Force Vector Problem: Find Magnitude of Force on Rider from Motorcycle

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the magnitude of force on a motorcycle rider accelerating up a ramp. The initial question asked for the force on the rider from the motorcycle, but the first attempt only calculated the normal force. When the actual question was clarified to be the net force on the rider, the correct answer was found to be 214.4 N. The conversation then discusses the misunderstanding of only considering the normal force and not accounting for the force of the motorcycle accelerating the rider up the ramp. The correct approach is to calculate the components of the force in the x and y directions and then find the magnitude of the net force on the rider from the motorcycle, which was found to be 646.62 N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A motorcycle and 67.0 kg rider accelerate at 3.2 m/s2 up a ramp inclined 10° above the horizontal.

What is the magnitude of the force on the rider from the motorcycle?

Homework Equations

I set my 90 degree axis so that my x-axis lined up with the acceleration up the ramp and my y-axis lined up with the normal force. So my y component would be
normal force-mass*gravity*cos 10° = mass*acceleration y

The Attempt at a Solution

I am thinking that the normal force is the force on the rider from the bike and with the way my axis is set up there will be no y acceleration so,

normal force= mass*gravity*cos10°

it gives and answer of 646.62 N but they say this answer is wrong. Am I missing something or misinterpreting?
Physics news on
  • #2
Elmnt said:
Am I missing something or misinterpreting?

Well, for some reason you are calculating only the normal force, when this is not what is being asked for.
  • #3
I'm sorry I didn't post the first question asked. Which was:
(a) What is the magnitude of the net force on the rider?

Which I found to be 214.4 N.

I am missing something, What am I supposed to calculate? Isn't normal force the only force from the motorcycle onto the rider? My only other thought is including the acceleration caused by the bike.
  • #4
Elmnt said:
Isn't normal force the only force from the motorcycle onto the rider?

No. If this were the case, why would the rider be accelerating up the ramp?
  • #5
I wasn't paying attention to the force from the motorcycle the accelerates the rider up the ramp. With that now understood I can take the normal force that I had found and use it as a y component and then find the force that the bike applies to the rider going up the ramp and use that as the x component on the rider. Solving for these two components should give me my magnitude of force on the rider from the bike.

FAQ: Force Vector Problem: Find Magnitude of Force on Rider from Motorcycle

What is a force vector problem?

A force vector problem is a type of physics problem that involves determining the magnitude and direction of a force acting on an object. It requires the use of vector components and trigonometric functions to solve.

How do you find the magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle?

To find the magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle, you would first need to identify all the forces acting on the rider, such as the weight of the rider, the normal force from the seat, and the force from the motorcycle. Then, you would use vector addition to find the resultant force and use trigonometric functions to determine the magnitude.

Why is it important to know the magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle?

Knowing the magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle is important because it helps us understand the safety and stability of the rider while riding the motorcycle. It also allows us to make adjustments to the design and mechanics of the motorcycle to ensure the rider's safety and comfort.

What factors can affect the magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle?

The magnitude of force on a rider from a motorcycle can be affected by various factors such as the weight and speed of the motorcycle, the weight and position of the rider, the terrain, and the angle of the motorcycle's acceleration or deceleration.

Are there any real-life applications of force vector problems?

Yes, force vector problems have many real-life applications in fields such as engineering, sports, and transportation. For example, engineers use force vector analysis to design structures that can withstand different forces, and athletes use it to improve their performance in sports such as skiing and skateboarding.

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