Fortran 90, changing 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one

In summary, you are trying to convert an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one. First, you create an intvalbin8 array, where N is the byte length of the input data. Then, you do a while loop, where you calculate the intvalbin10 value based on the intvalbin8 value and the shape of the intvalbin10 array. Finally, you transform the intvalbin10 value into 10 bit integers.
  • #1

I'm having a bit of trouble converting an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one.

First i create intvalbin8, a Nx8 zero/one array where N is the byte length of the input data:
(6198 is the header offset factor)

do while (intvalout(i).gt.0)
end do

Then i (hopefully) reshape it into a Nx10 one (intvalbin10) :


Transforming it into 10 bit integers with:

do i=1,size(intvaldec10)
 do j=1,10
 end do
end do

In my case this is a column of values, corresponding to a 3712 x 464 array.
The problem is that it somehow messes up the ordering od the indices.

When printing out only every fourth line, the image looks "fine".
(this is the most decent looking out of the four subsets)


This is the full, jumbled array


I have no clue whatsoever what is wrong here. I've tried transposing,flipping... the 8bit one while reshaping it, but to no avail.

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards,



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  • #2
I don't understand what you are trying to do.

Can you show me an original "5x8" matrix, how it is supposed to look like and then show me how it is that you expect the 4x10 matrix to look like?

I am choosing a small matrix to so that you can put it all together by hand, of course.

Oops...I just realized that your Nx8 matrix is 2D and your 10-bit is a column, show me an original 5x8 and the corresponding expected vector...
  • #3
When reading data from a binary file, i only know how to read it in 1 byte chunks.

The file's header is written in this format (first 6198 entries), but the rest of is in 10 bit format.

That is why i opted for transforming the 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one, and then calulating the int values of the 10 bit one.

So, at first i have a an array Nx8 binary values:

b_{11} & b_{12} & ... \\
b_{21} & ... & ... \\
... & ... & ... \\
b_{81} & ... & b_{8N}

And then a corresponding 10 bit one should be (hopefully) :

b_{11} & b_{12} & ... \\
b_{21} & ... & ... \\
... & ... & ... \\
b_{12} & ... & ... \\
b_{22} & ... & b_{8N_{10}}
\end{bmatrix}, N_{10} = N * 8 /10

Each column would then represent a 10 bit number from the original bit stream.

A more elegant solution would be just to read the file in 10 bit chunks, but i am not sure how to do it. Is there a way of defining integer variables which are 10 bits in size?

Hopefully I've made it a bit more clear.
  • #4
Maybe a bit more clear would be to write it like this.

Instead of reading it like:

00001111 00001111 0000111...

I would like to read it like this:

0000111100 0011110000 111...
  • #5
Assuming you have enough ram, it might be easier to read in the entire file into memory, then parse the binary image into 10 bit values, using a bit and byte offsets, and using 2 or 3 bytes in a row to pick up 10 bit values.

The bit offset would go from bit 0 to bit 7, and the byte offset would increase each time the bit offset increases over 8, where you subtract 8 from the bit offset and add 1 to the byte offset. After picking up a 10 bit value, you add 2 to the bit offset, and 1 to the byte offset. If the bit offset become 8 or greater, subtract 8 from the bit offset and add 1 to the byte offset.

The 3 byte case occurs when the bit offset is 7, but you could always pick up 3 bytes and end up effectively shifting the 3rd byte bits off the end most of the time. The code would look something like this

assuming you have a byte array that contains the binary image of the data as unsigned characters, and that integers are 32 or 64 bits:

character*1 mem[...]
integer mem0, mem1, mem2
integer xbits, x10bitvalue

mem0 = mem[byte_offset]
mem1 = mem[byte_offset+1]
mem2 = mem[byte_offset+2]
xbits = (mem0*65536) + (mem1*256) + mem2
xbits = xbits / (2**(14 - bit_offset))
x10bitvalue = modulo(xbits, 2**10)

byte_offset = byte_offset + 1
bit_offset = bit_offset + 2
if(bit_offset .GE. 8)then
bit_offset = bit_offset - 8
byte_offset = byte_offset+1

The logic for writing 10 bit values would be somewhat the reverse of this process, except you would zero memory, the "add" the 10 bit values to memory:

mem0 = mem[byte_offset]
mem1 = mem[byte_offset+1]
mem2 = mem[byte_offset+2]

xbits = (mem0*65536) + (mem1*256) + mem2
xbits = xbits + (x10bitvalue*2**(14-bit_offset))
mem0 = xbits/65536
mem1 = modulo((xbits/256), 256)
mem2 = modulo(xbits,256)
mem[byte_offset] = mem0
mem[byte_offset+1] = mem1
mem[byte_offset+2] = mem2

Note if bit offset can never start on an odd bit boundary, then you only need to deal with 2 bytes at a time, readling would look like this:

mem0 = mem[byte_offset]
mem1 = mem[byte_offset+1]
xbits = (mem0*256) + mem1
xbits = xbits / (2**(6 - bit_offset))
x10bitvalue = modulo(xbits, 2**10)
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  • #6
Happy new year, sorry for the late reply.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

How would i go about reading the file as a bit sequence?
  • #7
mediocre said:
How would i go about reading the file as a bit sequence?
Just read it as a binary byte sequence (an array of bytes equal to the size of the file, which may include some padding at the end if the 10 bit values don't end up at an 8 bit (byte) boundary.
  • #8
Thank you very much for your help so far.

I'll try that out and see if it works.

Kind regards,


FAQ: Fortran 90, changing 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one

What is Fortran 90?

Fortran 90 is a programming language commonly used in scientific and engineering applications. It is an updated version of the original Fortran language, and includes new features and improvements such as array operations, modules, and dynamic memory allocation.

What does it mean to change an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one?

In computing, a bit stream is a sequence of bits (binary digits) that represents data. An 8 bit stream consists of 8 bits, or 1 byte, while a 10 bit stream consists of 10 bits, or 1.25 bytes. Changing an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one involves converting the data from being represented in 8 bits to being represented in 10 bits.

Why would I need to change an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one?

There are various reasons why someone might need to change an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one. One common reason is to increase the precision or accuracy of the data being represented. Another reason could be to accommodate a different system or device that may require data to be in a 10 bit format.

How can I change an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one using Fortran 90?

In Fortran 90, there are several ways to change an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one, depending on the specific needs and requirements of the program. One approach could be to use bitwise operations to manipulate the bits and convert them into the desired format. Another approach could be to use array operations and data manipulation techniques to convert the data from one format to another.

Are there any potential challenges or limitations when changing an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one using Fortran 90?

Yes, there could be some challenges or limitations when changing an 8 bit stream into a 10 bit one using Fortran 90. Some of these challenges could include ensuring the accuracy and correctness of the data during the conversion process, as well as potential compatibility issues with different systems or devices. It is important to carefully consider and test the results of the conversion to ensure that the data is accurately represented in the desired format.

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