Force of constraint in Lagrangian formation

In summary, by using the Euler-Lagrange equation and considering a constraining potential, we can show that the normal force from the plane on the mass is equal to mg cos(θ). This is done by setting up a Lagrangian with two equations of motion and two additional equations representing the constraint and the direction of the normal force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass m slides down a frictionless plane that is inclined at angle θ. Show, by considering the force of constraint in the Lagrangian formulation, that the normal force from the plane on the mass is the familiar mg cos(θ).
Hint: Consider the Normal force to be the result of a steep constraining potential V(z) confining the mass to the surface of the plane.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

This question itself can be solved by using the Euler-Lagrange equation to get force along the plane is ##mgsin(\theta)## and simply knowing the total force is mg. But I don't really know what the hint part means. Assuming the normal force is to be the result of a potential, and then add another coordinate that is perpendicular to the surface and have another Lagrangian for it?
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  • #2
It's possible that what is meant is this:

Use a Lagrangian: ##L = \frac{1}{2} m (\dot{x})^2 + \frac{1}{2} m (\dot{z})^2 - mgz - V(x,z)##

Then the Lagrangian equations of motion give you 2 equations:
  1. One involving ##\ddot{x}## and ##F_x = - \frac{\partial V}{\partial x}##
  2. One involving ##\ddot{z}## and ##F_z = - \frac{\partial V}{\partial z}##
In addition, we get two more equations:
  • The constraint equation: ##\dot{x} = \dot{z} cot(\theta)## (the velocity must be directed down the slide)
  • ##F_x = F_z tan(\theta)## (the normal force must be directed normal to the slide)
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  • #3
stevendaryl said:
It's possible that what is meant is this:

Use a Lagrangian: ##L = \frac{1}{2} m (\dot{x})^2 + \frac{1}{2} m (\dot{z})^2 - mgz - V(x,z)##

Then the Lagrangian equations of motion give you 2 equations:
  1. One involving ##\ddot{x}## and ##F_x = - \frac{\partial V}{\partial x}##
  2. One involving ##\ddot{z}## and ##F_z = - \frac{\partial V}{\partial z}##
In addition, we get two more equations:
  • The constraint equation: ##\dot{x} = \dot{z} cot(\theta)## (the velocity must be directed down the slide)
  • ##F_x = F_z tan(\theta)## (the normal force must be directed normal to the slide)

Actually, since ##\dot{z}## is negative, it should be

##\dot{x} = -\dot{z} cot(\theta)##

FAQ: Force of constraint in Lagrangian formation

1. What is the force of constraint in Lagrangian formation?

The force of constraint in Lagrangian formation is a term used in classical mechanics to represent the forces that restrict the motion of a system. These forces can arise from physical constraints, such as a fixed point or a rigid bar, or from mathematical constraints, such as constraints on the motion of a system in a particular direction.

2. How is the force of constraint represented in the Lagrangian equations?

In the Lagrangian equations, the force of constraint is represented as a term called the Lagrange multiplier. This multiplier is multiplied by the constraint equation and added to the Lagrangian equation, allowing the constrained motion of a system to be described.

3. How does the force of constraint affect the motion of a system?

The force of constraint can affect the motion of a system by limiting the possible paths that the system can take. This can result in changes to the equations of motion and the overall behavior of the system. In some cases, the constraint forces can also provide stability to the system.

4. Can the force of constraint be negative?

Yes, the force of constraint can be negative in some cases. This can occur when the constraint force is acting in the opposite direction of the displacement of the system, resulting in a negative value for the Lagrange multiplier. This can also occur when the constraint force is acting in the same direction as the displacement, but with a negative magnitude.

5. How is the force of constraint related to virtual work?

The force of constraint is closely related to the concept of virtual work, which is used in the Lagrangian formulation to derive the equations of motion for a system. The constraint forces do not do any physical work, but they contribute to the virtual work of the system, which is used to determine the equations of motion and the behavior of the system.

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