Force on a pin from a pendulum and a string

In summary: No, you just need to be consistent in your choice of origin for vertical heights and which way is positive.
  • #1
Homework Statement
The simple 2-kg pendulum is released from rest in the horizontal position. As it reaches the bottom position, the cord wraps around the smooth fixed pin at B and continues in the smaller arc in the vertical plane. Calculate the magnitude of the force R supported by the pin at B when the pendulum passes the position θ = 30°.
Relevant Equations
ΔU = ΔT (T = kinetic energy, U = potential energy)

T = 0.5mv^2

U = mgh

∑F = ma

a_n = v^2/r (acceleration in normal direction)

1. Determine the velocity of the ball when it is 30degrees from the horizontal:
U1 = mgh = mg(0.8m)
U2 = mgh = mg(0.4+0.4cos(30)) = mg(.74641)
ΔU = U2 - U1 = mg(.74641 - .8) = mg(-0.051433)

T1 =0
T2 = 0.5mv^2
ΔT = T2 - T1 = 0.5mv^2

mg(-0.051433) = 0.5mv^2 ====> v = 1.025394

2. Use the velocity to find the acceleration in the normal direction (pointing along the string towards the pin):
a_n = v^2/r = 1.025394^2/(0.4m) = 2.62858

3. Sum up the forces along the normal direction acting on the ball to find the tension (S) of the rope segment from the ball to pin:
∑F = S - mgcos30 = ma_n
S = ma_n + mgcos30 = (2*2.62858) + (2*-9.81*cos(30)) = 5.257163 - 16.991418 = -11.6809
S = -11.6809

4.Sum up the forces acting on the pin using the xy coordinate system (?)
This is where I'm confused. The sum of forces on the string should be zero, because the pin isn't moving, shouldn't it? So:
∑F_y = 0 = S_y + R (R = tension in the vertical string segment from pin to ceiling)
So R = S_y = Scos30 = -11.6809cos30 = -10.1159

The answer should be 46.7N but I don't understand how to get there. Can someone please point out where I'm going wrong?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Very early on: in ##\Delta U ##
  • #3
BvU said:
Very early on: in ##\Delta U ##

Should I be breaking up the motion to account for the shorter string length?
So from top to vertical (total bottom) it would be
mg(0.8) = 0.5mv_1^2

Then do the same analysis from bottom to the height at 30deg:
U1 = 0
U2 = mg(0.4-0.4cos30)
T1 = 0.5mv_1^2
T2 = 0.5mv_2^2
mg(0.4-0.4cos30) = 0.5mv_2^2 - 0.5mv_1^2

Am I thinking about this the right way?
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  • #4
magnesium12 said:
Should I be breaking up the motion to account for the shorter string length?
Either that, or establish a correct height variable: your original ##\Delta U## for ##\theta=0## would come out as zero !

magnesium12 said:
The sum of forces on the string should be zero, because the pin isn't moving
is correct, though the logic looks awful. And the pin is held in place by the wall.
  • #5
magnesium12 said:
Should I be breaking up the motion to account for the shorter string length?
No, you just need to be consistent in your choice of origin for vertical heights and which way is positive. Your U1 is the PE at A above an origin at the base of the swing, while U2 is the PE at A above an origin at the final point.
(It is usually worthwhile checking that a numeric result looks sensible. Did it not strike you as unlikely that the net fall in height was so small?)

FAQ: Force on a pin from a pendulum and a string

1. What is the relationship between the length of the string and the force on a pin from a pendulum?

The length of the string and the force on a pin from a pendulum are inversely proportional. This means that as the length of the string increases, the force on the pin decreases and vice versa.

2. How does the mass of the pendulum affect the force on the pin?

The mass of the pendulum has no direct effect on the force on the pin. It is the length of the string and the angle of swing that determine the force on the pin. However, a heavier pendulum may cause a larger force due to increased momentum.

3. What is the relationship between the angle of swing and the force on the pin?

The force on the pin is directly proportional to the sine of the angle of swing. This means that as the angle of swing increases, the force on the pin also increases.

4. Is the force on the pin constant throughout the swing of the pendulum?

No, the force on the pin is not constant throughout the swing of the pendulum. It is highest at the bottom of the swing when the pendulum is at its lowest point, and it decreases as the pendulum moves towards the top of its swing.

5. How does the force on a pin from a pendulum compare to the force on a pin from a string with no pendulum?

The force on a pin from a pendulum is greater than the force on a pin from a string with no pendulum. This is because the pendulum adds an additional force due to its mass and the force of gravity acting on it.
