Formula for Interplanar Distance in Cubic Lattice

  • Thread starter potatowhisperer
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the formula for the inter-planar distance for cubic lattices. The formula is d (h,k,l)= a /√ (h² +k²+l²) and can be simplified to 2π/(√a*²(h²+k²+l²)). There is confusion about the difference between a and a*, with a* being the parameter of the reciprocal lattice. It is mentioned that a* is deduced from the parameters of the primitive lattice and is not always equal to 2π/a. The difference between lattice constant and modulus of the lattice vector is explained. The conversation concludes with the understanding that the calculation of reciprocal vectors should be done for the actual body centered lattice, not
  • #1
i am trying to find the formula for the inter-planar distance for the cubic .
i do know that it's :d (h,k,l)= a /√ (h² +k²+l²), i am only able to get to : 2π/(√a*²(h²+k²+l²)) , with a* being the parameter of the reciprocal lattice , the explanation given to how to go from a* to a , is that for all cubic lattices : a* = 2π/a , and this is what i don t understand , a = a* , only in the case of the simple cube , for body centered cube for example : we find a* = (2π/a)( j+k )with a*, j,k vectors ,a : parameter of the elementary lattice ; so calculating the modulus we find a*= √2 2π/a ;
and i am feeling frustrated , i know i am missing something but i don t know what .
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  • #2
It looks like you need to clarify the definitions of a and a*.
  • #3
a refers to the parameter of the elementary lattice , as a, b, c , of the simple cubic lattice .

a* is the parameter of the reciprocal lattice , as in a* , b* , c* .

a* , b* , c* are deduced from the parameters of the primitive lattice, a1 , a2 and a3 .
in the second pic a* is b1 , b*is b2 , c* is b3 , .
you can see that the modulus of a* = b 1 , is not 2π/a .
  • #4
after a lot of searching , i noticed something , they do not actually mention the modulus of the vectors themselves but the lattice constant , i don t exactly understand what the difference is .
lattice constant is defined as the physical dimension of unit cells in a crystal lattice. so how is that different from the modulus of the lattice vector ?
  • #5
i think i finally understood what is going on : you see i have always assumed that they were talking about the primitive vectors , for example to calculate the reciprocal vectors in the case of body centered we had to look for the primitive lattice ( which is a simple cube ) , but doing that means we re calculating the primitive reciprocal vectors . not just the reciprocal vectors .
and so if we actually try to calculate the reciprocal vectors of the actual body centered lattice,without going through the primitive lattice , we find 2π/a , and that is true for all cubic lattices .
uhhhh finally . all because of one word : primitive .

FAQ: Formula for Interplanar Distance in Cubic Lattice

What is the formula for interplanar distance in cubic lattice?

The formula for interplanar distance in cubic lattice is d = a/√(h² + k² + l²), where d is the interplanar distance, a is the lattice constant, and h, k, l are the Miller indices representing the orientation of the lattice planes.

How is the interplanar distance calculated in a cubic lattice?

The interplanar distance is calculated by dividing the lattice constant a by the square root of the sum of the squares of the Miller indices h, k, l.

What is the significance of the interplanar distance in cubic lattice?

The interplanar distance is an important factor in determining the spacing between lattice planes in a cubic lattice. It helps to understand the arrangement of atoms in a crystal and is essential in understanding the physical and chemical properties of materials.

Can the formula for interplanar distance be used for other types of lattices?

No, the formula for interplanar distance in cubic lattice is specific to cubic lattices and cannot be used for other types of lattices such as hexagonal or orthorhombic lattices.

How can the interplanar distance be measured experimentally?

The interplanar distance can be measured using techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, or neutron diffraction. These techniques involve analyzing the diffraction patterns produced by a crystal and using the Bragg equation to calculate the interplanar distance.

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