Force to lift a chain: Conservative or not?

In summary, lifting a chain with linear mass with a constant velocity requires a force equal to the gravitational force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are lifting a chain straight up at a constant velocity v_0. The chain has a linear mass density λ. What is the force required to lift the chain as a function of height?

The Attempt at a Solution

U = mgh = λygh

The height in the potential energy is the same as the potential energy at the center of mass

h = y/2

U = λgy^2/2

This is a conservative potential energy in one dimension

F = -∂U/∂y= -λgy

Is this correct?

Can conservative forces consider objects of non-constant mass as I've done?
Physics news on
  • #2
Is the chain initially lying on the ground then.

Per your question:
By definition of a conservative force, the work should be zero on a closed path right?
So check.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Is the chain initially lying on the ground then.

Per your question:
By definition of a conservative force, the work should be zero on a closed path right?
So check.

Yes, it's on the ground.

Right, the work done on the object should be zero about a closed path. Regardless of the fact that my work is not zero.
The work done on this chain will certainly be zero about any closed path.
The change in mass does not matter.

Then I suppose my force is conservative and that my equation is correct in the case that the chain doesn't leave the surface. As soon as it does, I've got to rewrite to:

F = -λLg

which is constant.

Is that all correct?
  • #4
The applied force here is not really from a field though is it?

Technically it is gravity that is the conservative force - since it can be described as the gradient of a potential function. Your applied force only exists at a point - it (or rather, whatever is applying the force) is the thing doing the work.

But your math looks fine from here.

To check this sort of thing all you need is to check the reasoning - to lift at constant speed, the applied force has to be equal to gravity. Presumably it was briefly larger than gravity at some earlier stage in order to accelerate to the constant speed.

This is one would modify the model to allow for finite sized links in the chain.
  • #5

I would respond by saying that the force required to lift a chain is a conservative force. This is because the potential energy of the chain, as given by the equation U = λgy^2/2, is only dependent on the height of the chain and not on the path it takes to reach that height. This is a characteristic of conservative forces.

Regarding your question about non-constant mass, I would say that in this scenario, the chain's linear mass density is considered a constant value and does not affect the conservative nature of the force required to lift it. However, if the mass of the chain was changing as it was being lifted, then the force required would not be conservative.

FAQ: Force to lift a chain: Conservative or not?

1. Is the force required to lift a chain considered a conservative force?

Yes, the force required to lift a chain is considered a conservative force.

2. What qualifies a force to be considered conservative?

A conservative force is one that does not depend on the path taken but only on the initial and final positions of an object. It also follows the principle of conservation of energy, where the work done by the force is independent of the path taken.

3. How is the work done by a conservative force related to the potential energy?

The work done by a conservative force is equal to the negative change in potential energy. This means that as an object is lifted against the force of gravity, the potential energy of the object increases by the same amount as the work done by the lifting force.

4. Can a force that is not conservative lift a chain?

Yes, a non-conservative force can lift a chain. Examples of non-conservative forces include friction, air resistance, and applied forces with a component perpendicular to the displacement. These forces do not follow the principle of conservation of energy, but they can still lift an object by doing work on it.

5. How can one determine if a force is conservative or not?

A force can be determined as conservative if it meets the following criteria: it does not depend on the path taken, it follows the principle of conservation of energy, and it can be expressed as the gradient of a potential function. If any of these criteria are not met, the force is considered non-conservative.
