Formula for voltage output produced by an alternator?

In summary, an 8th grader is working on a science investigatory project to create a concept alternator powered by water collected from rain. The goal is to power a 5-volt bulb with the rotor rotating 2-3 times per second. The student is seeking information on how many turns the coil will need to reach 5 volts when the magnet turns 2-3 times per second. Additionally, the student is advised to research basic electricity concepts and is provided with a formula to calculate the number of turns needed. However, it is noted that trying to produce 5 volts instead of 3 may result in damaging the bulb or creating excess heat.
  • #1

I have a science investigatory project issued by my school. For my (actually our) project, we decided we will make a some sort of concept alternator powered by water collected from rain. Our goal is pretty small, to power up a small 5-volt bulb. Assuming the rotor rotates 2-3 times a second, how many turns will the coil need to attain 5 volts or more?

Edit: I meant magneto by alternator.

an 8th grader
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  • #3
Nidum said:
There is a Google page where you can get some ideas :

Thanks for the link, but I have the concept of the project already laid out. I just need the specific values of things such as mentioned before, how much turns of coil do I need to reach 5 volts when the magnet turns 2-3 times per second?
  • #4
yrjosmiel73 said:
Thanks for the link, but I have the concept of the project already laid out. I just need the specific values of things such as mentioned before, how much turns of coil do I need to reach 5 volts when the magnet turns 2-3 times per second?
A number of turns that will produce 5 volts unloaded will do you absolutely no good at all if the bulb loads it well beyond its capacity to generate current. That not too likely to happen but my point is that your having totally ignored the current (/power) requirements implies that you don't quite grasp the fundamentals so it would be a good idea for you to study up a bit on basic electricity.

Taking on such a project at 8th grade is a terrific thing to do, so I don't mean to discourage you, I'm just suggesting that there is maybe an hour's worth of reading that you should do on some site that explores the basics of electricity (the concepts of voltage / current / power and so forth).
  • #5
phinds said:
A number of turns that will produce 5 volts unloaded will do you absolutely no good at all if the bulb loads it well beyond its capacity to generate current. That not too likely to happen but my point is that your having totally ignored the current (/power) requirements implies that you don't quite grasp the fundamentals so it would be a good idea for you to study up a bit on basic electricity.

Taking on such a project at 8th grade is a terrific thing to do, so I don't mean to discourage you, I'm just suggesting that there is maybe an hour's worth of reading that you should do on some site that explores the basics of electricity (the concepts of voltage / current / power and so forth).

I'm trying to power up a 3-volt bulb.
  • #6
In my opinion you could use the simple formula as:

Induced emf Eph = 4.44* f *Flux*Tph*kw then:

turns per phase Tph = Eph / (4.44* f*Flux* kw)

Frequency of generated emf f = p*NS/120 = p*ns/2,

Ns = Synchronous speed in rpm[rotations/minute]

ns = synchronous speed in rps[ rotations/second]

p = no of pole pairs.

kw = winding factor

Air gap flux per pole Flux= Bav*PI()*D*L/p where:

Bav = Average [magnetic] flux density

D=stator diameter; L=stator length

Let’s take an example:

Let's take a pole of Neodymium Magnet N30 Br=1.12 T[Wb/m^2]

Let's average magnetic flux density Bav=Br

Let's take a stator of 3cm inside diameter and 10 cm length

Let's take 2 poles[p=number of pole pairs=1]

Let's take winding factor kw=0.955

Flux= Bav*PI()*D*L/p=1.12[Wb/m^2]*pi()*0.03[m]*0.1[m]/1=0.010556 Wb

f=p*ns/2=1*3/2=1.5 Hz

Tph = Eph / (4.44* f*Flux* kw)=5/(4.44*1.5*0.010556*0.955)=75 turns/phase
  • #7
yrjosmiel73 said:
I'm trying to power up a 3-volt bulb.
Then why are you trying to produce 5 volts instead of 3? If your source has decent power capability you'll either burn out the bulb or, more reasonably, have to burn off some of the excess as heat in a resistive voltage divider

Related to Formula for voltage output produced by an alternator?

1. What is the formula for calculating the voltage output of an alternator?

The formula for calculating the voltage output of an alternator is V = E x N x K, where V is the voltage output in volts, E is the electromotive force in volts, N is the number of turns in the alternator's coil, and K is a constant that takes into account factors such as the strength of the magnetic field and the speed of rotation of the alternator.

2. How does the number of turns in the coil affect the voltage output of an alternator?

The number of turns in the coil is directly proportional to the voltage output of an alternator. This means that as the number of turns increases, the voltage output also increases. This is because more turns in the coil result in a stronger magnetic field, which in turn generates a higher voltage.

3. What is the significance of the electromotive force in the formula for voltage output?

The electromotive force (EMF) represents the amount of electrical energy that is induced in the alternator's coil. It is a crucial factor in the formula for voltage output as it is responsible for creating the initial magnetic field that is needed for the alternator to work.

4. Does the speed of rotation of the alternator affect the voltage output?

Yes, the speed of rotation of the alternator does affect the voltage output. The faster the alternator rotates, the higher the voltage output will be. This is because a higher rotation speed results in a stronger magnetic field, which leads to a higher EMF and therefore, a higher voltage output.

5. How do factors such as temperature and load affect the voltage output of an alternator?

Factors such as temperature and load can affect the voltage output of an alternator. Changes in temperature can cause the resistance of the alternator's coils to vary, which can affect the overall voltage output. Additionally, an increase in load can cause a decrease in the voltage output as the alternator has to work harder to supply the necessary amount of energy.
