Forming the most general two qubit entangled state & parametrizing it.

In summary, the conversation discusses the most general form of two qubit entangled states, which can be represented as a linear combination of four different states with complex coefficients. The normalization condition for these coefficients is also mentioned, and a possible parametrization using four free parameters is suggested. However, it is uncertain if this is the most general form.
  • #1
I have seen four two qubit entangled states of the form:

$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left | 00 \right > \pm \left | 11 \right >$

$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left | 01 \right > \pm \left | 10 \right >$

I want to write a most general two qubit entangled state. I presume it can be of the form:

$ \alpha \left | 00 \right > + \beta \left | 11 \right > + \gamma \left | 01 \right > + \delta \left | 10 \right >$

where the $\alpha, \beta ...$ are complex numbers. If this is correct, How can I parametrize these constants using least number of free parameters?
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  • #2
the states are orthogonal and you get for the normalization condition alpha^2+beta^2+gamma^2 +delta^2=1
Hence alpha=sin x sin y sin z exp ia
Beta=sin x sin y cos z exp ib
Gamma=sin x cos y exp ic
Delta=cos x exp id
For example. I am not sure if its the most general form.

FAQ: Forming the most general two qubit entangled state & parametrizing it.

1. What is a qubit?

A qubit, or quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information. It is the quantum analogue of a classical bit, and can represent two states simultaneously, unlike a classical bit which can only represent one state at a time.

2. What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be fully described without considering the state of the other particle(s). This means that the particles are inextricably linked, even if they are separated by large distances.

3. How do you form a two qubit entangled state?

To form a two qubit entangled state, you first need two qubits. Then, you need to perform a quantum operation on the two qubits that will entangle them. This can be done using techniques such as quantum gates or measurements.

4. What is the most general two qubit entangled state?

The most general two qubit entangled state is a superposition of two qubit states, where the coefficients of the superposition represent the probabilities of each state. This state can be written as a linear combination of the four Bell states.

5. How do you parametrize a two qubit entangled state?

To parametrize a two qubit entangled state, you need to find the coefficients of the superposition that represent the probabilities of each state. These coefficients can be represented by a set of parameters, such as angles, which can be used to describe the state of the qubits. Different parametrizations can be used, depending on the specific properties of the entangled state that need to be described.
