Formation of stars and non-conservation of angular momentum

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of energy levels and ionization energies in quantum mechanics and how the quantization of angular momentum plays a crucial role in determining the possible values of observables. The conservation of angular momentum is also important in the formation of structures necessary for life to exist. The conversation also touched on the "Anthropic Principle" and how the fundamental constants of nature play a role in the possibility of life.
  • #1
Good morning all,

Recently in a modern physics course of mine, my professor was covering the topic of energy levels and ionization energies and it included a diagram very similar to this one:


While it is interesting to learn that these diagrams correspond to a very specific and strict set of energies in which the angular momentum is quantized, I'm left with a bigger question that's a little reminiscent of Max Planck's historical perspective.

Why is a continuum of energies not allowed? Perhaps more interestingly, assuming the angular momentum were NOT quantized, could life still exist somehow? Or is the conservation of angular momentum in quantum systems crucial for the formation of structures which spring forth life?
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  • #2
In quantum mechanics the possible values an observable can take is given by the spectrum of the self-adjoint operators describing them. The Hamiltonian of a system should be bounded from below in order to have a stable ground state. Otherwise it's pretty unrestricted. Consequently all possible cases of spectra occur: You have the case of only discrete energy values (e.g., the harmonic oscillator), both discrete and continuous energy values (e.g., the hydrogen atom), or only continuous energy values (the free particle). All of the mentioned examples are exactly solvable in non-relativistic quantum theory.

Angular momentum takes always discrete values. More precisely you can only have the magnitude (squared) of the angular momentum ##\vec{J}^2## and one component in some direction determined. Usually one chooses ##J_3##. This is, because the angular-momentum operators do not commute, but any component commutes with ##\vec{J}^2##. For both operators the eigenvalues form a completely discrete spectrum. The possible values are ##\hbar j(j+1)## with ##j \in \{0,1/2,1,\ldots \}## and ##j_z \hbar## with ##j_z \in \{-j,-j+1,\ldots,j-1,j \}## for each given ##j##. The total angular momentum of a closed system is always conserved.

What all this has to do with the possibility for life, is not clear to me. There's some remarkable observation, sometimes called the "Anthropic Principle". One can speculate about what happens if the physics is the same (i.e., quantum theory and general relativity) but the fundamental constants of nature like the fine-structure constant (strength of the electromagnetic interaction), the gravitational constant, etc. were different. It turns out that the formation of life as we know it is pretty much dependent on the values of these fundamental constants as we observe.

FAQ: Formation of stars and non-conservation of angular momentum

1. How do stars form?

Stars form in giant molecular clouds, where gravity causes the gas and dust to collapse and form a dense core. As the core heats up, it begins to glow and become a protostar. Over time, the protostar will continue to accrete more gas and dust, eventually becoming a main sequence star.

2. What is the role of angular momentum in star formation?

Angular momentum is a key factor in the formation of stars. As the gas and dust in a molecular cloud collapse, they begin to rotate faster due to the conservation of angular momentum. This rotation causes the protostar to flatten into a disk shape, which allows material to accrete onto the protostar more efficiently.

3. Why is angular momentum not conserved in star formation?

While angular momentum is conserved on a small scale, it is not conserved on a larger scale during star formation. This is because some of the angular momentum is transferred to the disk surrounding the protostar, while the rest is carried away by outflowing material. As a result, the final star will have less angular momentum than the initial gas cloud.

4. How do scientists study the non-conservation of angular momentum in star formation?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study the non-conservation of angular momentum in star formation. This includes observing the rotation of molecular clouds, studying the distribution and motion of gas and dust in protostellar disks, and measuring the outflows and jets from young stars. Computer simulations also play a crucial role in understanding this process.

5. What are the implications of the non-conservation of angular momentum in star formation?

The non-conservation of angular momentum has important implications for our understanding of how stars, planets, and other celestial bodies form. It helps explain why planets orbit in the same direction as their parent star's rotation, and why some exoplanets have highly inclined orbits. It also affects the evolution of protostellar disks and can influence the types of planets that form in a given system.

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