Forces for bodies connected by a wire on inclined surface

In summary, the conversation revolved around a physics problem involving two masses accelerating with a wire under tension. The two possibilities were discussed, with the conclusion that the first possibility was the case. It was recommended to use algebraic equations and to be mindful of units and rounding errors while solving the problem. Additionally, it was suggested to work symbolically for more accurate results.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Two bodies (masses 2 kg and 4 kg) are joined by a wire. The system is laid along a rough inclined plane (the angle of inclination is 30 degrees). For the upper, lighter body, the coefficient of friction is 0.2 and for the lower it is 0.12. what is the thread force after the system is left to itself?
Relevant Equations
F=ma, F=mg, cos, sin,
Hello PhysicsForums!
Here is my attempt at a solution for the problem stated above:

Where m1 and m2 are the masses
Where Ff1 and Ff2 are friction for each mass
Where a1 and a2 is the resulting acceleration
Where S is the fore of the wire (threadforce)
Where FN is the normal force

The answear should be 0.91 Newton

Any clues on what I need to change?

Thanks on beforehand for your help!
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  • #2
There are two possibilities that I can see.
  1. The two masses accelerate with the wire under tension (thread force) they must the same acceleration because the wire is assumed inextensible. This means that the velocity of one block does not change relative to the velocity of the other.
  2. The trailing mass is accelerating faster than the leading mass in which case the tension is zero.
You need to determine which possibility is the case here and then write the appropriate equations. Specifically, if (1) is the case, you must use ##a_1=a_2=a## in the equations.
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Likes MatinSAR and Heexit
  • #3
Thanks for your help!

Here is my new solution to the problem (with the correct answear!)

Thanks for you help and time!
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Likes kuruman
  • #4
If you had solved the problem symbolically to find an algebraic expression in the form ##s =\dots~##, you would have avoided round off errors and your answer would have been closer to the given one. Anyway, good job!
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Likes MatinSAR and Heexit
  • #5
Hi @Heexit. I'd like to add a minor point. Writing an angle without units, e.g. ##\sin (30)##, implies the angle is in radians. You should include the degrees symbol if the angle is in degrees, i.e. ##\sin(30º)##.

Not distinguishing between radians and degrees - and not ensuring calculators are in the correct mode (radians-mode or degrees-mode) easily leads to errors.

Also, if you are calculating intermediate values, work and record values to two (or more) extra significant figures in the intemediate steps; this reduces rounding error in the final answer. Or better still, work symbolically till near the end, as suggested by @kuruman.

Edit: typo' corrected.
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Likes Heexit, MatinSAR and Lnewqban

FAQ: Forces for bodies connected by a wire on inclined surface

1. How do you calculate the tension in the wire connecting two bodies on an inclined plane?

To calculate the tension in the wire, you need to consider the forces acting on both bodies. First, identify the gravitational force, normal force, frictional force (if any), and the tension in the wire. Use Newton's second law (F = ma) to set up equations for each body. Solve these equations simultaneously to find the tension in the wire.

2. What role does the angle of the inclined plane play in determining the forces on the bodies?

The angle of the inclined plane affects the components of the gravitational force acting on the bodies. The gravitational force can be split into two components: one parallel to the incline (which causes the bodies to slide down) and one perpendicular to the incline (which affects the normal force). The steeper the incline, the larger the parallel component and the smaller the perpendicular component.

3. How does friction affect the forces on bodies connected by a wire on an inclined surface?

Friction opposes the motion of the bodies and affects the net force acting on them. The frictional force depends on the coefficient of friction between the surfaces and the normal force. If friction is present, it must be included in the force equations. Static friction prevents motion up to a certain limit, while kinetic friction acts when the bodies are moving.

4. How do you determine if the bodies will move or remain stationary on the inclined plane?

To determine if the bodies will move, compare the net force acting parallel to the incline with the maximum static friction force. If the net force is greater than the static friction force, the bodies will move. If it is less, the bodies will remain stationary. Calculate the net force by summing the forces parallel to the incline and subtracting the frictional force.

5. What is the effect of different masses of the bodies on the tension in the wire?

The masses of the bodies affect the gravitational force components and, consequently, the tension in the wire. A heavier body will exert a greater gravitational force, increasing the tension needed to keep the system in equilibrium. When setting up the equations, the masses will directly influence the terms involving gravitational force, and thus, the resulting tension in the wire.

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