Forces Outside Our Observable Universe?

In summary, Krauss' article in the Feb 2008 SciAm magazine discusses the acceleration of the universe, believed to be caused by a new form of "dark energy" associated with empty space. Some researchers have proposed that forces outside our observable universe may be acting on our universe, causing this acceleration, but this is a complex and unresolved puzzle in cosmology.
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Krauss, in his article in the Feb 2008 SciAm magazine stated:

" Two different groups of astronomers traced the expansion of the universe over the past five billion years and found that it appears to be speeding up. The source of this cosmic antigravity is thought to be some new form of “dark energy” associated with empty space. The acceleration of the universe implies that empty space contains almost three times as much energy as all the cosmic structures we observe today: galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies. "

Could it be that forces outside our observable universe are acting on things inside our observable universe in such a way as to cause this acceleration, rather than some expanding "dark energy" inside our observable universe?

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  • #2
81+ said:
Could it be that forces outside our observable universe are acting on things inside our observable universe in such a way as to cause this acceleration, rather than some expanding "dark energy" inside our observable universe?

David Wiltshire is the main proponent of that view and he has written a number of papers trying to work it out.
Look in under the name Wiltshire, or in slac.stanford database called spires.
I know of it, but am not too familiar with it.

i have the impression it doesn't necessarily work, but is not a bad idea to try out. he ran it up the flagpole a few years ago, if I remember, but not too many people saluted

you have to look back down the list to find the first of his papers on this idea

another thing is acceleration is not the only riddle that a cosmological constant can answer, or that dark energy answers

it also supplies the missing stuff that the General Relativity-based model requires for spatial flatness.
there does not seem to be enough dark matter and ordinary matter so as to explain spatial flatness
and yet galaxy redshift surveys and the CMB indicate space is approximately flat

the amount of dark energy you need to explain the acceleration is also the right amount needed to explain flatness.

so just finding an alternative Wiltshire type explanation for acceleration would still not get rid of all the seeming need for dark energy. it is a complex puzzle.

several research journals have recently devoted entire issues to the dark energy problem.
there is actually no standard story, no consensus. experts are puzzled and disagree. if you are puzzled you are in good company
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  • #3
81+ said:
Krauss, in his article in the Feb 2008 SciAm magazine stated:

" Two different groups of astronomers traced the expansion of the universe over the past five billion years and found that it appears to be speeding up. The source of this cosmic antigravity is thought to be some new form of “dark energy” associated with empty space. The acceleration of the universe implies that empty space contains almost three times as much energy as all the cosmic structures we observe today: galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies. "

Could it be that forces outside our observable universe are acting on things inside our observable universe in such a way as to cause this acceleration, rather than some expanding "dark energy" inside our observable universe?

This is a suggestive idea. There are models in which our universe is a part of a higher dimensional space-time. If this space-time in turn has some special properties, then the evolution of its intrinsic curvature may act as a kind of dark energy in our four dimensional space-time, accelerating its expansion. If you are interested search for the work of Gia Dvali.

Related to Forces Outside Our Observable Universe?

1. What are forces outside our observable universe?

Forces outside our observable universe refer to any physical or non-physical influences that exist beyond what we can observe with our current technology and understanding. This may include phenomena such as dark matter, dark energy, and other forces that contribute to the expansion and structure of the universe.

2. How do we know that there are forces outside our observable universe?

Scientists use various methods such as mathematical models, observations of cosmic microwave background radiation, and studies of galaxy and star movements to infer the existence of these forces. However, since we cannot directly observe these forces, our understanding of them is still limited and subject to ongoing research and exploration.

3. Can forces outside our observable universe affect us?

It is currently unknown whether these forces have any direct impact on our daily lives. However, they are thought to play a crucial role in the structure and evolution of the universe, which ultimately affects the conditions in which life on Earth exists.

4. Are there any theories that explain forces outside our observable universe?

There are several scientific theories, such as the inflationary model and the Big Bang theory, that attempt to explain the origins and behavior of these forces. However, due to the lack of direct observation, these theories are still being refined and expanded upon.

5. Will we ever be able to observe forces outside our observable universe?

It is possible that with advancements in technology and scientific understanding, we may eventually be able to observe these forces directly. However, it remains a challenging and ongoing area of research, and it is uncertain whether we will ever fully understand all the forces at play in the universe.
