Formation of Deuterium: Exploring the Building Blocks of the Universe

In summary, Deuterium is created from two protons by beta decay. After the big bang, most of the deuterium was created by free neutrons fusing with protons.
  • #1
quite new in chemistry..
I would like to know the beginning of the atoms in the universe.
Therefore I must understand the process from Hydrogen to Helium. But
to create Helium you need the isotope(#2) "Deuterium" from Hydrogen.

But how did the Deuterium form? From two Protons colliding or did two Protium
(also an isotope, #1)-atoms became a pair? If it became a pair, how could they
resist the repelling force between them?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
In the early universe the energy of the particles was high enough for protons to fuse together. During this process, two protons come together and one undergoes beta decay, turning into a neutron so that there is no longer any repulsion. See the following article. (It's about the p-p chain inside stars, but it's the same process in the early universe)–proton_chain_reaction
  • #3
Drakkith said:
During this process, two protons come together and one undergoes beta decay, turning into a neutron so that there is no longer any repulsion. See the following article.

Protons do not decay, except in some "beyond the standard model" theories that have no experimental support behind them!

After the big bang, there was both protons and neutrons in the early universe. Some of the nucleons formed deuterium, but most of this deuterium went into the formation of 4He. The left-over deuterium is what we observe in the present universe.
  • #4
hilbert2 said:
Protons do not decay, except in some "beyond the standard model" theories that have no experimental support behind them!

After the big bang, there was both protons and neutrons in the early universe. Some of the nucleons formed deuterium, but most of this deuterium went into the formation of 4He. The left-over deuterium is what we observe in the present universe.

Ah, I had forgotten about the neutrons that were present. However, protons do in fact undergo beta decay during proton-proton fusion. (Specifically beta-plus decay)

Edit: Note that this beta decay only happens when the protons fuse together. Lone protons do not decay.
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  • #6
Thanks for your help ,

If I also might ask:

Did the decay have anything to do with the process
of creating the first atoms, or, did it happen after?
which came first, Alfa-decay or Beta-decay? Alfa decay is from what
I've understand only for helium-nucleus.
  • #7
Toldox said:
Thanks for your help ,

If I also might ask:

Did the decay have anything to do with the process
of creating the first atoms, or, did it happen after?

Only slightly. Most of the deuterium was created by free neutrons fusing with protons, and only a small amount was from proton-proton fusion. I was a little mistaken on my first post, as I forgot about the free neutrons and the very short timescale that big bang nucleosynthesis took place in.

which came first, Alfa-decay or Beta-decay? Alfa decay is from what
I've understand only for helium-nucleus.

I'm not sure you can really classify them as one coming before the other. Alpha decay is defined as the ejection of a helium nucleus from an atom, while beta decay is when an atom emits a beta particle (electron or positron) from its nucleus. I guess that if you go off the timeline, beta decay would come first, as practically no atoms were formed that underwent alpha decay during BBN.
  • #8
Ok then I understand :smile:
Thx again.

FAQ: Formation of Deuterium: Exploring the Building Blocks of the Universe

1. How was Deuterium formed in the universe?

Deuterium was formed during the early stages of the universe, known as the Big Bang. During this time, the high temperatures and pressures allowed hydrogen atoms to fuse together, creating deuterium.

2. What is the role of Deuterium in the formation of stars and galaxies?

Deuterium is an important element in the formation of stars and galaxies. It is one of the main components of the gas clouds that collapse to form stars. Deuterium also plays a role in the formation of heavy elements, such as carbon and oxygen, which are essential for the formation of planets and life.

3. How does Deuterium differ from regular hydrogen?

Deuterium differs from regular hydrogen in that it contains one proton and one neutron in its nucleus, while regular hydrogen only contains one proton. This extra neutron makes deuterium twice as heavy as regular hydrogen.

4. Can Deuterium be found on Earth?

Yes, deuterium can be found on Earth in small amounts. It is a naturally occurring element and can be found in water, plants, and animals. However, the majority of deuterium on Earth is artificially produced for use in nuclear reactions and other scientific research.

5. How is Deuterium used in scientific research?

Deuterium is used in various scientific research, particularly in nuclear physics and chemistry. It is also used in nuclear reactors and fusion experiments. Additionally, deuterium is used extensively in the field of spectroscopy, which is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation.
