F|}[/itex]. ([itex]\lambda[/itex] should be a number, independent of r).
  • #3
The ##\lambda## is the Lagrange multiplier in the Euler-Lagrange equations, extended with the constraints (see a treatise on EL / Hamilton's principle, e.g Goldstein, Classical Mechanics -- or, as I suspect, your lecture notes) $${d\over dt}{\partial L\over \partial \dot q_k} - {\partial L\over \partial q_k}=\lambda a_k.$$That's three eqations in four variables (the coordinates and ##\lambda##). The fourth equation is ##{df\over dt} = 0##. ##f## is the constraint equation and df = ##\sum {\partial f\over \partial q_k}\dot q + {\partial f\over \partial t}## (the very last one being 0).

You need to solve for ##\lambda## only, since you aren't interested in the coordinates. Perhaps knowing that ##L = T## and choosing a nice set of ##q_k## makes it easier. Your choice is perhaps fine, but you do need to work out ##T##.

I do not understand the cwasd post (nice password candidate, this cwasdwqe combination!)
  • #4
BvU said:
I do not understand the cwasd post (nice password candidate, this cwasdwqe combination!)

Yep, I was definitely thinking outside the box, feeling sleepy. You're right with Euler-Lagrange.
Cwasdqwe's too weak for a proper password... :w
  • #5

First, let's review the concept of force of constraint. In this scenario, the particle is constrained to move along the surface of the paraboloid, meaning it cannot move in any other direction. This constraint is represented by the function f(r,z) = r^2-az = 0, which describes the paraboloid surface. The force of constraint is then the force required to keep the particle on this surface.

To find the force of constraint, we can use the Lagrange multiplier method, which involves taking the partial derivatives of f(r,z) with respect to r and z, and setting them equal to some constant value, denoted by λ in this case. This allows us to incorporate the constraint into the equations of motion.

Following this method, we get F_r = λ(2r) and F_z = λ(-a). The total force of constraint is then F = √(F_r^2+F_z^2) = √(4r^2λ^2+a^2λ^2) = √(λ^2(4r^2+a^2)) = λ√(4r^2+a^2).

Now, we can factor out an a from under the square root, giving us F = λa√((4r^2+a^2)/a^2) = λa√(1+(4r^2/a^2)).

Finally, taking the inverse square root and multiplying by a, we get F = λa(1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2}, which matches the desired form of the force of constraint. Therefore, we have successfully shown that the force of constraint is proportional to (1+4r^2/a^2)^{-3/2}.

Related to Force of Constraint for Particle in a Paraboloid

1. What is force of constraint for a particle in a paraboloid?

The force of constraint for a particle in a paraboloid is the force that acts on the particle to keep it constrained to move along the curved surface of the paraboloid. It is dependent on the shape and parameters of the paraboloid as well as the mass and velocity of the particle.

2. How is the force of constraint calculated for a particle in a paraboloid?

The force of constraint can be calculated using the Lagrangian method in classical mechanics. This involves setting up the Lagrangian equation and solving for the constraint force using the constraints of the system.

3. What is the significance of the force of constraint in a paraboloid?

The force of constraint is important because it ensures that the particle stays within the desired trajectory on the paraboloid surface. Without this force, the particle may deviate from the surface and the motion of the system would not accurately represent the intended physical system.

4. How does the force of constraint affect the motion of a particle in a paraboloid?

The force of constraint acts as a centripetal force, pulling the particle towards the center of curvature of the paraboloid. This affects the particle's velocity and direction of motion, keeping it constrained to the curved surface of the paraboloid.

5. Can the force of constraint be negative for a particle in a paraboloid?

Yes, in certain cases the force of constraint can be negative. This would mean that the particle experiences a force that is directed away from the center of curvature, causing it to deviate from the paraboloid surface. This could occur if the particle's velocity is too high or if the parameters of the paraboloid are not suitable for the motion of the particle.

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