Formulating lagrangian for a system

In summary, the conversation focuses on finding the angular velocity of a system using Lagrangian equations and conservation of energy. The individual struggles with different approaches and equations, but eventually comes to the solution by multiplying the equation of motion by the derivative of angular velocity and integrating with respect to time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Mases are as stated on the picture, I is the moment of inertia of the pulley, angle marked is ω and a is a radius.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I try to formulate a lagrangian for this system, but I don't know what coordinates shall I use. How to relate the angle and position of the mass m?
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  • #2
The distance the mass descends is equal to the amount of string that comes off your pulley when it rotates by angle ω, right? There's only one real coordinate in your lagrangian, ω.
  • #3
So is it ok to write:



  • #4
seems o.k. to me.
  • #5
Ok then, so after writing Euler-Lagrange's equations I get:


And I need to know the angular velocity. If i integrate wrt. time i get:


But it seems strange that angular velocity would depend explicitly on time. Did I mess up somewhere? First term in V depends on ω and not on trig. function of ω, so when I differnentiate the lagrangian wrt. ω it disappears, and so after integration there is 't' in angular velocity.
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  • #6
Gloyn said:
Ok then, so after writing Euler-Lagrange's equations I get:


And I need to know the angular velocity. If i integrate wrt. time i get:


But it seems strange that angular velocity would depend explicitly on time. Did I mess up somewhere? First term in V depends on ω and not on trig. function of ω, so when I differnentiate the lagrangian wrt. ω it disappears, and so after integration there is 't' in angular velocity.

Why would that seem strange? If you put M=0 and analyze that then you just have a constant torque on your pulley. Angular velocity should increase linearly in time, right?
  • #7
You're right, it was just my autosugestion as question is formulated:

find angular velocity in terms of a, m, M, I and theta. So how to do that? The answer that I found is:

\sqrt{\frac{2ga(m\theta - (M + M)\cos\theta)}{I + Ma^2 + ma^2}

and ther's no t explicitly.
  • #8
Gloyn said:
You're right, it was just my autosugestion as question is formulated:

find angular velocity in terms of a, m, M, I and theta. So how to do that? The answer that I found is:

\sqrt{\frac{2ga(m\theta - (M + M)\cos\theta)}{I + Ma^2 + ma^2}

and ther's no t explicitly.

You should probably figure how tex tags work Here's what you wrote:

[tex] \sqrt{\frac{2ga(m\theta - (M + M)\cos\theta)}{I + Ma^2 + ma^2}} [/tex]

Aside from typos (why M+M?) it looks like they used conservation of total energy E=T+V setting the energy E to 0. I don't know why they did that. There should really be an arbitrary constant in there.
  • #10
Lagrangians aren't the way to go. You won't able to solve the equation of motion in any simple way.
  • #11
But if this equation is correct:

[tex] \frac{dω}{dt}=\frac{agm}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int dt -\frac{gam}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int sinωdt [/tex]

Shouldn't it be able to transform it to required form? I mean, if those equations express the same quantity, why do they differ so much?
  • #12
Gloyn said:
But if this equation is correct:

[tex] \frac{dω}{dt}=\frac{agm}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int dt -\frac{gam}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int sinωdt [/tex]

Shouldn't it be able to transform it to required form? I mean, if those equations express the same quantity, why do they differ so much?

No, you can't get a useful solution that way. What are going to do with the integral sinωdt? sinωdω would be easy but that's not what you have. Just use conservation of energy.
  • #13
Gloyn said:
But if this equation is correct:

[tex] \frac{dω}{dt}=\frac{agm}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int dt -\frac{gam}{(ma^2+Ma^2+I)}\int sinωdt [/tex]

Shouldn't it be able to transform it to required form? I mean, if those equations express the same quantity, why do they differ so much?

Go back to the equation of motion (Lagrange's equation)

[tex](ma^2+Ma^2+I) \frac{d^2ω}{dt^2}=mga -Mgasinω[/tex]

and multiply through by ##dω/dt## before integrating with respect to ##t##. This will lead to the energy equation.
  • #14
Damn, it works :). Thank you very much, I didn't think of doing that trick.

FAQ: Formulating lagrangian for a system

What is a lagrangian and why is it used in formulating a system?

A lagrangian is a mathematical function that describes the dynamics of a physical system. It is used in formulating a system because it allows us to model the behavior of a system using a set of equations, making it easier to analyze and predict its behavior.

How is the lagrangian different from other mathematical functions used in physics?

The lagrangian is unique because it takes into account both the kinetic and potential energies of a system, allowing us to analyze the entire system at once. Other mathematical functions, such as the Hamiltonian, only consider the system's kinetic energy.

What are the key steps in formulating a lagrangian for a system?

The key steps include identifying the system's degrees of freedom, defining the kinetic and potential energies, and using the lagrangian equation to derive the equations of motion for the system. It is also important to check for any constraints or external forces that may affect the system.

Can the lagrangian be used for any type of physical system?

Yes, the lagrangian can be used for any type of physical system, from simple particles to complex multi-body systems. It is a versatile tool that allows us to analyze and predict the behavior of a wide range of systems.

What are the advantages of using a lagrangian approach in formulating a system?

One advantage is that it simplifies the equations of motion for a system, making it easier to solve and analyze. It also allows us to take into account the system's constraints and external forces, providing a more accurate representation of the system's behavior. Additionally, the lagrangian approach is a fundamental concept in modern physics and is used in a variety of fields, making it a valuable skill for scientists to have.
