Forces between point particles: Always towards or away?

In summary: m_k}{r}\left(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k\right)$$point along the line joining the two masses, so the net force is zero.
  • #1

I've read the following argument why the torques generated by internal forces add up to zero: Since by Newton's third law all forces come in pairs, so do all internal torques, adding them we get
and apparently this is zero since ##(\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2)\parallel\vec{F}_1## .

This argument uses that the forces between two point particles always point towards or away from each other. Is this true in general? I don't quite see why it should be, but I also can't find a counterexample within the fundamental forces (although maybe magnetism, but I don't know how magnetic forces work between point particles).
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  • #2
The internal forces between two point particles do not necessarily point along the line joining the particles if the particles are point magnetic dipoles. To get a handle on this you can calculate the force on dipole ##\vec{\mu}_1## due to the presence of dipole ##\vec \mu_2## using ##\vec F_{2~on~1}=-\vec{\nabla}(\vec{\mu}_1\cdot \vec{B}_2)## where ##\vec B_2## is the magnetic dipole field set up by ##\vec \mu_2##. Knowing the force, you can find the torque using ##\vec \tau = (\vec r_1 - \vec r_2) \times \vec{F}_{2~on~1}##.
  • #3
Does that mean magnetic internal forces actually can lead to a nonzero net torque? But doesn't that violate conservation of angular momentum?
  • #4
Not if you take into consideration the angular momentum of the field itself :-)
  • #5
Oudeis Eimi said:
Not if you take into consideration the angular momentum of the field itself :-)
If we define fields as the force that would act on a hypothetical unit charge, then the field is just a mathematical tool and there should be a field-free description with forces only. Where's the angular momentum now?
  • #6
I don't think we can do that, not in a relativistic analysis anyway (which is required for electrodynamics). Since covariance (in classical theories at least) implies locality, the field must be regarded as the basic object, and (classical) point particles taken as a limiting case of a very concentrated charge distribution (so effectively another field, of charge density in this case).
  • #7
So can we somehow conclude from this that "non-relativistic forces" (if there are any) between point particles always have to point along the line joining the particles? Everything else seems to necessarily include fields and SR.
  • #8
greypilgrim said:
So can we somehow conclude from this that "non-relativistic forces" (if there are any) between point particles always have to point along the line joining the particles? Everything else seems to necessarily include fields and SR.

This is a good question, and the most straightforward answer I can give is "I don't really know" :-)

However, allowing for something less straightforward: instant forces at a distance, as they are used in Newtonian mechanics, must comply to the known conservation laws for linear and angular momentum, assuming the system has the appropriate symmetries. So forces that intrinsically don't conserve angular momentum are ruled out, as long as we model them as direct forces at a distance between point particles. Under these constraints, then it seems inevitable that said forces must act along the line joining two particles. Which agrees with your above conclusion.
  • #9
greypilgrim said:
So can we somehow conclude from this that "non-relativistic forces" (if there are any) between point particles always have to point along the line joining the particles? Everything else seems to necessarily include fields and SR.
It depends on how strong assumptions you make concerning the forces between your point particles. The standard way is to consider a many-body system that is (a) describable as a Hamiltonian system, i.e., the equations of motion are derivable from Hamilton's action principle and is (b) closed, i.e., taking into account all particles all 10 conservation laws due to Galilei symmetry are fulfilled or equivalently the action is Galilei invariant and (c) there are only two-body forces. Then from symmetry considerations you can show that the Lagrangian is of the form
$$L=\sum_{j=1}^N \frac{m_j}{2} \dot{\vec{x}}_j^2 - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j,k; \, j \neq k} V_{jk}(|\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k|).$$
In other words the forces are derivable from central potentials for particle pairs, which implies that the forces are always along the line joining the particles:
$$\vec{F}_{j,k}=-\vec{\nabla}_j V_{jk}(|\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k|)=-\frac{\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k}{|\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k|} V_{jk}'(|\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k|).$$
An example are Newton's gravitational forces, for which
$$V_{jk}=-\frac{\gamma m_j m_k}{|\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k|}.$$

Related to Forces between point particles: Always towards or away?

1. What are point particles?

Point particles are hypothetical particles that are considered to have zero size and are represented as a mathematical point. They are used to simplify the study of physical systems and their interactions.

2. What is the nature of the forces between point particles?

The forces between point particles can either be attractive or repulsive, depending on the properties of the particles and their distance from each other. These forces are mediated by fundamental interactions such as gravity, electromagnetic force, and nuclear forces.

3. Are the forces between point particles always towards or away?

No, the forces between point particles can be both towards and away from each other, depending on the type of interaction and the properties of the particles. For example, gravity is always attractive whereas electromagnetic force can be either attractive or repulsive.

4. How do the forces between point particles affect their motion?

The forces between point particles determine the acceleration of the particles and therefore affect their motion. If the forces are balanced, the particles will have constant velocity, while if they are unbalanced, the particles will accelerate in the direction of the net force.

5. Can the forces between point particles be measured?

Since point particles are hypothetical and have zero size, their forces cannot be measured directly. However, their effects can be observed and measured using various scientific instruments and techniques, such as particle accelerators and detectors.

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