Force on rope during a rope swing

In summary, The conversation discusses the physics of swinging from a rope tied to a bridge, including calculating the maximum force exerted on the rope and how it may change if the rope is "dynamic" and stretches. The person asking for help estimates the maximum force to be around 3000 Newtons and asks for confirmation. The conversation also touches on considerations for ensuring the rope does not break during the swing.
  • #1
Well, its been about two years since I had to do a physics problem so I need some help.

A person plans on swinging from a 30 meter long rope from a bridge. They will tie the rope on to the center of the bridge then stretch it out tight and jump off. They'll be at the same height that the rope is tied at when they jump.

The person weighs 100 kg. Obviously they're on earth...

What is the maximum force exerted on the rope during the swing?What if we make the rope "dynamic rope" which stretches. Will this increase or decrease the maximum force on the rope?

I tried this and got about 3000 Newtons. Am I somewhere close?


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  • #2
They swing from the rope - so the rope is taught throughout?

the max tension will be at maximum centripetal acceleration, r=length of rope.
which will be at max speed - at the bottom of the swing
determine speed from conservation of energy
potential energy lost falling distance r = kinetic energy at the bottom
- this neglects air resistance (which is not negligible - but it's only 30m - so this back-of-envelope calc should be an upper limit).

Once you have the equation (leave substituting the numbers in till the end) you'll be able to answer the second part.

This is kind-of an odd project - presumably you want to be sure not to exceed the breaking strain of your rope?
  • #3
mileswiebe said:
Well, its been about two years since I had to do a physics problem so I need some help.

A person plans on swinging from a 30 meter long rope from a bridge. They will tie the rope on to the center of the bridge then stretch it out tight and jump off. They'll be at the same height that the rope is tied at when they jump.

The person weighs 100 kg. Obviously they're on earth...

What is the maximum force exerted on the rope during the swing?

What if we make the rope "dynamic rope" which stretches. Will this increase or decrease the maximum force on the rope?

I tried this and got about 3000 Newtons. Am I somewhere close?



i think your anwer is correct
  • #4
Seems like the force should be 3 m g, regardless of the length of rope, if the release point is the same as the pivot point.

The peak force at the bottom of the swing = gravity and centripetal force = m ( 1 g + v^2 / h), and v^2 = 2 g h, so the force = m (1 g + 2 g) = 3 m g.
  • #5
@rcgldr: of course: if the guy just hung there the tension would be mg. There has to be an additional tension off the centripetal acceleration of 2mg. It's fun watching people do the algebra though and see the length of the rope cancel out. Most people intuitively think it matters. Next step is if the rope is stretchy... the path is no longer circular: does it matter?

@rohans: you cannot tell that because the reasoning is left off ... "3000" is what you get from 100x30=3000 but it has MxL dimensions, so that isn't the way to do it. Such a round number could imply approximating g as 10N/kg rather than 9.8N/kg but we don't really know. We are told "I tried this" but are not told what was tried.

Related to Force on rope during a rope swing

What is the force on the rope during a rope swing?

The force on the rope during a rope swing is dependent on several factors, including the weight of the person swinging, the length and tension of the rope, and the angle at which the rope is being pulled. Generally, the force on the rope will be greatest at the bottom of the swing and will decrease as the person reaches the top of the swing.

How does the length of the rope affect the force on the rope during a rope swing?

The length of the rope will affect the force on the rope during a rope swing because a longer rope will have a greater distance to travel and will therefore experience a greater force. Additionally, a longer rope will have more slack, which will result in a lower tension and force on the rope.

Does the weight of the person swinging impact the force on the rope during a rope swing?

Yes, the weight of the person swinging will have a significant impact on the force on the rope during a rope swing. A heavier person will exert a greater downward force on the rope, resulting in a higher tension and force on the rope.

How does the angle of the rope affect the force during a rope swing?

The angle of the rope will impact the force during a rope swing because it will determine the direction and magnitude of the force being exerted on the rope. A steeper angle will result in a greater force being exerted on the rope, while a shallower angle will result in a lower force.

What safety precautions should be taken when considering the force on the rope during a rope swing?

When considering the force on the rope during a rope swing, it is important to ensure that the rope is securely attached and can support the weight of the person swinging. Additionally, it is important to have proper supervision and follow proper swinging techniques to avoid injury. It is also recommended to use a rope specifically designed for swinging, as regular ropes may not be strong enough to withstand the force exerted during a rope swing.

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